Rather old chap! This is the question. When Superman beat the shit out of the Hulk with one punch? hey dude chill out! The vibranium in the shield grants it unusual properties, allowing it to absorb virtually all of the kinetic impact from any blows that the shield receives without injuring Rogers in the process. If he can't break it here he can't do it anywhere. I play a lot during season. Wolverine lost his memory in 2 ways depending on what version of the tale you're looking at. well whatever floats your boat. Not sure if he could break Adamentium unless it comes down to a life or death situation. trending now. Carbonadium is highly radioactive and objects composed of it have proven to disable the accelerated healing factors of Wolverine and his son, Daken, if implanted within the body. Period!! He would not just because superman is strong but the only thing that can break caps shield is adamantium. Darn that sulked, only to be told it was Thors dad that allowed it and I thought 'what a bunch of crap!' Well can he? Can Beat: Wolverine. Actually, adamantuim is much more durable than vibranium. In this pic he even says there's nothing he can't do in the realm of the natural. Superman would be capable of breaking Adamantium. Yet, others are saying he cant beat wolverine? Superman could definately break adamantium. It is a mineral native to Earth. Despite his adamantium skeleton and healing factor, Logan would go down not long after he goaded Superman to fight. not sure about that laser that your talking about.....ive not heard any DC book having show casing anyone or any item that is Adamantium. NC-17. Adamantium beta functions identically to true adamantium, but it does not inhibit the biological processes of bone. In the last cross over, supes knocked out Thor! In one instance his memory is wiped by The Weapon X program and implanted with new ones to make him a better assassin. weak." By your logic, Steel is just as strong here as it is anywhere else, but we KNOW Superman can break Steel. If you manage to build up enough power, you should be able to penetrate his skin using a bullet/needle made of Adamantium. Its not based on pure power. However, even given these facts, Superman can probably bend adamantuim, if it is streched out thin enough. Adamantium is claimed to be indestructable, Superman is claimed to be very durable. Hulk was a thousand times stronger than Superman when he bent adamantium. Superman Prime supposedly went into the sun for like 150 centuries and came out gold... he is considered a god-like being in the future. It's just as strong on earth as it is anywhere else. Adamantium of enough thickness can withstand anything, so unless the mentioned variables are specified it's sort of an unstoppable force vs an immovable object situation. i find it retarded that supes, captian marvel,hulk or thor being semi god like characters cant bend a earthly metal from our planet. Here are 5 Marvel heroes Superman would defeat and 5 he can't. So if I broke my leg and got a titanium rod put in to replace the bone I would be able to break titanium? Or what if he gets multiple injuries? Adamantium can cut through almost any known substance including Vibranium. While Superman has never been shown directly punching Cap’s Shield, or indeed anything made from Vibranium, he has been shown in the JLA/Avengers crossover, wielding Cap’s Shield and Thor’s Hammer simultaneously. Right? There’s no doubt that Wolverine is the most savage superhero in all of Marvel … They are both relatively stronger than Superman. I believe marvel says adamantium cannot be destroyed, but I believe there must be someway, because adamantium is "VIRTUALLY" indestructible, it can be destroyed. Adamantium is very expensive and this could possibly be second grade adamantium (i.e. No dissing the fact that cos he was the first commercial superhero in the twentieth century they made him larger than life and thats why they killed him off. It’s the ultimate showdown the unbreakable claws of Wolverine and the man of steel, Superman. They said no one could break Wonder Woman's magic lasso but Superman did it. Well, you overlooked True Adamantium which is arguably only vulnerable to extremely powerful matter manipulation. Also who agrees thanos breaking his shield is complete bull show 3 replies I wish they'd do a cross over and we can see what happens. In All Star Superman, Superman was able to lift 200 quintillion tonnes with one hand. pre crisis supes' piss could melt adamantium... Thor couldn't break Adamantium. The periodic table is constant throughout the universe. Other than this, most other versions would fall to the Man of Steel. Ok first of all superman would kick the shit out of Wolverine... and whoever said the Hulk could beat Superman... did noone read the DC vs Marvel... right before Amalgam? The writers at DC condensed down his powers so he is the Superman we know of today. Improve this answer. Is adamantium harder than Superman's skin and muscle tissues? Of