going to a town meaning

We had only planned to paint one room over the weekend, but we went to town and wound up painting the whole upstairs instead! It sort of arrived. when someone's going to town on himself tat person's masturbation That kid will go to town on his studies. We have to finish this job before noon.You could really go to town and give her a night at the Sheraton at the Mother's Day rate of $120.I felt I could go to town a bit more in here as it's a room we only use on special occasions.French people also go to town on food for this special day.The author resists the temptation to go to town on the details of the murder.When they give parties they really go to town (= spend a lot of money, invite a lot of people, etc.
Look at all those ants working. Let's go to town. I remember distinctly that I was waiting to go dinner and I had about twenty minutes to spare.

You really went to town cleaning the house.

See more words with the same meaning: to perform with vigor . So I said you dang ripped me off.

Either way, I think it is basically about a guy and his woman going to town and "setting the night on fire."

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The kids sure went to town on those cupcakes—there's none left. The town Wainwright refers to in this song is Berlin, Germany, where he met his husband, Jorn Weisbrodt. We had only planned to paint one room over the weekend, but we went to town and wound up painting the whole upstairs instead! going to town phrase. going to town synonyms, going to town pronunciation, going to town translation, English dictionary definition of going to town. He made much of the Release The Stars album there. go to town definition: 1. to do something in a detailed and enthusiastic way, especially by spending a lot of money: 2…. BrettMajorson May 05, 2007 Link. With £500 spending money … To do something to excess or in an uninhibited manner.If the speaker was not an eyewitness, he must show whether he has indirect evidence of the man,by Baotran Ngo, 10 Brooklyn, New York Subways.We had only planned to paint one room over the weekend, but we went to town and wound up painting the whole upstairs instead!The kids sure went to town on those cupcakes—there's none left.Look at all those ants working. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">,entregarse de lleno, no reparar en gastos….Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets.Browse our dictionary apps today and ensure you are never again lost for words.The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word.Applying for a job or handing in your notice: collocations for work (1). A population center that is larger than a village and smaller than a city. Let's go to town. They are really going to town.Come on, you guys. going to town synonyms, going to town pronunciation, going to town translation, English dictionary definition of going to town. To act with great energy and/or enthusiasm.2. He went to town on that plate of spaghetti. go to town.
go to town. To act with great energy and/or enthusiasm. "The song is about going to a city that had already been destroyed and had learned its lesson about the horrors that humanity can inflict," Wainwright told Rolling Stone. The sentence comes (originally) from an episode on the sitcom "Friends" and refers to a baby drinking milk at its mother's breast.

You really went to town cleaning the house. I offhandedly said, ‘I think I’ll go down and fuck around on the piano’ and all of a sudden that song was finished. b. We're in town already. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/going+to+town.1. n. 1. a. Going to Town Using whatever means necessary to pleasure oneself I was in the middle of some hot relations with my boyfriend and that mo fo said no mo. Definition of going to town in the Idioms Dictionary. Clare Jobson sees 2008 in with a bang,Football: Jens future all down to Herr indoors,go to the expense of something/of doing something. [+ on] The papers got hold of it and went to town on it.

to work hard or very effectively.