chief bromden combine

But the rapid change still has instability. It showed him that there is an alternative to just giving in. Another contribution to his shallowness is his supressed childhood memories. Another component to him feeling of complete freedom was to be as “big” and “tall” as he once was before the ward, the war, and his tribe and dad’s downfall. All of these examples pool into Bromden’s cause of self-pitty and shallowness. "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy",Get to Know The Price Estimate For Your Paper,By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our,The Potrayal of Chief Bromden’s Shallowness and Upcomance,By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our,By clicking Send Me Sample you agree on the,Is the President is Merely ‘Bargainer-in-Chief’,Chief Seattle’s ‘Environmental Statement’,The chief causes for the Russian Revolution was the fact that Russia,Splitting the Roles of the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer,David Jones – Chief Executive Officer and Managing director,Quantitative Determination of Total Hardness In Drinking Water,Ask Writer For

“At the very end of the book, McMurphy is lobotimized into a Vegetable and put onto a stretcher to be left on the ward (almost like a sort of “trophy” displaying the Big Nurse’s power).

The fishing trip really made Bromden happy, also. Above all other reasons, he had the desire to change . While this may seem insignificant to others, one’s will can definitely be a factor in his or her development as a person. He gave him a reason to change. One being the way he built up Bromden in seemingly incidental ways. With his help, Bromden was on top of the world. Chief has a paranoid belief in something he calls the ‘Combine,” a collaboration Of governmental and industrial groups he believes are trying to control people by way of machines.For many years, Chief has isolated himself from the bizarre environment Of the Chronic and Acute ward by pretending to be deaf and dumb. In “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”, Ken Kesey depicts Bromden as an inconfident, shallow man with great hidden potenial that only shines when he is pushed.

” The way the Combine is preceived is that it’s supposed to take people like Bromden and turn them into nothing more than mindless cogs to help the murderous machine he sees it as grow stronger and bigger.Knowing this, Bromden attempts to keep a strong will but begins to think he’s only fooling himself. Back when he was stronger both mentally and physically. “Another case of this was when he arranged the party on the ward for Billy to be with Candy but unknowingly showed Bromden a window of endless possibilities. ” (Macky 4710,4711).This reconstrution process made Bromden feel the hope that he once thought died inside of him along with his will. The way the fog machine designed by the Big Nurse caused him to become “lost”.

In light of such an extreme transgression, Bromden realizes that he possesses agency and can create his own surroundings. In the Army he learns about the electronics that he will later schizophrenically hallucinate as part of the Combine. Conclusion A.

Remembering times like this is what caused him to become very shallow in the first place.

He is a disabled person, which can’t talk, and that is the main thing in the book – people feel very free near him, and talk about almost everything, even about their secrets. Chief believes he can hear the mechanized gears of the Combine behind the walls and beneath the floors of the hospital where he has been living as a deaf-mute since the war. This wasn’t the end of it though. This company handles industry and functional expertise relating to technology, and provides clients the best services to improve business processes and their performances. It showed him maybe he can be truly free one day. Resource depletion means exhaustion of natural resources in a certain region. It’s derived of those emotions he later suppressed that he hit a major road bump in his older life.“Since he never truly let out his pent up feelings, Bromden developed a need to be alienated as far as way as possible from any form of attention thus causing him to fake being deaf and dumb.

He also wanted to be as athletic as he was before (somewhat synonmous to his desire to be big and tall). (Telgen 222) Also, this lead him to become obedient of the black boys on the ward he resides on. ” (Herzberg 808) Bromden knew he couldn’t alow this to happen. The hospital ward is a mere factory for remedying mistakes made within The Combine (within neighborhoods and churches), to re-set peoples’ behavior into the “correct” behavior. Help.