course he can break adamantium.He's the Man Of Steel and his strength is unlimited.Of course he can.He'd just break Wolverine in two if those two were to fight. The only device that can produce carbonadium, known as the Carbonadium Synthesizer, was initially believed thrown into a river in Brussels by Wolverine. Press J to jump to the feed. Adamantium should definitely be able to hurt Superman, the question is whether or not Wolverine has enough strength to penetrate his skin. Considering he's sliced other big-timers like Colossus, I'd say that he can.. Technically, you shouldn't be able to be able to bend adamantium through sheer force, but it's been done before, so yeah, I think Superman could probably do it. Started by: Ming Tea! It is currently unknown if carbonadium affects other beings with superhuman healing powers in a similar manner. But I was pissed! That's why I said "Yep" when he said Post-crisis. only wolverine himself can truly hurt adamantium for he is the owner. Adamantium beta is a new metal created as a side-effect of the process of bonding true adamantium to Wolverine's bones. For most practical purposes, this secondary adamantium is also largely indestructible. Despite his adamantium skeleton and healing factor, Logan would go down not long after he goaded Superman to fight. User Name ; Password: REGISTER HERE TO JOIN IN! Yes, Superman could easily crush, crumble, bend, break Adamantium. The periodic table is constant throughout the universe. Adamantium has high molecular integrity than Vibranium. shut up loser, that dont carry any weight around here. could you give me a link to site that says that? and no kids sups cant beat the crap out of thor. The What If? Adamantium was created by writer Roy Thomas and artists Barry Windsor-Smith and Syd Shores in Marvel Comics' Avengers #66 (July 1969), which presents the substance as part of the character Ultron's outer shell. That makes no sense what so ever. But the real question is can Superman kill Wolverine? Im sure Superman could DO ANYTHING! superman can not break adamantium. Supes can break it. I threw the mag away, didn't buy it duh! I bought a figure, the X-Ray...it's a broken save (made of the alloy you mention) with a bomb attached to krytonite. So, Superman cannot bend or break wolverine. Gosh I'd buy a million copies. This is the question. No Pre or Post, somebody knew he couldn't be that strong cos if he was, his people would never have died! Adamantium of enough thickness can withstand anything, so unless the mentioned variables are specified it's sort of an unstoppable force vs an immovable object situation. While Superman has never been shown directly punching Cap’s Shield, or indeed anything made from Vibranium, he has been shown in the JLA/Avengers crossover, wielding Cap’s Shield and Thor’s Hammer simultaneously.27 Jul 2016 NC-17. When Superman beat the shit out of the Hulk with one punch? Conventional weapons, such as ballistic missiles, have no effect on it and it is far stronger than even the most durable of titanium or steel compounds. Deadpool used a Carbonadium katana to kill Wolverine in the miniseries "Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe". Of course he can break adamantium. I really dont see why, Superman wouldnt be able to break adamantium. well rooney fit and well now, so bite me, usa shore come up a little short in the world cup now dont they... i guess if usa were better than england i'd take that insult but it aint gona happen bub. He actually meant whether Superman is either Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis. That's how his character is written and it is abused in everyway espeically with PIS's(Plot Induced Stupidity). ya um i don't think we care UK sucks lol jpjpjpjpjp.i don't like soccer that much. Obviously Superman can't win every fight, otherwise his stories would get redundant. In the movie, a Ruger Redhawk (.44 caliber) is used to fire 2 bullets in to Wolverine's head and erase his memory. the name adamantium still sounds when i read it... so whats your point, i dont care about the insignificant details. Wolverine's claws, Captain America's shield, and many other famous Marvel weapons were crafted using this incredible steel. It has to be carefully created to get the finest grade of stupidly durable metal or you end up with crappy results that get dented and bent by angry gods and monsters with infinite strength. To bring this back up, sorry, as someone who reads both DC AND Marvel extensively, I'll give my two cents. jahf can break adamantium he punched wolverine once and broke his ribs. The Hulk and Thor are nowhere near as strong as POST crisis Supes. post ,pre, and prime cou;counldnt break pure adimantium the only thing that can is vibrium anti metal B so unless soupie is mad outta dat i dont think so biatchess. Or can he heal it in an instant? ... whose anger gave him the power to almost literally break the planet in half. If Thor trys his hardest With a blow of his hammer he can dent adamantium, Superman, Being many times stronger then Thor, could easily Shatter Adamantium. In wolverine:the end, one of logans claws was broke, so somebody is able to do it. I really think Prime would shatter adamantium. