10km run

De 10 km is een door de IAAF erkende afstand die als wegwedstrijd wordt gelopen.
De routes worden bewaakt door zogenaamde parcoursbegeleiders die er voor zorgen dat je de weg niet kwijtraakt. Did u run many fast 9k's already? findarace.com is here to help you get that focus.Yes, send me your email newsletter with news of the best events in the UK, discounted entries to races and chances to win loads of lovely kit.Keep me up to date with the latest from findarace and industry news.VeloPark, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London,Goodwood Motor Circuit, Chichester, West Sussex.Heaton Park, Higher Blackley, Manchester,Aintree Racecourse, Ormskirk Road, Liverpool, UK,Recreation Ground, Stratford Road, Alcester. Select an event from the list below and get ready for race day! Maybe you watched your friends and families run  the Mountain Marathon on Saturday and now want to show them how to run 10km!

The 10km Run is a challenging run along rolling hills and in the cool early morning is a perfect hit out for those who are wanting to take a test of speed and endurance in their racing program. Now run 2.5km down the valley on paved road and drop into the famous Hoang Lien National Park and its beautiful scenery with rice fields, rivers and trails beaten by buffaloes.

A 10k is also a great distance for more experienced runners and is often used as a way of increasing endurance for longer distances.Because 10k races are so popular there are lots of them.If you're looking for an online challenge that you can take part in anywhere (including indoors) check out our 10k.The average 10k finishing time is just under an hour, with a sub 40-minute finish considered to be a speedy race.
Je gaat een verscheidenheid aan work-outs doen die je sneller maken, inclusief korte en lange intervallen, fartlekruns, hellingwork-outs en snelheidsruns.Je hebt conditietraining nodig om je lichaam en geest voor te bereiden op de afstand.

The FNB Run Your City Series Heritage Day Virtual Run will see runners and walkers from all corners of South Africa unite (virtually) in a spirit of camaraderie, pride and celebration. Als je deze cookies uitschakelt, kan dat leiden tot minder gerichte aanbevelingen en een tragere website.Social media cookies bieden de mogelijkheid om u aan te sluiten op uw sociale netwerken en de inhoud van onze website te delen via social media. Locatie bijwerken?Nike gebruikt cookies om informatie over jouw bezoek te verwerken voor verbetering van de prestaties van de website, om delen via social media mogelijk te maken en om advertenties aan te bieden die op jouw interesses zijn afgestemd. 10K Run.

A 10K run is also a great event for seasoned runners chasing personal bests or using it as a stepping stone to longer distances. A 10k race (about 6.2 miles) is an achievable but challenging distance for a beginner looking to move up from 5k’s and Parkruns. Klik op de knop MEER INFO of ga naar Cookie-instellingen onder aan de pagina voor meer informatie of om je voorkeuren te wijzigen. Er worden sociale-media- en advertentiecookies van derden gebruikt om je sociale-mediafunctionaliteit en persoonlijke advertenties te bieden. Luister naar je lichaam en weet dat het soms de beste run is om geen run te lopen.Hieronder volgt een voorbeeld van hoe je trainingsschema er de eerste weken uitziet. The route you choose to run will transform into a virtual Cape Town 10km Virtual Peace Run route, with the virtual marathon app tracking you as if you are running the route itself.Train and race – within your local lockdown and social distancing regulations – and connect with your global running family on 18 October for a virtual race like no other.The 10km Virtual Peace Run / Walk takes place on Sunday, 18 October.You must run / walk with the Virtual Marathon app, which will track your progress as if you are running the actual race route.You may start the race any time between 6am and 10am, your local time (no time zone adjustment is required).The 10km Virtual Peace Run is open to all runners and walkers aged 14 and over.Athletes will receive a race number, and will be tracked through the Virtual Marathon App.The Sanlam Cape Town Marathon cares for the environment, and running a Virtual Race is no different. Sommige cookies zorgen ervoor dat het verwerken van je verzoek sneller gaat, doordat ze de door jou geselecteerde websitevoorkeuren onthouden. 10k is the equivalent of 6.2 miles which makes it an ideal distance choice for beginners looking to enjoy their first race as well as the perfect event to chase PB’s for experienced runners. Entry fees are non-refundable under all circumstances.