Uncle Sam Plantation

Star Parker's new book seizes on this theme, adds her personal sense of "been there and done that" and casts new light on the redemptive power of freedom.Star Parker rocks the world.

It also focused quite a bit on Christian values, which, while I share them, I think there is evidence that almost any faith - including Islam, Buddhism and Judaism - can also encourage more moral behaviors and be motivators to self-reliance and raising out of poverty.I would like to meet and talk with Ms Star Parker. The plantation was one of the most extensive sugar cane plantations in its time. The tone openly admonishes conspiracy theory in favor of open honest and of thus (as argued), politically incorrect, rhetoric. Constructed between 1829 and 1843, the Uncle Sam Plantation was once one of the most intact and architecturally-unified plantation complexes in the Southeastern United States and a prime example of Greek Revival-style architecture. While I don't disagree with some of her themes, she spouts opinion as fact with very little data to support her suppositions. moments in this book. I got hooked on her advocacy work when she appeared on Fox News and MSNBC several years ago to serve up hard-hitting facts about the role Uncle Sam plays in feeding us sh** and making us believe its cookies. Author Star Parker defines Uncle Sam’s Plantation as: welfare, unemployment benefits, etc. Why is our society so focused on entitlement instead of empowerment? As someone who grew up in subsidized housing, on may of the programs she discusses, this book has the ring of truth for anyone brave enough to set aside pre-conceived ideas.I couldn't put it down. Parker learned to obtain food stamps, free housing, and healthcare for relatively little. I have a guilty feeling that I have some conservative views myself but I do not consider myself a conservative. Those who accepted the invitation switched mindsets from "How do I … She would never have to work a regular job for legal money ever again if she chose. One of the most extensive of Louisiana sugar cane plantations, it included 1300 acres originally.

Malus died a few years after his mother-in-law and the property then went over to the Jacobs brothers, Jules and Camille, who married the two daughters of Malus and Felicie Fagot.The main house gutted by fire in 1849 and was rebuilt.

It was primarily from an African American view point but most of what she pointed out can be said about all poor regardless of race.I love Star Parker!

The social programs are not helping the poor. I went for this particular book because I knew I would be hearing from the, "Been there, done that," quarter. Uncle Sam Plantation, Convent, St James Parish, Louisiana. IJS! As a teenager, however, she rebelled and, in the course of that rebellion, found it was remarkably easy to get government money. The only difference between this plantation and the slave plantations of …

She initially thought they were crazy, but when she had to go into hospital several months later one of them was her only visitor.Star Parker begins this political and moral call to arms with a story about her grandmother. It had some great quotes to pull as well. This book is an excellent explanation of the damage social programs do to our society. Star Parker grew up in an environment where you worked for what you wanted. I completely lost the thread of her arguments because of her terrible style of persuasion, if you can even call it that. As a teenager, however, she rebelled and, in the course of that rebellion, found it was remarkably easy to get government money. As I prepare to write and publish my first Blog site and eBook, going through the books I've read ten - fifteen years ago and look at where we are now as a people is appalling. The social programs are not helping the poor. Sheila Jackson Lee's district needs to read this book!Author writes from experience. Refresh and try again.We’d love your help. I highly recommend this book.Star Parker is a voice to be reckoned with. However, this book focused too much on the African American experience (though Hispanics are also a large part of the impoverished population, as well as fair portions of every other ethnic demographic, including whites) which in my opinion weakened the arguments. Star's story is inspirational in and of itself.