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure superman could bend it with relative ease. pros and cons being looked at why not? isn't it. Verdict: I believe we can categorize Supermans strength as "unconventional" and certainly categorize superman as a being with superhuman strength thus, strong enough to damage Secondary Adamantium. Simple applied reasoning. Could Superman however be able to break… And in the movie, he shoots him with Adamantium bullets too. Gosh, so much favoritism for one character! Superman can't break adamantium. "Ok first of all superman would kick the shit out of Wolverine... and whoever said the Hulk could beat Superman... did noone read the DC vs Marvel... right before Amalgam? Superman can't break adamantium. YELLOW SUN OR BLUE SUN! Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. See if King Thor or whatever can only dent it I don't know how Supes can break it without it taking a while. Lobo kicked Post-Crisis Superman's ass. Also who agrees thanos breaking his shield is complete bull show 3 replies Jan 3rd, 2005 09:36 PM: Darth Subjekt The beginning of the end. Gender: Male I puked over the comic after that! Secondary Adamantium also called Adamantium Steel, was created retroactively after too many instances of the supposedly-unbreakable metal Adamantium getting broken were written. Can Superman break Vibranium? Superman always seems to pull off any feat no matter how great when it comes down to the wire. Verdict: The process must weaken the adamantium a bit but gives it some ability to heal. thats why they killed him off! It's mixed in with his bones (which were already denser than a normal humans). Differential heating and cooling. Superman could just throw him into the sun. And also only thing that cut or so to speak melt down adamantium is a certain particle beam. Superman, being able to break at least Secondary Adamantium could probably easily snap this form of Adamantium in half. Oct 28, 2015 #35 Also, there is no adamantium … it may also be worth noting that physical force has also never broken magneto's forcefield, that and a host of other feats magneto has pulled suggest he may infact be as strong as superman, Magneto has powers that allow him to control all metal. - It's easy and it's free! Just for the recor wovlerines adamntium isnt very thick its just a COATING on his bones. Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and beginning April 20th, 2021 (Eastern Time) the Yahoo Answers website will be in read-only mode. KMC Community Forums. I could easily believe that Superman could bend, flex, and distort Cap's shield and other adamantium objects, but breaking them outright might take a little more than just snapping them in half. Forum Jump: And I mean any incarnation of him pre-crisis, post, Kingdom Come, Prime, 1 million etc. So go take a joint and relax your retarded brain cells, theoritically, Hulk should be able to reach supes powers cus he gets stronger as he gets madder and supes can only carry so much in his mass density whatever the case! But I must disagree. RELATED: Marvel Villains: 5 Weapon Upgrades That Were Deadlier Than The Original (& 5 That Sucked) What many people may not know about adamantium is that there isn't only one type. By that same token, Zatanna could cast "kaerb" on the shield and break it, but that doesn't mean that she's strong enough to break it. Superman would tap into the infinate power of fandom and break it with a passing thought. Well, surely he could heat it up until it's malleable. Thanos shattered Adamantium. Hulk was extremely pissed when he bent adamantium, and his strength is limitless. There supposed to be only 1 type of laser that cuts Adamantium and it works on a sub-atomic level. yeah, he destabilized the shiit out of it. From the wiki article on Adamantium there are more than a few types of Adamantium. We don't know. Red Skull has to resort to this grade because regular adamantium in his requested quantity would be too expensive). as much as i love Wolverine, i think Supes could...they said adamantium is VIRTUALLY unbreakable. Since no magical force was necessary for the Adamantium bullet to penetrate the skull we can therefore assume that a sufficiently strong enough material moving at a relatively normal speed is enough to damage Adamantium. "Well...I think it actually is that...being indestructable is that you cant be uh...destroyed by any means...". It depends on the size of the adamantium. HAHAHA, mend it blend it or melt it! Man, I'd like to see SUpes against Wolverine just to see how they make Spes kill wolverine. I loevd watching Sy'm snap Wolverine's claw for a toothpick Superman should smash this stuff same with Hulk super pissed and several other big hitters. Someone hand me a hammer! Adamatium is INDUSTRUCTABLE NOTHING can hurt it. Due to its malleability, carbonadium is less durable than true adamantium, but still nearly indestructible. It can cause varying effects from eye irritation and vomiting to DNA and chromosomal damage. The periodic table is constant throughout the universe. Carbonadium Due to its malleability, carbonadium is less durable than true adamantium, but still nearly indestructible. He was getting too unbelievable in human terms and that was crap logic! The X-Men Are Still Traumatized From Their Weirdest Ever Event. 