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startxref This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Bilingual Education Federal Grants Showing results 1-25 of 82 for Bilingual Education federal grants, government grants and loans. For years, the Texas system of school finance provided additional funding in the Foundation School Program in support of bilingual education. We are working with schools on bilingual education projects in countries such as Argentina, Bosnia, Croatia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Turkey. Bilingual education teaches English to children and at the same time, they are taught core subjects like math and science. 55% 55% of BEA funds must be used in providing bilingual education or special language (ESL) programs and spending definitions have been expanded. 0000025776 00000 n %%EOF 0000032340 00000 n 0000036822 00000 n Previously, the weight for BE ADA’s was 0.10. TEA states that Texas provides services to the second largest LEP population in the nation, which equates to 20% of the nation’s language learners. This means that 1 in 5 students is an English Language Learner. trailer Stay current, stay sharp. Texas has a healthy growing population, and with that, Texas also has an increasing Limited English Proficient (LEP) population. 0000038322 00000 n 0000003835 00000 n There are six state approved program models for English Learners; two are English as a Second Language Program Models (ESL), and the other four are Bilingual Education Program Models (BE). 1978 Amendments to the Bilingual Education Act The Bilingual Education Act was amended again m 1978. 2073 0 obj 0000032516 00000 n <<60B1677063A8B2110A00B0F8CE40FC7F>]/Prev 744033>> 0000009273 00000 n To help monitor the changes and to provide high quality and regular program guidance support, HB3 has created an English Learner support program, Assistance by Agency. A LEP student is the same as an English Language Learner or English Learner. 0000025040 00000 n Tel: 210-444-1710; Fax: 210-444-1714. HB3 has expanded the resources and allotments given to schools with a Bilingual Education population to help serve this growing population. xref HB3 has also made it a requirement to spend at least 55% of the BE Funds on bilingual education. 0000007505 00000 n 0000003062 00000 n School districts received an additional 10% of the basic program allotment for each student in a bilingual or English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) program. Funding specifically for the instruction of French teachers, of which there is a shortage despite the boom in bilingual programs, will also be offered. This still remains true, but with the increase of the Basic Allotment from $5,140 to $6,160, the overall allotment has increased. Cambridge and bilingual education Many schools around the world use Cambridge programmes and qualifications as the English-medium strand of a bilingual education programme. <>stream Overall, HB3 has increased the funding for Bilingual Education for LEA’s. 0000016422 00000 n Previously, the weight for BE ADA’s was 0.10. To read more about the two different models, please click here for more resources. LEP students in Dual language program = 0.15 x BA = $924, Non LEP in two-way dual language immersion program = 0.05 x BA= $308, Incremental costs associated with providing smaller class sizes – new, Other supplies required for quality instruction. 0000010934 00000 n TEA is requesting that these new reporting requirements can be satisfied by a adding a new component in the annual LEA audit. 0000009887 00000 n Tags:budget, charter funding, charter school business, funding, HB3, House Bill 3, texas charter school. 0000004099 00000 n [This document originally appeared in the "IDRA Newsletter", however some accompanying charts and graphs may not be provided here.]. TEA has provided a “Rule of 20” to help determine which model your school should be providing. <> Students that are non-LEP and serving in an immersion program are also eligible for this additional allotment. 2035 39 HB3 has also added a Dual Language Allotment in the BE Allotment, which is an additional 0.05 weight to those eligible. 2035 0 obj The study focuses on high- and low-ELL districts, defined as those at the 5th and 95th percentile of percent ELL (i.e., districts with 0% ELLs and with 22% ELLs). The act not only made bilingual education a federal law, it encouraged bilingual education by providing federal funds to schools who employed native-language instruction in the classroom. 0000016240 00000 n However, in 2002, with the passage off the English Language Acquistion Act, or Title III (part of the No Child Left Behind Act ), bilingual education became as state issue and lost all federal funding. Get Today’s Tips in your inbox. BE program services are allowable at the secondary level, but not mandatory. 0000004365 00000 n ��|�����B�c�f�v��-��s� daו�r��Yzn�ŭ�Jyf�t�p�_�M�D���׍�����Ut�i��n��b��8���M1{����� 0000010544 00000 n �)'e��0� �����p%9w/ׁ*�����ؕk�Y����t ��5���X��줧��-��8UI��F�՝�V��l�^�d�����̬��g�i?Ծ��a+������q8�d���`����b9��ö�������2�9�%O�ͼ�����|���C Ǥ�. Today’s Tips are no-fluff, critical Charter specific reminders and how-to’s on deadlines, compliance and best practices. These amendments extended the Bilingual Education Act and broadened the definition of eligible students. This still remains true, but with the increase of the Basic Allotment from $5,140 to $6,160, the overall allotment has increased. Overall, HB3 has increased the funding for Bilingual Education for LEA’s. The facts show that bilingual education is a small investment that pays big dividends for the country in the form of a well educated work force. 0000002804 00000 n Copyright ©2020 Charter School Success. 0000011247 00000 n Powered by. For detailed information on a Bilingual Education federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title. This agency will help LEA’s with their bilingual education and special language programs by providing assistance and support to teachers, parents, and administrators. %PDF-1.7 %���� 0000008135 00000 n The facts show that bilingual education is a small investment that pays big dividends for the country in the form of a well educated work force.