Ford wiki

I have given instructions for a reassessment of United States policy in the region, including our relations with Israel, with the aim of ensuring that overall American interests ... are protected. Ford also visited with players and coaches during practices; at one point, he asked to join the players in the huddle.Ford graduated from Michigan in 1935 with a,Ford hoped to attend Yale Law School beginning in 1935. He became the highest ranking Republican to embrace full equality for gays and lesbians, stating his belief that there should be a federal amendment outlawing anti-gay job discrimination and expressing his hope that the Republican Party would reach out to gay and lesbian voters.On November 22, 2004, New York Republican Governor,Ford died on December 26, 2006, at his home in,On December 30, 2006, Ford became the 11th U.S. president to.Scouting was so important to Ford that his family asked for Scouts to participate in his funeral. He spent the summer of 1937 as a student at the,While attending Yale Law School, Ford joined a group of students led by,Ford graduated in the top third of his class in 1941, and was admitted to the,After Ford applied for sea duty, he was sent in May 1943 to the pre-commissioning detachment for the new aircraft carrier,Ford received the following military awards: the,Originally from Grand Rapids herself, she had lived in New York City for several years, where she worked as a,After Ford returned to Grand Rapids in 1946, he became active in local Republican politics, and supporters urged him to challenge.During his first campaign in 1948, Ford visited voters at their doorsteps and as they left the factories where they worked.Ford was a member of the House of Representatives for 25 years, holding,In the early 1950s, Ford declined offers to run for either the Senate or the Michigan governorship.

Yale officials at first denied his admission to the law school because of his full-time coaching responsibilities. In January 1977, he became the president of,During the term of office of his successor, Jimmy Carter, Ford received monthly briefs by President Carter's senior staff on international and domestic issues, and was always invited to lunch at the White House whenever he was in Washington, D.C. Their close friendship developed after Carter had left office, with the catalyst being their trip together to the funeral of,In 1977, Ford established the Gerald R. Ford Institute of Public Policy at,Ford considered a run for the Republican nomination in,After securing the Republican nomination in 1980, Ronald Reagan considered his former rival Ford as a potential vice-presidential running mate, but negotiations between the Reagan and Ford camps at the,On October 3, 1980, Ford cast blame on Carter for the latter's charges of ineffectiveness on the part of the,In September 1981, Ford advised Reagan against succumbing to.On March 24, 1982, Ford offered an endorsement of President Reagan's economic policies while also stating the possibility of Reagan being met with a stalemate by Congress if not willing to compromise while in Washington.During an August 1982 fundraising reception, Ford stated his opposition to a constitution amendment requiring the US to have a balanced budget, citing a need to elect "members of the House and Senate who will immediately when Congress convenes act more responsibly in fiscal matters.

Following his years as president, Ford remained active in the Republican Party. It was foondit bi Henry Ford an incorporate on 16 June 1903. Period." After experiencing a series of health problems, he,Ford was born Leslie Lynch King Jr. on July 14, 1913, at.Ford later said that his biological father had a history of hitting his mother.After living with her parents for two-and-a-half years, Gardner married.Ford also had three half-siblings from the second marriage of Leslie King Sr., his biological father: Marjorie King (1921–1993), Leslie Henry King (1923–1976), and Patricia Jane King (1925–1980). Following the election, members of the Republican caucus looked to select a new Minority Leader. Ford was not aware of his biological father until he was 17, when his parents told him about the circumstances of his birth. "Vocal Gay Republicans Upsetting Conservatives".DeFrank T: Write It When I'm Gone, G. Putnam & Sons, New York, NY, 2007.Anne E. Kornblut, "Ford Arranged His Funeral to Reflect Himself and Drew in a Former Adversary",1932 Michigan Wolverines football—national champions,1933 Michigan Wolverines football—national champions,Leader of the House Republican Conference,Federation for American Immigration Reform,Foundation for Individual Rights in Education,National Federation of Independent Business,Timeline of the presidency of Gerald Ford,Education for All Handicapped Children Act,Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act,deaths of nearly a quarter of the Timorese population,Gerald Ford assassination attempt in Sacramento,Gerald Ford assassination attempt in San Francisco,Gerald Ford judicial appointment controversies,Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States,United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit,List of federal judges appointed by Gerald Ford,National Commission on Federal Election Reform,honorary doctorate at Central Connecticut State University,Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court,Golf Course Superintendents Association of America,List of Presidents of the United States by previous experience,Presidents of the United States on U.S. postage stamps,"Nebraska-born Ford Left State as Infant","Gerald R. Ford Genealogical Information","Richard Ford remembered as active steward of President Gerald Ford's legacy","Investigatory Records on Gerald Ford, Applicant for a Commission","Special Report: Former President Gerald Ford Dies; Sought to Heal Nation Disillusioned by Watergate Scandal","Willis Ward, Gerald Ford and Michigan Football's darkest day","Ford Named Michigan Football Legend; Morgan to Wear No.