honda shine second hand price in mumbai

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  • Drum Brakes
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    Select your city to see price in your city.Get in touch with your nearest Honda service center in Navi Mumbai for service enquiries, service and repair costs and more!Are you looking for a budget bike? 2018 model Honda CB Shine for sale in Mumbai, Maharashtra. When I am on the road driving it and during halt at red light, when I see no other bikes are matching with my bike's colour, and when othres look at my bike's colour with jealously, I enjoy it.It's a nice bike...with the good performance and mileage it's best in class it will give you a good performance in city and as well as on road....if you don't have a budget of 150 cc bike...then you should definitely go for will enjoy it.The insurance cost of the base variant of Honda Shine in Mumbai is Rs. Showing 1 to 10 of 30 Bikes. Seat is not enough comfortable and small in length. All Used Honda Cb Shine Bikes in Mumbai come with Full Circle Trust Score and 100% Refundable Token Amount. 65500/- approximately for drum version.Q: Is sareeguard cost included in the price on road - CB Shine,Q: what are the on road prices - CB Shine,Q: please tell mi Cb shine onroad prise in rewaa,Q: What is price of cb shine on road in than in cash,Q: What.s cb shine price in fatehpur on road and ex showroom price. Do not make unnecessary modifications or have add ons on the bike, makes no sense on ruining a commuter bike look. Ltd. 74,795. Bargain with them for best price.Submit your details to get Used Bike Alerts matching your interest, delivered to your inbox for FREE of Cost.2nd hand Honda Shine SP bikes in Mumbai, used Honda Shine SP bikes,Used Honda Activa 4G Bikes in Mumbai (214),Used Royal Enfield Bullet Classic Bikes in Mumbai (179),Used Royal Enfield Bullet Bikes in Mumbai (59),Used Honda CB Unicorn Bikes in Mumbai (55),Used Royal Enfield Thunderbird 350 Bikes in Mumbai (47),Used Bajaj Avenger 220 Bikes in Mumbai (46),Used Bajaj Pulsar 220F Bikes in Mumbai (38),Used Honda Activa 125cc Bikes in Mumbai (17),Used Honda CB Hornet 160R Bikes in Mumbai (16),Used Honda CB Unicorn 160 Bikes in Mumbai (14),Used Honda CBF Stunner Bikes in Mumbai (12),Used Honda CB Twister Bikes in Mumbai (9),Used Honda CB Trigger 150 Bikes in Mumbai (5),Used Honda cd 110 dream Bikes in Mumbai (3),Used Honda Dream Yuga Bikes in Mumbai (2). We help you to choose the perfect vehicle for you,Get information about our website or Droom services.There are 42 Used Honda Cb Shine Bikes in Mumbai available for sale online in two different pricing formats – Fixed Price and Best Offer. 74,795. Shine is available in India in 2 versions & 4 colors. Top alternatives of Honda Shine are Honda SP 125, Hero Passion Pro & Bajaj Pulsar 125 with price in Navi Mumbai starting from ₹ 75,213, ₹ 65,740 & ₹ 71,091 respectively.