Jimi Hendrix sound

Keep this in mind as straight cables you use will retain more of the higher frequencies.The iconic wah (also called wah-wah) is the first and most important piece of gear to produce a Hendrix-like tone. ). The best example is the solo in Purple Haze but you can hear it used in different ways in.Here are a couple of Octava pedals worth checking out:People normally imagine Jimi Hendrix holding a strat with a maple fretboard. Experiment with the gear in the same way Hendrix would have experimented with it.Add in new effects that weren’t available in his time and see what you can come up with. Analyze his music and try to understand his chord or note choices. They set up their amp with a separate channel for their clean sound.The reason why this doesn’t sound quite right is that the clean channel removes the majority of the warmth they had when it was heavily driven before. If you already have an amp and don’t want to buy another one, that’s fine – you can still achieve a great Hendrix tone.If you really want to sound like Jimi Hendrix, study his music. Hendrix and the Prefab Four might sound like a bizarre pairing, however, it was organic. If you look on some forums you can see guitarists argue about strings and what custom pickups produce the best Hendrix tone. You will also get all the extra benefits of modern gear (eg: smaller pedal size, more power options, true bypass). If you have never played a wah pedal before, you’re going to love it!Hendrix used VOX wahs and the Vox V847A is a popular option as shown above to the right.It’s a simple wah at a good price so if you’re simply looking for a basic and affordable option, the VOX is a safe choice.Another alternative is the Jimi Hendrix signature wah developed by Dunlop shown above left. Don’t feel you have to copy Jimi Hendrix’s rig setup exactly to produce his tone. Hendrix used volumes in ways that were unique to him and prohibited by the practicalities of modern stages, sound limits, etc. He’s played Flying Vs, Les Pauls, SGs, Jaguars, and a range of acoustics.That’s why I’m avoiding the suggestion that you should be using a strat to achieve a Hendrix sound – because even Hendrix didn’t limit himself to one type of guitar.Of course, a Strat will definitely help you get a nice Hendrix tone, but do you think he would have still sounded like Hendrix when he was playing the below guitar?I recommend you experiment with different guitars and don’t feel that only certain guitars will achieve a Hendrix-like tone. This is one effect I would’ve loved to see him experiment with as it’s been used in very creative ways over the last few decades.So while we’ll never know how Jimi would have used the Whammy, you can definitely experiment with one while playing with a Hendrix vibe.If you know what a talk box is, you should see why it’s a good effect to experiment with and one Hendrix would have really enjoyed using. Why Micky Dolenz of the Monkees recognized Jimi Hendrix at the Monterey Pop Festival. Use the gear covered in this guide as a way to learn to grow as a musician. Jimi Hendrix was a man whose sound was rooted in blues but seemingly refracted through the cosmos and the psychedelic feedback loop of the Swinging Sixties. Factoid!I just picked up a copy of this that is identical to the description, except the catalog number is E1-1001 (NOT SLDEI.782).Just wonder why this release has been changed to be associated with Electric Ladyland a month ago, guess it's done by mistake. If you’re unsure what type of fuzz would suit you best, this gives you the best of both worlds.Fuzz distortion is a crucial part of achieving a Hendrix tone so don’t skip this option. Have a listen to Voodoo Child (Slight Return) to hear a classic wah inspired song. The goal of this guide isn’t to copy Hendrix’s tone exactly.The modern gear I recommend throughout this guide will still be able to achieve a good Hendrix sound. Hendrix no doubt would have continued to experiment with different effects if he lived longer and may have experimented with some covered below.I recommend you make it a habit to experiment with different effects. It’s very typical to run the guitar directly into the wah before running it through any other effects.It’s also interesting that the Uni-Vibe comes after the Octavia and the Fuzz Face because that means the Uni-Vibe is being fed a driven signal. So while it might sound like a great option to get an authentic Jimi Hendrix tone, there are issues to consider.First is that it only runs on 9v battery. Of course you don’t need the exact gear listed here – I’ll provide plenty of alternatives later on.This is quite a basic setup so let’s look through the labelled gear:The order of the gear labelled also tells you how it’s all chained together.

Temporarily forget how guitarists today use delay and experiment like Hendrix would have.I recommend experimenting with tape delay, slapback, reverse and any other analog delay you can find that might have been interesting to Hendrix. So let’s look at how he produced his cleaner tones during a live performance.This is the main reason why I hear people complain that they can’t come close to Hendrix’s clean tone. This is again a key component to achieving a great Hendrix tone because it is such a distinctive and unique effect. If you’re looking for a budget-friendly option.Hendrix experimented with a wide range of amps so don’t limit yourself to only considering Marshalls.