Nasal definition anatomy

olfaction respiration filtration of dust humidification of inspired air reception and elimination of secretions from the nasal … Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Medical definition of nasalis: a small muscle on each side of the nose that constricts the nasal aperture by the action of a triangular transverse portion which draws the lateral part of the aperture upward and a quadrangular alar portion which draws it downward. Definition (MSHCZE) This movement of mucus, which is known as mucociliary clearance, is responsible for clearing the sinuses and nasal cavity of substances trapped in the mucus.Dr. Our medical therapies and surgical techniques are designed to treat the source of the disease, rather than merely address the symptoms.

Definition (MSH) A part of the upper respiratory tract. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. The term includes the external nose, the nasal cavity, and the PARANASAL SINUSES.

replied Porthos, in a tone almost,He took his hands out of his pockets, looked hard at his knuckles, raised them with great deliberation to his eyes, and when they got there, ground them round and round slowly, accompanying the action by short spasms of sniffing, which followed each other at regular intervals--the,Even then, he was obliged to embrace the earliest opportunity of taking his friend into a window, and saying, in a,"As He will all the nations in His own good time," said the other in a,Miss Gryce snored at last; she was a heavy Welshwoman, and till now her habitual,Kory-Kory, with a view of improving the handiwork of nature, and perhaps prompted by a desire to add to the engaging expression of his countenance, had seen fit to embellish his face with three broad longitudinal stripes of tattooing, which, like those country roads that go straight forward in defiance of all obstacles, crossed his,Trumbull dropped his voice and became slightly,Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary,the webmaster's page for free fun content,NASA/Science Office of Standards and Technology.

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While you may physically stop getting taller during your adolescent years, your nose does not stop growingthroughout your lifespan. The septum is also lined with mucosa.A turbinate is a long, narrow, curled bone that protrudes into the nasal cavity. The paranasal sinuses surround and drain into the nasal cavity. Dictionary ! The better our patients understand their own anatomy, the better the communication between patient, doctor, and staff, and the more successfully we can work together in an individualized plan of treatment.The interior of the nose and nasal cavity are parts of the body not often seen, except during medical examinations, and not everyone is aware of what parts comprise their nasal anatomy. There are three sections of the cavity: Nasal Vestibule: The area lying just behind the nasal cavities, the nasal vestibule is lined with skin tissue, unlike the rest of the nasal cavity. A doctor can view the nasal passages and adenoids on a video screen during endoscopy. (anatomy) Of or pertaining to the nose or to the nasion Synonyms: nosely, nosey 2013 March 1, Nancy Langston, “Mining the Boreal North”, in American Scientist‎[1], volume 101, number 2, page 98: Reindeer are well suited to the taiga’s frigid winters. Linguistics Articulated by lowering the soft palate so that air resonates in the nasal cavities and passes out the nose, as in the pronunciation of the consonants (m), (n), and (ng) or the nasalized vowel of French bon.