hinterland transport definition

hinterland connections, public investment in roads (Medda and Trujillo, 2010). 1997. Assessing the intermodal value proposition of shipping lines: Attitudes of shippers and forwarders.Van Der Horst, M.R., and P.W. To do this, the ‘smart port authority 4.0’ needs to smooth out supply chain bottlenecks among ships, terminals, customs authorities, and hinterland transport, storage and distribution. The definition of transshipment may: include only seaborne transfers (a change to another international deep-sea container ship); or In.De Langen, P.W., and A. Chouly. Inland intermodal terminals (or dry ports) are thus mushrooming, connected to seaports by rail, road or inland waterways (Haralambides and Gujar,A digression might be in order here. The Indian dry ports sector: Pricing policies and opportunities for public-private partnerships.Haralambides, H.E., and G. Gujar. Thirty years ago, when port traffic was captive, one’s students could easily calculate the optimum size of a port, based on the country’s trade, population and growth data. Globalization, public sector reform, and the role of ports in international supply chains.Haralambides, H.E. See more. Foreland and hinterland Vision and context The port of Antwerp has a number of unique advantages for it to be included in the logistics chain that takes goods to their end destination. 2005. 2011. • But they did not venture into the hinterland, leaving the rebels there undisturbed. A study of dry port development in China.Button, K., T. Kramberger, T. Vizinger, and M. Intihar. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets.Browse our dictionary apps today and ensure you are never again lost for words.The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word.Modern presidential campaigns, like the presidency itself, are too much with us, which makes it difficult to relegate politics to the,An extensive new set of road, railway and.As in other range states, these foreign firms are mostly extractive enterprises in the hinterlands, where the elephants are.Sure, high-tech entrepreneurs still emerge in the.Political journalists might be better off writing, reporting, editing and most importantly living in the hinterlands.Would any other country have taken functional food utensils and transported them to this often surreal.But then you realize that it goes on and on, blanketing the rural hinterlands too.Pea soup as a main selling point for a restaurant's appeal could only prevail in the hinterlands of the open road.The "new frontier" can be thought of not so much as the occupation of a.But while classes have begun in the cities, it is not the same situation in the country's hinterlands.The best teams play in the center court, while the lower-ranking teams move their way up from the courts in the hinterlands to those closer to center court.You have to move from foreland areas -- which tends to be a series of parallel ridges, usually much lower than the hinterlands -- to the center and beyond.Applying for a job or handing in your notice: collocations for work (1). The break-even distance of road and inland waterway freight transportation systems.McCalla, R.J. 1999. Synchromodality looks into the (integrated) combination of hinterland transport modes (rail, IWT, road). Public–private partnerships for the development of port hinterlands and their ramifications for global supply chain management.Moon, I., and H. Hong. ... As such, it is usually located in the central business district of a town or city, and has the greatest density of transport links such as roads and rail. 2015. 2012. The number of articles with each search term is shown in Table.Our search resulted in 196 articles (Fig.Distribution of MEL articles on port-hinterland logistics and intermodal freight transport over time.Economic studies, focusing primarily on market mechanisms, market efficiency, as well as demand or cost analysis;Operational studies, addressing the logistics and operational processes in hinterland transport;Organizational/regulatory studies, focused on ‘stakeholder management’ and the relationship between stakeholders, as well as on analysing the regulatory and policy interventions.