The Ballad Of Noah

We used to go to gigs in it. I had been clean and sober for a little time at that point but the sad news hit me so hard that I couldn't deal so I relapsed to sorta try to confront or numb myself but that didn't work of course.NW ; In 2010 I was hosting a night club in Hollywood. In the video, I'm wearing a "Granny takes a trip" jacket that belonged to Ronnie Wood in the 70s. All they do is release it for you.
Watch Queue Queue The guitar player who plays on it Nicky P was 49 at the time which is old for getting a record deal. We were in talks with Casablanca Records but they said we needed to get a younger drummer before they would sign us. The Ballad Of Noah Wallace.Few could argue the importance of Hollywood to the Glam Movement past , present and now future because, here today, we have Hollywood's new Glam Guru Hammered Satin's Noah Wallace!

Before those compilations were released, the records were cheap because no one wanted them yet. Check out The Ballad Of Noah by K-OS on Amazon Music. You'd find them in junk shops or we call them thrift stores here in the USA.But, yes, we are overdue for a second album! The Ballad Of Noah Wallace Few could argue the importance of Hollywood to the Glam Movement past, present and now future because, here today, we have Hollywood's new Glam Guru Hammered Satin's Noah Wallace! Seemed like a green light but out indie label (Intravenous) told Sire not to sign us last minute as we were a liability since we did too much coke. Wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to play guitar again but a year later he played 2 last shows and final shows with us in 2007.The album that never got released was engineered by J J Blair, a Grammy Award winner for Rod Stewart and Rage Against The Machine lol. We had a revolving door of bass players (much like my revolving door of drummers with Hammered Satin, hahha!). lol.NW ; Yeah 'Emily' is just based on the true stuff that happened to me while in Sweden and Denmark and I talk about Peter in that song. The name Hammered Satin came about probably because I lived with a fashion stylist Roberta Wagner and doing stylist work I learned about different fabrics like hammered satin. The limo belonged to an old school mafia loan shark called "Marvelous Marvin" who lived up Doheny in the Hollywood Hills. Kaio, our keyboard player - I'm uncertain how she ended up in the band. Wasn't sure if it was a boy or a girl from behind.

S'cool Girls started playing some shows. However Noah's journey did not start with Hammered Satin (more of those cats later). We're an underground D.I.Y. 'Foxy Dude' (click here to view on you tube) was a crazy production. We filmed a bit at Gerard's house. It looked like a 70s' spaceship!As an aside at the time, we rode around in a leopard print limo which probably didn't endear us to anyone either! This video is unavailable. Then, he hiked the price of the limo rental up like crazy after he'd let me use it for a "discounted rate" several times. I saw the back of his hair at the bar and noticed the cut. Total 70s' rock n roll shag. I am conflicted travelling the path of the soul so gifted still unable to break the mold I lifted praivailing still could … After we broke up I wanted to do something bigger so I moved to LA.NW ; Sort of quickly but not exactly. Daniel and I were still in out 20s at this point. Daniel had a pearl necklace on and Peter and I wore femme-looking scarves. I had three hair stylists working on my hair simultaneously to get a Snoop Dog curly hair do. This was a dark period for the band that led to its eventual demise in 2007. My good friend & roommate at that time, who I turned them onto , William Martin, has since re-issued it on his label 'Radio Heartbeat' around the mid 2000s.

I'm friends with the guy still.

We had dancers, a bunny, models and castings, insane vintage clothes from our pal Gerard at 'What Goes Around Comes Around'. I wouldn't recommend it for any other band lol. S'cool Girls ran from 2003 to 2007.NW ; We got on T.V a few times. I had been jamming with Dan Sandvick already at this point and all we needed was a guitarist. The Dutch really nail the glam thing. I remember thinking that was rad! However Noah's journey did not start with Hammered Satin (more of those cats later). We had a slightly heavier sound than 'Teacher's Pet' and 'S'cool Girls' so I thought naming yourself after a particularly female fabric; what's glammer than that? We really didn't have a plan for that video or drummer (lol) but it came out looking cool, since my pal Jesse (J Kelly ) filmed it. Had to try out a few drummers one being a member of The Brian Jonestown Massacre but he didn't make the cut. No one else was doing that at the time and probably no one else now either. A bit of bubblegum. We had a big budget so I wanted a poodle. The indie labels don't have the money to pay for recording sessions. We were also in a lot of print magazines like Italian Rolling Stone, They did a 6 page spread on us thanks to my fashion photographer friend, Sasha Eisenman. A few that have more than me such as Robin Hills in the U.K.