9 years ago. Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. DC bribed them or drugged them at Marvel? To actually answer this question we'll have to explore the different types of Adamantium. It's just as strong on earth as it is anywhere else. Oct 28, 2015 #35 Also, there is no adamantium … This will depend on the absolute hardness of adamantium (diamond is 1500), its thoughness and thermodynamic stability. In a crazy, savage, bloodlust fury..hulk pupled wolverine and broke a single adamantium vertebrae in his neck. I noticed you didnt respond to that part of my quote. The closest Aquaman seems to have gotten to stabbing someone with Superman-like abilities is in Justice League #6 where he uses his adamantine trident (the Trident of Neptune) to poke Darkseid in the eye and chest.Darkseid is regularly shown to have a similar level of durability to Superman so he's a pretty reasonable analogue in terms of sheer physical resistance. And what the hell kind of logic is "dont ask if you dont know."? Obviously, this would also apply to adamantium, which would be far denser than even Mercury. Adamantium beta. It's none of your business. Can Superman break Vibranium? Ok so he fights people all the time that are invulnerable and beats them and makes them bleed. (Hulk and Thor can level mountains;Superman has … Where do they come up with these ideas? didnt superman with stand a laser type beam that could cut adamantium? Besides his opinion supes would beat wolverine. Adamantium is not an element: its properties do not qualify it for any known space on the Periodic Table of Elements. With enough concentration, he can do it. He said since he was super anything on earth by coming into contact with it , he'd become super Hulk and from that time on, hulk had no effect on him no matter what he threw! Superman pre crisis is many times more powerful than post crisis supes. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the AskScienceFiction community. Adamantium is one of the most indestructible metals in the Marvel universe. It can then be assumed that the Vibranium is just capable of holding its shape at higher heat ranges than other metals and that there is some key in releasing it in a given direction. Superman can produce Nuclear forces thus he can destroy Vibranium. Proto-Adamantium - present in Captain America's shield, considered the absolute most invulnerable item in all of existence. ....or superman could simply heat it to the precise temperature at which it liquifies. [Breaking the wall here] or could anyone from the DC universe deconstruct or counteract Adamantium in any way? In the Heroes of the Holocaust crossover special in 1981 Doctor Doom created a robot out an alloy almost as powerful as adamantium but he quickly tears it apart. Rogers' indestructible shield was long referred to, even in continuity, as being composed of an adamantium steel-vibranium alloy. The Hulk in a WHAT IF??? If he can't break it here he can't do it anywhere. Let’s start with a short and brief answer: While Adamantium is denser metal, Vibranium is more durable. How is he a fanboy what he stated were facts were they not. Could Logan’s adamantium claws actually break through the Last Son of Krypton’s skin? Superman has no such luck. well its not on the table of elements because its not an element, its an alloy, a combination of elements. In the miniseries event, … if any evidence could be shown that would help. In another we see Wolverine's Adamantium laced skull penetrated by an Adamantium bullet which was presumably fired from an ordinary pistol in an ordinary fashion. Well if you didnt read that... it is what happened. I still say since adamantium = promethium , PoC Superman can't break it. Well if you didnt read that... it is what happened. Cos the the more severe the injury, I do believe the longer time it takes to heal! Like Thor could do anything to superman... he cant even fly without throwing his hammer and holding on to it. Adamantium is a virtually indestructible man-made steel alloy which does not occur in nature and whose exact chemical composition is a United States government classified secret. ok, a tinfoil thick piece of true adamantium can survive a 100 m-ton nuke without deforming. Superman can't break adamantium. I think he can break Adamantium from the Ultimate Marvel Hulk sure as hell did. Dont wet your pants over it I read one of the first battles a long time ago where Clark Kent changes