i have no mouth, and i must scream endings

Indeed, he entices Ted to participate in the scenario by appealing to his selfishness and offering him a chance to escape the complex.Ted's scenario involves a medieval castle "right out of Grimm's fairy tales," complete with witches, demons, the Devil himself, and even a recreation of Ellen, here playing the part of sleeping beauty. Posted . However, they eventually reach the caverns and find the promised cache of canned food. For this reason, it can only be defeated by invoking Clarity on it, allowing it to realize the Principle of Entropy: for all his near-infinite power, AM will eventually decay into inert junk like all machines before him. In a cheap shot at Benny's Darwinist beliefs, the tribe also persecutes the weak and infirm, ensuring that the odds are stacked against him.As with Gorrister, the initial goal of the scenario is shrouded in cruel jokes at Benny's expense: the jungle is filled with ripe fruit, but most of it is either high in the treetops or hidden in the tribe's storehouses. However, if Ted remains true to Ellen and refuses to take the easy way out, he can finally put his natural cunning to good use by tricking the Devil into a trap long enough for Ellen's soul to ascend to heaven.With the help of Surgat, a renegade element of AM's consciousness loose in the game, he can also find a way to the surface - only to find that the entire quest was just another means of breaking his spirit: outside AM's complex, the planet is little more than a barren, uninhabitable wasteland.Frustrated at Ted's refusal to obey his baser instincts, AM then returns Ted to his cage, taking some consolation in the fact that any hopes of escaping to the surface have now been dashed.Nimdok is the most enigmatic of the survivors; his past remains a mystery, as does his original name, AM having given him the name "Nimdok" simply because it sounded amusing. 52 likes. Having designed these games to be effectively unwinnable, he goes to great lengths to make the players commit crimes in pursuit of their goals: Ted can cheat on Ellen and sell her soul to the devil; Gorrister has the chance to murder the NPCs and sacrifice their hearts to the Jackal; Benny is allowed to eat corpses and betray potential allies, and (in a deleted scene) even devours a live infant; AM even puts Nimdok in a position of authority over a concentration camp and grants him the opportunity to mutilate children over the course of his experiments - even an opportunity to commit genocide.Unknown to AM, however, the Chinese and Russian supercomputers have achieved independent thought and have started working against him in the hopes of forcing him into a triumvirate rule over Earth, with the eventual intention of accessing a secret colony on the moon: here, hundreds of humans are kept in stasis, more than enough to recreate the human race as an entire species of playthings for AM and his counterparts to torture.To that end, the Chinese and Russian supercomputers initiate a plan to sabotage AM's games, subtly altering each scenario so that the five survivors can resist their jailer's sadistic direction. Ted also shares his short story counterpart's love of Ellen, this being one of the few redeeming elements of his character.Much of the torture inflicted on Ted is based upon his narcissism and selfishness: his torture cell is a literal gilded cage under constant bombardment from laser beams reflected about the cage by, appropriately enough, mirrors. Watch Queue Queue With this in mind, AM encourages him to participate in his games in exchange for a chance to commit suicide.Upon volunteering, Gorrister finds himself on a dilapidated airship powered by the bioelectric energy of numerous caged living creatures. Favorite. Furthermore, AM's mental landscape is divided into three Freudian Entities: the Id, the Ego, and the Superego.The personification of his baser instincts, AM's violent urges and insane desires all stem from the Id. In the ensuing systems crash, the other survivors are all killed in various explosions, leaving only the chosen player for this final level - left as an artificial intelligence inhabiting the body of AM.Meanwhile, automated systems on the lunar colony awaken the humans from stasis in preparation for the hard work of terraforming and repopulating the Earth. The experience permanently traumatized her, leaving Ellen with acute claustrophobia and a crippling fear of the color yellow. It can only be defeated by invoking Forgiveness: not understanding why it could possibly be forgiven after 109 years of torture, its rigid logic fails it, driving the Ego into a shutdown.The seat of AM's intellect and foresight, the Superego concerns itself with predicting the future, remaining locked in dreams of possible outcomes until disturbed by one of the survivors. However, though he can save his captives from dying, he cannot resurrect the dead, and the supercomputer finds himself down four playthings.Angrier than ever before, AM takes steps to ensure that Ted can never find a similar escape, altering his body into an amorphous slug-creature incapable of inflicting any sort of harm on itself. Though he was once a cultured, well-read young man, he ultimate gave up academic pursuits in favor of a life spent exploiting and abandoning others.As with the short story, Ted has been driven to fits of paranoia by AM's torture, particularly by his threats of subjecting him to the replicated vengeance of his past victims.