birth history questions

Be sure to check her for signs of vaginal infection (see,Find out if the baby was sick or died. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including,By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our.Genealogy & Family History Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for expert genealogists and people interested in genealogy or family history. 0000002299 00000 n Talk to families who lost a baby or a mother too. Girls who get pregnant when they are very young can be wonderful and caring mothers, but many of them will need extra advice and support.Older mothers also may have more problems in pregnancy and birth.It may be safer for older women and very young women to give birth in a well-equipped medical center rather than at home.Women who have had 1 or 2 babies and whose children were born alive and healthy usually have the fewest problems giving birth.Other women may have more problems. If some of her babies died, she may have a problem in her blood called.In a cesarean surgery, a doctor cuts open the woman’s belly and womb to get the baby out. There are 3 kinds of abortion that can be safe:A woman who was sick, injured, or bled heavily after any kind of abortion may have scars in her womb that could cause problems in this pregnancy or birth. There are many types of ACT, so find out what the local health authority recommends. Girls are more likely to have other problems too — like pre-eclampsia, long labors, and babies born too early. Active. Get medical advice to find the cause and to help her carry this pregnancy all the way through.Many women use plant medicines and other remedies to regulate or bring on their monthly bleeding, or prevent or end a pregnancy. Select all of the following statements below that describe factors that contributed to the 2nd Industrial Revolution. 0000004012 00000 n But the health and future of all of us depend on stopping HIV. If it was here then please provide a link to your earlier question.If your grandfather was born around 1943-1945, that means your great-grandfather was of an appropriate age to have served in the German army in WWII. Ongoing, regular treatment with medicines (called ART) can control it so a person with HIV can live a healthy life. Ask about when the midwife or family first knew there was a problem, and how long it took them to get help.

This will also tell you the date that she will probably give birth (the due date).There are 3 ways to figure out how pregnant the woman is now and her due date:If a woman bleeds regularly every 4 weeks, her pregnancy will start about 2 weeks after the first day of her last monthly bleeding. If everyone understands the problems that women in labor face, they can work together to help women get medical care.

0000004042 00000 n
A girl’s pelvis might not be grown enough to give birth normally. 0000000791 00000 n Midwives can learn to use it to know quickly who should be receiving treatment.HIV is a virus that weakens a person’s immune system so he or she cannot fight illness. Have you looked for military records?I have checked all ancestry records and only found two records showing he lived in Hameln. It only takes a minute to sign up.I have been extensively researching my family ancestry. 0000020976 00000 n If the question is about one specific record type, such as birth-records, use that tag instead. Advances in neonatal care that were introduced in the 1970s and 1980s, including … Midwives can also work to prevent new HIV infections in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. This is common and often happens before the woman even knows she is pregnant.It is usually difficult to know why a miscarriage happens, but some causes of miscarriage are preventable. Instead, give these two medicines:sex with someone who has HIV, if the person does not use condoms.unsterile needles or tools that pierce or cut the skin.infected blood that gets into cuts or an open wound of another person.the blood inside a woman infected with HIV to a baby during pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding. 0000001605 00000 n A family with no car who lives far from medical help may have no way to get there.

But some women have one miscarriage after another, and you may not know why.

Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study … Do not give ACT to women in the first 3 months of pregnancy.