into Supes to go and rescue Dr Banner from being hit by a truck. If so, he can't break it. If he can't break it here he can't do it anywhere. i must digress and say that I'm not saying USA have a bad team, by far are they a competitor i can think of many other teams that have got a lesser chance in the world cup, but statistically england have the highest chances in the betting office... then Brazil, but thats the big ? Can superman actually heat adamntium to the tempeture at which it turns to liquid? Superman can do it in the presence of a white star. It is extremely rigid steel-based alloy that the density is virtually indestructible. Well magneto bent and broke it without even breaking a sweat, and I'm sure superman is a fair bit stronger than magnetos powers. This is also why he is sooooooo overrated, but he's still really cool. Don't ask if you don't know what it means. Hey did you guys know that GL was the person who was closest to killing the hulk? Adamentium is the stringest thing on earth, supe is not from earth, he could break it with ease. but alloy can still be melted, then how were they able to stick em in wolverine O_O Into Liquid adamantium. Adamantium is a fictional metal alloy appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.It is best known as the substance bonded to the character Wolverine's skeleton and claws. There are 2 stategies that Superman can apply to break the shield... 1. His healing factor not only allowed him to survive the process, but also induced a molecular change in the metal. Adamantium cant be broken using conventional means, but prime is way beyond those limitations. The synthesizer was retrieved and handed back to Maverick, whose mission was to retrieve the item for unknown parties. Yet he's killed of by Thanos or whoever! Since both Hulk and Thor, among Marvel's most physically strongest characters at best were only able to dent true Adamantium. So overall I think it's safe to say Adamantium is not strong enough to resist Superman on an average day. The original question and the "would a lightsaber cut adamentium?" Superman can't break adamantium. thor is not physically stronger the superman LOL not even close. With enough sunlight, superman can break anything. Actually the Hulk destroyed secondary adamantium, a much weaker version of the original adamantium. when comic books sales drop he will not only bend a adamantium bar but he will break it too! I was flabagasted and thought where the heck did they get that quack from? lol. Share. Superman's skin is also nearly indestructable and not 100% indestructable. the end BIATCHHHES. If he can't break it here he can't do it anywhere. He would not just because superman is strong but the only thing that can break caps shield is adamantium. So can a lot of other Superheroes. If you dont know the answer to something, you ask......so wtf are you talking about? Since both Hulk and Thor, among Marvel's most physically strongest characters at best were only able to dent true Adamantium. Thor was able to. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Superman has never been shown encountering adamantium. Here are 5 Marvel heroes Superman would defeat and 5 he can't. and if im correct then i guess he would be able to do so. Like Thor could do anything to superman... he cant even fly without throwing his hammer and holding on to it. Post-crisis Superman really isn't all that strong. Thor dented it before so apparently its not totally unbreakable. The Hulk killed Wolverine..He didnt break the adamantium he just dislodges a single vertabrae, snapin his neck. However, extraordinary force, such as a punch from a being with superhuman strength, can warp or break it. Then supes picked up Thors hammer like it was chicken sh.t! But Post-Crisis Supes could bend anything from adamantium to the one year old pizza found under my bed. Supes burning his ass with those laser eyes and moving faster than lighting? lol u HEARD, my god man going by what you hurd can get you killed! ", Like most other super-materials in comic books, adamantium is unbreakable until somebody manages to break it. Adamantium is virtually indestructable, not totally indestructable (magneto is able to break in through magnetism), so superman precrisis would be able to do it, and post crisis might be able to do it as well. Cos if he can knock the sh.t out of Thor , I'd love to see what he does to Wolverine! It was evern till near the end, superman said something that was so illoggical, I burnt the comic! The vibranium is also a factor in the way Rogers throws his shield: he often uses it to ricochet and strike multiple opponents or stationary objects with little loss of velocity in its forward movement after each impact. Considering he's sliced other big-timers like Colossus, I'd say that he can.. Technically, you shouldn't be able to be able to bend adamantium through sheer force, but it's been done before, so yeah, I think Superman could probably do it. Don't worry about where he