relevance of rimland theory in contemporary world

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The Rimland is a concept championed by Nicholas John Spykman, professor of international relations at Yale University. – OpEd,Of Guarantees And Stalemates: An Assessment Of Myanmar’s Fourth 21st Century Panglong Peace Conference – Analysis. Then please consider donating today to ensure that Eurasia Review can continue to be able to provide similar content.Mackinder’s Heartland Vs. Rimland And Nature Of Contemporary Sino-Pakistani Relations – Analysis.Your email address will not be published.We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The corridor project carries vital significance as it promises to elevate Islamabad’s economic growth.Unlike US aid, the Chinese aid to Pakistan has offered infrastructure and energy projects that would serve as a means to improve Pakistan’s economy. Photo by Anthony Maw, Wikimedia Commons.China has played a crucial role in maintaining regional peace and security by upholding its concept of an inclusive, cooperative and sustainable security. Rimland Theory proposed in 1944 - The key to global power is the Eurasian Rimland, not the Heartland would. A successful foreign policy should employ a balance of economic, diplomatic, and military tools. The paper is thus formulated around a fundamental question: to what extent is the Heartland theory influential in the current foreign policy of the four great powers— U.S, E.U, Russia and China? It is therefore the need of time to move from archaic geopolitical vendetta of 19th and 20th centuries to interstate strategic play in the 21st century.The pursuit of a state’s national interest in the international arena constitutes its foreign policy. The Rimland would be important in containing the Heartland; Britain, US and USSR would be the main power Believed in forming alliances is necessary to keep Heartland in check The paper ends by concluding that there is substantial evidence of Mackinderian philosophy in the discourse of geopolitics in Central Asia. Almost 80% of China’s oil is currently transported through the Strait of Malacca to Shanghai. All rights reserved,Manohar Parrikar IDSA Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence. Further, while it is true that Mackinder himself observed, in the concluding passage of the paper he read at the Royal Geographical Society in 1904, that his concept of the geographical pivot of history would continue to be relevant even if Russia were to be subordinated by some other power, say, China, because control over Russian territories would enable such a power to attempt a grasp at world domination, the likelihood of such an occurrence is highly unlikely under current circumstances because Russia not only continues to wield significant conventional military capabilities as well as the world's second largest nuclear arsenal but has also demonstrated since 2008, first in Georgia and subsequently in Crimea and Ukraine, its will and intent to employ military power in defence of its national interests, including the preservation of a glacis around its borders.Finally, Mackinder's heartland theory is also not relevant because the foundational principles of the current international order, to which all countries continue to subscribe, have delegitimised the idea of colonialism and imperialism, which were accepted norms before 1945.