blepharoplasty journey

Love the result. Dr De Silva evaluated her changes and discussed with her what aspects of her eyelids could be improved with clear expectations from the surgery. According to Dr De Silva “Having multiple lines in the upper eyelid can make a younger patient look older and is an avoidable with meticulous attention to detail.” Scars in the upper eyelids can be very difficult to correct as once made, and revision plastic surgery must be focused on adapting natural lines in the skin to hide these scars. They were asking me if I had been on a resting holiday or if I had changed my regime on creams and diet. Lower eyelid retraction is a challenging eyelid condition to treat, although the eyelid position can be improved, Dr De Silva discusses with each patient what are realistic expectations that can be achieved through surgery.Dr De Silva has a large number of patients that live overseas. Over time your lower eyelid will continue to sag because of the effects of gravity.Alternative forms of management include not treating the skin laxness and bagginess in the eyelids by surgery. Not a single friend that saw me within the first 7 days, noticed anything was amiss. I ran errands all day—rocking my Stevie Wonder look with the help of large shades. This process involves no skin removal. It’s now two months since you did my operation and I am so grateful of the amazing results that you have achieved with me. Eyelid surgery, also called eyelift or blepharoplasty, may be an option if you want to minimise the signs of ageing. I highly recommend any individual out there who wish the best result from the best surgeon in the town. She went to see Dr Julian De Silva, a facial cosmetic and plastic surgeon based in London for revision eyelid blepharoplasty. I wake up every morning and really look awake. I made appointments that week to see all three.The first doctor I scheduled to see was Randy Wong. 49 likes. In the upper lid the incision is hidden in the skin folds. We recommend two weeks off work, and if you have an important social or public event coming up, try to allow six weeks recovery.Your swelling will take one to three months to fully resolve. Today, the only career I desire is to be a master of JOY!Post was not sent - check your email addresses!Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.Nothing is difficult that is wholly desired.If you think you are so enlightened go and spend a…. If you are discharged home as part of day surgery, you should make sure that someone can drive you home and if possible stay with you the first night. This method is especially useful for older patients who have lost elasticity in the eyelid muscle or patients with thick upper eyelid skin regardless of the age. The conversation in my head went something like this, “Did Dr. Wong not hear me when I said I just want my eyes to go back to looking the way they used to when I was in my 20s? Whether you’re looking for a.Yes this is the best option, this will be performed in an appropriate accredited facility under general anaesthesia. Yes, I could have re- sewn my eyes, but when I learned what an upper bleph entailed, I was pleasantly surprised it was not going to be much more involved. She underwent revision upper and lower eyelid surgery under sedation anaesthesia, also known as twilight anaesthesia. The treatment of lower eyelid retraction is challenging and dependent on careful evaluation and identification of the cause. Cooling the eyelids with ice gels and elevating the head on a couple of pillows will help to reduce the swelling.

I'm only 23 and I have horrible under eye wrinkles an.I had a write a review to say how thrilled I am with Mark Ashton and his team. Janene and I had a meeting with a supplier. Our aim is to provide the best possible experience and to foster a long-term relationship with our patients to provide ongoing care for years to come.Dr De Silva only provides patients with sincere information on results from revision surgery, and a minority of patients he advises against surgery.