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',Legendary: Jake first joined the EastEnders cast in 2006, and has faced his fair share of drama, including womanising, a secret marriage and even being framed for murder.His departure comes after Jake took a year-long break from the soap in 2015 to spend more time with his family, with his exit coinciding with Max being wrongfully jailed for Lucy Beale's murder.Max then returned to Walford set on revenge, but his plot for payback went a step too far, leading to the death of his daughter Abi on Christmas Day 2017 after falling off the roof of the Queen Vic pub.Since EastEnders returned to screens last week, fans have been Max embroiled in a nasty feud with Ian Beale, after he cheated him out of his share of the proceeds from selling half of Walford East.At odds: Since EastEnders returned to screens last week, fans have been Max embroiled in a nasty feud with Ian Beale.He also took centre stage in EastEnders' iconic 2007 Christmas Special, when his affair with daughter-in-law Stacey was revealed, leaving his wife Tanya devastated.In 2010 he was left distraught when his son Bradley was tragically killed during the soap's 25th Anniversary special, before learning seconds later that Stacey had murdered Archie Mitchell after weeks of theories among fans.Max faced a turbulent relationship with wife Tanya, and despite attempting to rekindle their relationship after she was diagnosed with cancer, she was furious to learn he'd secretly married another woman.He's also long been known for his womanising ways, and along with his secret liaisons with now-dead Lucy, he also had an on-off affair with Stacey, and most recently her best friend Ruby Allen.Hiatus: His departure comes after Jake previously took a year-long break from the soap in 2015 to spend more time with his family.The comments below have not been moderated.The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline.Do you want to automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline?Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual.Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual.We will automatically post your comment and a link to the news story to your Facebook timeline at the same time it is posted on MailOnline. @ToffTalks is a worthy Queen of The Jungle. 'Bosses are staying tight-lipped about what they have planned for Max, but considering he has played a major part in the show for over 15 years, they are clearly planning something big and he will not be departing Walford quietly. '.Jake's final scenes are expected to air later this year, as EastEnders fans gear up for the soap's much-anticipated Christmas storylines.Leaving: EastEnders bosses will be leaving the door open for his return (pictured with Lacey Turner as Stacey in 2007). ',New home? Event Who / Where. They were also impressed that she fearlessly threw herself into all the Bushtucker Trials, with many feeling for her during one particularly nasty challenge that saw her chow down on some squishy kanga-balls.All of this must have encouraged the audience to vote her the series winner.

Despite big star names such as Lee Ryan from Blue, Faye Tozer from Steps and PussyCat Dolls star Ashley Roberts, there were snipes about some of the, perhaps, lesser-known faces.Most of it was aimed at YouTube star Joe Sugg, who was dismissed as a nobody despite his EIGHT MILLION YouTube subscribers. #ImACeleb #toff".Starting out her TV career as a no-nonsense business woman on,With that in mind, viewers prepared to hiss and boo throughout her time in the.One of the only housemates to stand up to him, the public clearly sided with Katie – something that helped her become runner-up behind Katie Price.When Andrew Brady was announced as one of the,He wasn't a particularly stand-out candidate on,To be honest, on this occasion, they may have had a point. "Smiles in the face of adversity, kind to a fault, absolutely no backstabbing. But when his partner Katya conjured up an unforgettable routine for the Psy track 'Gangnam Style', viewers fell hook, line and sinker – and kept on voting.He may not have gone on to win the series, but his appearance on the show turned a stuffy MP into a loveable personality whose telly career has gone from strength to strength since.Ambitious Rylan had struggled to become famous for years; first, he pouted his way through.He had his own unique voice and unquestionable star appeal, but Rylan wasn't exactly what then-head judge Gary Barlow was looking for and he soon left the show.As of September 15, 2020 comments are unavailable, but don’t worry!