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Video,ICYMI: A thirsty armadillo and record-breaking free diver,Striking news pictures from around the world,Women try to rip masks off men detaining protesters. Search the STUDIOS or MAP pages to find studios that suit your production requirements, then contact your short-listed studios for availibility, facilities and rates.

".He said bosses wanted to "get local kids excited about a career in film and TV and see that there are real jobs at the end of their studies".Last month the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority approved a £17m investment in the Littlewoods Studios project.Metropolitan mayor Steve Rotheram said it was a "key part" of the city region's economic recovery following the coronavirus pandemic.He said the move would "help drive the region even further as a centre of excellence in media and film production".Littlewoods Studios is set to open by 2023, with temporary "pop up" studios to be built by Liverpool City Council on neighbouring land by the end of the year.The art deco property was built in the 1930s for Sir John Moores and his brother Cecil to house their football pools business.Liverpool's Littlewoods Pools building engulfed by fire,Film studio plans for Liverpool Pools building,Liverpool Littlewoods building fire in pictures,Hollywood films to find home in Liverpool's former Littlewoods Pools HQ,Hotel plan for Liverpool's Littlewoods site approved,Emma's "lasting legacy" for Clatterbridge Cancer Centre - Liverpool,Sefton's coronavirus infection rate has shot up again this week,Live updates from Warrington Wolves v St Helens, Challenge Cup,IN THE DOCK: 5 cases heard at the magistrates' court,Two police cars crash as woman arrested after man stabbed in chest,Fire at student flats prompts call for more safety sprinklers,Republicans vow to replace Ginsburg with Trump pick,Thais gather for mass anti-government rally,US reinforcements sent to Syria after Russia clashes,Pakistan seethes over victim-blaming of gang-raped mother,What does a second lockdown feel like? Search for studios using five criteria: location, keywords, size, type and features. The site allows users to pinpoint the ideal studio for any production. 1000's of effects, transitions, themes and text presets for Final Cut Pro X. Video,Women try to rip masks off men detaining protesters,The racist church bombing that shocked the world. Our 3 green screen studios all have infinity coves which can also … Video,ICYMI: A thirsty armadillo and record-breaking free diver,Striking news pictures from around the world,Women try to rip masks off men detaining protesters. Designed for anyone looking to hire a film studio or a TV studio, The Studio Map is a convenient directory of film, video and TV studios for hire in London and across the UK. We are in central London.

Our 3 green screen studios all have infinity coves which can also be painted any other colour. Premium facilities in the world’s top filming location Pinewood Atlanta Studios. Senate leader Mitch McConnell said he will push ahead within hours of Supreme Court justice's death.© 2020 BBC. The Studio Map is the directory of film, video, broadcast and television studios for hire in London and across the UK. The recently expanded web site is mobile-friendly and features more user benefits for production team members researching facilities. London’s No.1 Film & TV Studio Read More . Video,The racist church bombing that shocked the world,Mario at 35: 'The little plumber who defined a genre',Why I’m friends with the man who shot me,The maths of stirring a cup of tea. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. US company Blackhall Studios and the University of Reading want to build the new £150m studios at Thames Valley Science Park. The destination for award-winning talent Shepperton Studios.