Orchard Project

See our training section below for more information. As outdoor learning opportunities, orchards have more longevity than school allotments and other garden projects, as the students can watch their trees grow throughout the years that they are in attendance and enjoy their produce.We can work with schools at any stage of their orchard journey from planning and designing, to planting, caring or restoring. The Orchard Project — ALFI Fruit Tree Sale The ALFI Orchard Project The ALFI Orchard Project plants edible school gardens and community orchards that feed, teach and inspire. She has been a member of the Orchard Project team since 2017 and is a Core Company alumnus. As part of this we had hundreds of fruit trees identified and labelled across London and identified some very rare apple varieties. His work has been produced at Actors Theatre of Louisvile, Williamstown, Playing for Others, and Superhero Clubhouse, among others. Documentation. The Green Corps partners with the Common Orchard Project to establish productive fruit gardens in urban communities in Cincinnati, for anyone and everyone to enjoy.
Orchards can transform communities by.We partner with local authorities, housing associations, transition initiatives, park user associations, schools, and other community groups to help design, plant, and maintain community orchards. We involved multiple age groups, from school children to retirees, and empowered them to care for, harvest, celebrate, and value their local orchards. rachelbkarp.com. Find our latest Annual Report in the drop down menu.Do you believe that community orchards can be transformative? Purpose

ORCHARD PROJECT CORE COMPANY developing tomorrow's innovators Core Company at the Orchard Project is a summer apprenticeship designed for aspiring and emerging multidisciplinary theatre artists who have one simple goal: to create bold new work for the stage. We’ve worked with diverse groups from church congregations to refugees, focusing on areas with low access to green spaces and locally grown food, to help address issues of social inequality and hardship.We collaborate with communities to re-imagine their local greenspace, engaging them in a co-design process for their orchard. Before you start a home orchard, you have to consider a few things. About Philadelphia Orchard Project. It was much more hands on than previous pruning classes I’ve taken, and the hands on part is essential for learning.”,“It was the most instructive and useful day, as well as being a lot of fun. Orchard is built on a modern architecture that puts extensibility up-front, as its number one concern. The Orchard Project’s highly skilled, experienced, passionate and dedicated staff have made a huge difference, as a result of their work, we have been able to deliver significantly on the ground, raising the profile of orchards and She is a Resident Artist and founding producer with the Brooklyn-based production company 3DaysPrior (3daysprior.com). After not flowering for the last 3 years, it’s now in full blossom. You can.Traditional orchards have been disappearing from our landscapes at an alarming rate in recent decades. Orchard is a free, open source, community-focused content management system written in ASP.NET platform using the ASP.NET MVC framework. “We have four building typologies,” Wood said. This is because they make.What better reason to squeeze more orchards into our urban landscapes?Firstly, fruit trees are early senescent, meaning they reach ‘old age’ faster than many other tree species. Ari graduated from Yale University and the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama.James Kennedy is a playwright, director, and composer based in New York City who has been a member of the Orchard Project team since 2015 and is a Core Company alumnus. We aim to make a serious contribution to a better food system, based on people working together where they live to produce and harvest their own fruit. Funded by the National Lottery’s Heritage fund, this was the largest project ever to focus on recognising the capital’s rich orchard heritage and protecting it as a legacy for future generations.