Lewis Tappan quotes

— Lewis Tappan in death quotes. Finally, he organized the return trip home to Africa for surviving members of the group.Authorization is only required to store your personal settings and favorites.The prisoners eyed the clothes some time, and laughed a good deal among themselves before they put them on.Indeed, the whole company, although thin in flesh, and generally of slight forms, and limbs, especially, are as good looking and intelligent a body of men as we usually meet with.They have a fine breeze and are now we hope, well on their way.The Anti-Slavery public have generously responded to our appeal, and sent the means to enable us to fit them out well, to pay their passages, supply them with many useful articles and give the Missionaries money to sustain themselves for a while.The African prisoners are orderly and peaceable among themselves.The event of the landing of these brethren upon our shores is to be, not without its beneficial effect, as well to the colored population of this country, as it promises to be to ill-fated Africa.If you wish to draw off the people from a bad or wicked custom, you must beat up for a march; you must make an excitement, do something that everybody will notice.You may imagine the joy manifested by these poor Africans, when they heard one of their own color address them in a friendly manner, and in a language they could comprehend!One of the men attached to the prison was the occasion of great amusement on the part of the prisoners, as well as the spectators, by taking a large lump of ice to show these strangers from the tropics.They said their sufferings were great on the passage, and several of their number had died.The curiosity to see the prisoners appears to be unabated.Most of the prisoners told the interpreter that they are from Mandingo.There is too much theology in the Church now, and too little of the Gospel.These meetings all have excited great attention, and have been of an exceedingly interesting character.If any fall by the hand of violence, others will continue the blessed work. Every day we present the best quotes! Arthur and Lewis Tappan had a bigger transformative effect on America than any other brothers in our history. He ensured the acquisition of high-quality lawyers for the captives, which led to their being set free after the case went to the United States Supreme Court.

Arthur was born in 1786, and Lewis was born in 1788. Contacted by Connecticut abolitionists soon after the Amistad arrived in port, Tappan focused extensively on the captive Africans. Lewis Tappan lewis tappan attention One of the men attached to the prison was the occasion of great amusement on the part of the prisoners, as well as the spectators, by taking a large lump of ice to show these strangers from the tropics.

Highly successful Wall Street merchants and energized evangelical Christians, the Tappan brothers mastered both sides of the philanthrocapitalist formula. With his brother Arthur, Tappan not only gained legal help and acquittal for the Africans, but also managed to increase public support and fundraising. – Lewis Tappan. He ensured the acquisition of high-quality lawyers for the captives, which led to their being set free after the case went to the United States Supreme Court. "If you wish to draw off the people..." With his brother Arthur, Tappan not only gained legal help and acquittal for the Africans, but also managed to increase public support and fundraising. Lewis Tappan (1788–1873) was a New York abolitionist who worked to achieve the freedom of the illegally enslaved Africans of the Amistad. Tappan became a clerk in Boston but in 1828 he joined his brother, Arthur Tappan, in the silk trade in New York.