100 octane gas

You certainly won't see any better power or mileage from it, unless you're tuned for 100 octane.

The use of unleaded auto fuels with engines designed for leaded fuels can result in excessive exhaust valve seat wear due to the lack of lead with cylinder performance deteriorating to unacceptable levels in under 10 hours. I wasn't directing my comments at anyone in particular, it was more of a general question to those who claim there is no benefit from adding 100 octane race fuel, and a statement as to why I do it.I have a Sunoco less than 2 miles away that carries the CAM 2 unleaded race gas. TEL (Tetra-ethyl-lead) is added to raise the octane. Good stuff.100 octane is usually leaded and will slowly kill both your O2 sensors and your catalytic converter. ",The annual US usage of avgas was 186 million US gallons (700,000 m,Many grades of avgas are identified by two numbers associated with its,Additives such as TEL help to control detonation and provide lubrication. The reason those "kids" blow their motors is because they do stupid things like adding bigger air intakes and exhausts without paying for a retune, which screws with the MAF sensor and causes boost spikes respectively, making them run too lean under WOT and thus makes them detonate.Racing gas cannot be pulled from thin air, but your story surely is...40 or so years ago most fuel, in the UK at least, was 95-101 octane. It has about as much to do with energy released (heat) as Watt does. Sunoco SS 100 is an unleaded high octane gasoline that is street-legal in California and a few other locations that follow CARB regulations. Its availability is very limited.ASTM D6227; similar to automobile gasoline but without automotive additives.Used to power piston-engine ultralight aircraft.ethanol-free, antioxidant and antistatic additives;In 1991, Hjelmco Oil introduced unleaded avgas 91/96UL (also meeting leaded grade 91/98 standard ASTM D910 with the exception of transparent colour) and no lead.In November 2010, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) cleared this fuel for all aircraft where the aircraft engine manufacturer has approved this fuel, based on about 20 years of trouble-free operations with unleaded avgas 91/96UL produced by Hjelmco Oil.Common in North America and western Europe, limited availability elsewhere worldwide.Composed primarily of aviation alkylate (same as used for 100LL).Limited quantities are produced for testing.Originally used as primary fuel for the largest, boost-supercharged radial engines needing this fuel's anti-detonation properties.Limited batches are produced for special events such as unlimited air races.alkyl derivatives of 1,4-diaminoanthraquinone, like. Hello highlight.js! - Have a nice day, all.The higher the octane, the less power per gram the gasoline contains. I suspect the "Racing Fuel" will have other additives as well. Even an average IQ loss of 1–2 points in children has a meaningful impact for the nation as a whole, as it would result in an increase in children classified as mentally challenged, as well as a proportional decrease in the number of children considered "gifted".Friends of the Earth has filed a petition with EPA, requesting that EPA find pursuant to section 231 of the.The public comment period on this petition closed on March 17, 2008.Under a federal court order to set a new standard by October 15, 2008, the EPA cut the acceptable limits for atmospheric lead from the previous standard of 1.5 µg/m,The EPA's own studies have shown that to prevent a measurable decrease in IQ for children deemed most vulnerable, the standard needs to be set much lower, to 0.02 µg/m,At an EPA public consultation held in June 2008 on the new standards, Andy Cebula, the.Despite assertions in the media that leaded avgas will be eliminated in the US by 2017 at the latest date, the EPA confirmed in July 2010 that there is no phase-out date and that setting one would be an FAA responsibility as the EPA has no authority over avgas. Britain began stockpiling 100 octane fuel with receipt in June 1939 of a bulk shipment from the Esso refinery in Aruba. When used in a motor vehicle this fuel will leave a lot of lead deposits in the motor. One gram of TEL contains 640.6 milligrams of.100LL (pronounced "one hundred low lead") may contain a maximum of one-half the TEL allowed in 100/130 (green) avgas and pre-1975 premium leaded automotive gasoline.Some of the lower-powered (100–150 horsepower or 75–112 kilowatts) aviation engines that were developed in the late 1990s are designed to run on unleaded fuel and on 100LL, an example being the,Some aircraft engines were originally certified using a 91/96 avgas and have STCs available to run "premium" 91.Automotive gasoline is not a fully viable replacement for avgas in many aircraft, because many high-performance and/or turbocharged airplane engines require 100 octane fuel and modifications are necessary in order to use lower-octane fuel.Fortunately, significant history of engines converted to mogas has shown that very few engine problems are caused by automotive gasoline.Vapor lock typically occurs in fuel systems where a mechanically-driven fuel pump mounted on the engine draws fuel from a tank mounted lower than the pump.