Kelly Slater fitness

He uses a system called Foundation Training, which emphasizes improving posture and core fitness by focusing on strengthening the back of the body to balance the overused, over-stressed front side. Watching Kelly Slater surf with the speed, power and grace he had in his 20’s makes me excited about the next 10 years of my surfing life (and beyond), motivates me to train and to eat well.Keeping fit, strong and supple becomes more important as we age. Kelly Slater is in his 40’s and is still the best. These are the athletes most and often prone to declining performance, slower recovery, more injuries, sickness and eventually, a shorter career. Its not just about surfing, its your longevity, your health. But it's a start. For those of us who don't have the benefit of training with a professional strength and conditioning coach, if you want to improve your overall fitness and health, learn to move your body the way it was designed ... like you did when you were a kid, and not a slave to sitting.Slater also has such naturally keen movement awareness and innate understanding of how important good posture is to feeling and performing at his best. Poor posture and quality of regular movement patterns over time are the main reason athletes become injured; and for us regular folks and weekend warriors, it's why we have bad backs and hips, sore necks and headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, and so on.

How does he do it? As growing stronger, wiser? Win on Saturday,Bracketologists speak: What NCAA tournament forecasters expect from odd 2020-21 season,Same as it ever was? À l’âge de 45 ans, Kelly Slater est encore un véritable compétiteur sur la Tour. Making sure the time is spent wisely is key. Even when the surf is flat, get up early, do some training. There is little doubt that he is a flat-out gifted athlete and has the drive a to be a world-class competitor, but his focus on constantly improving his health through good nutrition and improving balance, movement and posture throughout his career is undoubtedly a key factor in his longevity.Ohio St. faces Nebraska as part of Big Ten start,Astros' Verlander: I need Tommy John surgery,LeBron on MVP voting totals: 'It pissed me off',Djokovic loses his cool again, advances in Italy,Remember me? Health & fitness plays a major role.I am 31 now and feel stronger in the water than ever before. OK, maybe not 11, but hear me out.For those of us who are hunched over computers all day, commuting a half hour or more to work or carrying the kids around, posture is a hidden but alarming health issue that can gradually get worse over time. So every aspect of his life is modified with this in mind. Why? Hang out with other ‘true surfers’. Bale rejoins Tottenham on loan,CU official ticketed for 100-player mountain hike,Watch: Patrick Cantlay finds out how cruel golf can be when he hits the flagstick.Will an inspired Tyron Woodley show up vs. Colby Covington? There is little chance this study can explain how Slater still surfs like he's in his prime. For more than 25 years of working with ASP athletes, including Kelly Slater, Mick Fanning and Jordy Smith, I have preached the power of posture as a vital aspect in their treatment and training as world-class competitors.Slater has incredible body awareness and when he trains his focus is on full body mobility, stability and strength. How does he do it? It can also dramatically affect performance on a surfboard. Waking up early with a clear mind and a body that feels amazing is a well cherished achievement, the rewards are far outweigh the sacrifices. He has always had extraordinary mobility, but because his sport requires right and left sides to move differently, he always has to work towards achieving optimum balance.Top strength and conditioning specialists focus on smoothing out and connecting movement. Commercial Arts Training College. He is focused, his performance in the water is more important than anything else. So every aspect of his life is modified with this in mind. I have had to modify my lifestyle to slow the affects of aging, but it is all worth it. Spending your money on drinks, dinner, etc instead of that new board you have been dreaming of.

This is no coincidence: it comes from how well his central nervous system is connected to his muscles.I started working with Slater in the early '90s. Liked by Kelly Slater. For 20 years Kelly Slater's been the focal point of pro surfing, in large part because of his dedication to maintaining his fitness level. Interestingly, nothing illustrates quality of movement like watching a great athlete do his or her thing. Keep your diet clean and fresh.Asleep by 10pm, up at 530/6am is the best routine.When the waves are crap and you feel like watching TV and eating ice-cream, put on your favorite surf vid.

In the video Kelly talks about how he has been able to keep surfing at a high level for so long (still beating the young guys). Next time you see Slater at an event, notice how effortlessly he walks, paddles out and pops up on his board. I have another short video for you today, this time showing 10x world champion Kelly Slater doing a workout.

I recommend going to organic farmers markets for groceries. Kelly Slater is an American professional surfer, model, businessman, author, and environmental activist who is best known for his overall achievements and contributions in the world of surfing.He has long built his reputation as a professional surfer by holding an unmatched 11 world surfing championships in his entire playing career. Photo: ASP/Kirstin. The quality of one's movement each day is literally a window to how well the body performs and recovers.

Beating men half his age. Join to Connect. Health & fitness plays a major role. Tom Servais