hope breeds eternal misery meaning

To see what your friends thought of this quote, please sign up! Energy is an eternal delight, and he who desires, but acts not, breeds pestilence. You were my role model, I use to tell the physios that I wanted to walk again to visit your bed as you went one day to mine. I can’t find the words right now to reply to people’s messages and comments to me, I want to apologise to them which in some really messed up way feels like what I should be doing.I’m sitting here writing this and it’s 4am, I had 5 hours sleep last night and I’m so so tired physically and I mentally feel like I’ve been put in a blender.
Trending Questions "There is no … ,Thanks so much for the massive compliment and for reblogging. One day I bumped into this beautiful English lady & we began chatting. I may not say it as much as I should but you all mean the entire world too me and I swear I will do everything I can to make as many memories with you.

It’s nice to know my poem may forever be synonymous with Spencer Hastings of Pretty Little Liars from ABCFamily… and Hamburger Helper. It’s a small world.

0 Likes "When human hearts break and human hearts despair, then from the twilight of the past the great conquerors of distress and care, of disgrace and misery, of spiritual slavery and physical compulsion, … My sisters, the two people who I have grown a lot closer too over the past year, not knowing how they were going to take it, seeing them being unbelievably brave for my sake, knowing they must be in so much pain. I walked out of that place and as soon as the door shut behind me I knew this was the beginning of the end.

Where did the saying hope breeds eternal misery come from? We instantly became great friends, talk about our paths were meant to cross & the right place at the right time. 8 thoughts on “Hope Breeds … Wiki User. I love how we kept each other going in kings. I think this means that hope creates an inevitable outcome. it means that having hope only causes suffering when you dont get what you want. My friends. You gave me hope. 1 0. I don’t wish something like this on anyone because it’s the hardest thing to ever experience.Everyone who is reading this has probably has wished me well and sent their love already so thank you I will reply to your lovely words and your messages too. dude, just went through a really bad break-up and the second part is exactly how I feel.Wow, so deep, yet so true. hope springs eternal It is human nature to keep on hoping against all odds. I really appreciate your comments. 2011-09-15 10:15:34 2011-09-15 10:15:34 . I called a few people and barely got past hello before I burst into tears. It was never just me, I spent a lot of time in there and once I had left hospital thinking about you and how you were getting on. Pretty Little Liars. Nice lads. It was an absolute pleasure spending time with you all, o matter how small them moments were they did keep us going. XD,[…] In the meantime, I found this: https://onepoemshy.wordpress.com/2011/03/26/hope-breeds-eternal-misery/ […].Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.Post was not sent - check your email addresses!Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.It’s true what they say… Hope breeds eternal misery.If I hope I get hurt, so there is no hope.And if I dare hope, I know it will be hollow hope.because while my heart empties the last drop of gin onto the fire, feeding the flicker to become a flame.It calls out for help though I know it won’t come.it’s the one thing I know will never fail.from it’s way up to that ever elusive cloud my mind tells my heart is just a mirage….It climbs up anyway and then, one step away, I fall.the illusion pulled out from under me yet again.I let them build my hopes up only to let them crush me later on.It’s my own fault, for as much as I know.as always in the past and no doubt in the future,the mind has no power but it must stand by and watch,as the heart breaks, of it’s own stupid doing,Destined for nothing more or less than misery and heartache.for hope is the most skilled and dangerous of all con-artists;because forever hope will seek out and feed on the weakness and broken hearts of fools like me,who hope blindly against all sense and reason…. And it’s not even bullshit that we read on a daily basis, this is real, this is really good.Thank you so much! I had a right heart catheter done which just involves a small cut in my neck to pass a camera into my heart and lungs to check the pressure of them both. Everyone is telling me I need to keep going, I need to keep fighting to the end just like I have always done but right now it’s so hard to see a positive.

Yesterday I had my appointment at Papworth to find out whether my last option of treatment in the way of a heart transplant was possible. What does the saying 'Hope breeds eternal misery' mean ? 9 likes All Members Who Liked This Quote. There’s not much more I have to say at the moment and it may be a while till I post again but I’ll be back.

Read more quotes from Sara Shepard. Still have questions? Thank you with all my heart, Jamie! Join. “You know what they say about hope, it breeds eternal misery” ― Sara Shepard, Pretty Little Liars. Ask Question + 100. I think we both kept each other going at times and that’s special, I’d always ask how you were doing. All though that was a very tough and testing time for us both I’m sure it made us stronger people. Take care love Julie xx❤️❤️,I find it amazing how much of a small world it really is, it’s nice that we have a mutual friend. Favorite Answer The answer is in the question itself. Postive thoughts and enjoy it.Jay there are no words. William Blake. I stood up and the Dr shook my hand and said “I’m really sorry we couldn’t do more” to which I replied “It’s fine you did what you could and I appreciate that” he then gave me a hug whilst looking like he wanted to cry as well.
That was tough work but it was more than worth it to have that short conversation with you. Let down by life. In2007 I moved to Oz with my vocation as a midwife & began living the dream. Your words moved me to tears and I haven’t known how to reply until now. Trending Questions.