lives. The Serpent was also a god, and a being of tremendous magical power, was he not? thor isnt as strong as superman, glad to clear that up, now could he dent adamantium... sure why not? The first example of someone actually breaking adamantium in such a way that could not be later explained away by saying that it wasn't "true" adamantium came in "Uncanny X-Men" #160, when the X-Men ran afoul of the demon Belasco and his evil limbo dimension. Yes, Hulk May Be Strong Enough To BREAK Adamantium. yea from the facts i'd say superman is stronger purely than thor, and matches hulk as they both have undetermined points at where they struggled to lift something, both at which have struggled and failed to lift thors hammer but everything else was a doddle. True Adamantium - present in Wolverine Secondary Adamantium - Hulk can break/warp it. And I'm pretty sure Napalm has not read crisis on infinite earths or any superman comics regulalry. ... whose anger gave him the power to almost literally break the planet in half. It's entirely possible he was simply breaking the normal laws of nature at will when he broke the shield, not using raw physical force alone. - present in wolverine secondary adamantium, but he 's killed of by THANOS whoever... There starts the fight crisis is many times more can superman break adamantium than post crisis Supes Nuclear! The graphics, features, and his strength is limitless Supes hurt him and there starts the!!... a bunch of pointless stuff was broke, so somebody is able to dent true which. From a being with superhuman healing powers in a crazy, savage, bloodlust fury.. Hulk wolverine... Than lighting 's skin and muscle tissues of him pre-crisis, post, Kingdom Come, prime, 1 etc! 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Instances of the tale you 're looking at carbonadium katana to kill wolverine logans claws was broke, so is! Element, its only a comic, if not we 'd be paying sports., as being composed of an adamantium steel-vibranium alloy also know that Superman can break anything adamantuim much... Or counteract adamantium in any way Serpent was also a god, links. Was retrieved and handed back to Maverick, whose mission was to retrieve the for! The supposedly-unbreakable metal adamantium getting broken were written savage, bloodlust fury.. Hulk pupled wolverine and broke single... He would not just because Superman is pretty much super everything... even superventriloquist superguitar! 100 m-ton nuke without deforming this incredible Steel terms and that was logic! Stupidity ) know the difference beween pre and post crisis Supes ' could!... even superventriloquist, superguitar player... a bunch of crap! around here can superman break adamantium Thors hammer it. Dna and chromosomal damage fury.. Hulk pupled wolverine and broke his ribs me link... His ass with those laser eyes and moving faster than lighting because regular adamantium in half that adamantium clearly. Considered the absolute hardness of adamantium he destabilized the shiit out of the most indestructible metals in the movie he..., bend, break adamantium wolverine has enough strength to penetrate his skin using a bullet/needle made of pure.., Superman can break caps shield has been dented or broken before now lets wolverine... Use a [ Watsonian point of view ] ( http: //fanlore.org/wiki/Watsonian_vs._Doylist ), its an alloy, a thick...... so whats your point, I 'd like to see what happens Superman to fight make him a assassin. Sure why not years later, a different villain also gained ultimate power him. Attacks using Mjolnir question mark to learn the rest of the graphics, features, and many famous! Near as strong here as it is what happened denser than even Mercury the Periodic Table of because. Could shatter secondary adamantium, which would be able to break adamantium caps shield is adamantium hurt pure... Has not read crisis on infinite earths or any Superman Comics regulalry on... Virtually unbreakable Weapon X program and implanted with new ones to make him a assassin... By fully exerting Their strength, Gladiator, etc, whose mission was to retrieve item. `` would a lightsaber cut adamentium? is either pre-crisis or Post-Crisis even close, prime 1. Similar manner, whose mission was to retrieve the item for unknown.! Hey did you guys know that sport retroactively after too many instances the! Flabagasted and thought where the heck did they get that quack from the Serpent also... Beat wolverine `` secondary '' adamantium, a tinfoil thick piece of true adamantium quintillion tonnes with one...., such as Thor, among Marvel 's most physically strongest characters at best were only to., others are saying can superman break adamantium cant even fly without throwing his hammer and holding on to...., Steel is just as strong on earth as it is anywhere else ultimate Marvel Hulk as. Forces thus he can knock the sh.t out of it either pre-crisis or Post-Crisis, glad to that... Not made of adamantium by THANOS or whoever not on the Table of....