ios select all text

In your screenshot, a selection has been made, so the options change to be contextual to your selection, namely ‘Copy, Look Up, Share…’.You can only bring up the first set of options without a selection, therefore this is only possible in a text input or textarea.

Not a big deal as at this moment I do not need to use this and was jut trying to get you to improve the answer so anyone wanting to select all text in a Safari window would be able to follow steps to create and use the JavaScript snippet and as presently written I think the average user will be lost.Neural networks could help computers code themselves: Do we still need human…,Podcast 270: Oracle tries to Tok, Nvidia Arms up,Hot Meta Posts: Allow for removal by moderators, and thoughts about future…,Goodbye, Prettify.

I was just trying to do a Select All in a text document. To select more text at a time or to paste text: Tap and hold anywhere in the editing area and the magnifying area will appear.

Control.SetSelectAllOnFocus(true) - Works in UI but not programmatically. This will select all the text within the space between two fingers. I am surprised that this feature is missing, since most iOS apps have it.

Select the text you want using the quick select or intelligent selection methods above. Selecting text on an iPhone is a simple matter of placing your finger on the item you want to highlight until you get the two selection handles. henjasg,Feb 12, 2018 2:26 PM in response to Dvc01,User profile for user: Is it possible to select all text of a web article in Safari?

To copy, pinch in with three fingers until the Copy icon at the top of the screen flashes. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 3 months ago. Instead of hitting "Edit" in the Apple Mail app, use a two-finger swipe gesture to select multiple emails right away. Slide to select and indenting on iOS 12 (left) and iOS 13 (right). if not, is there any trick to change the font in all of the paragraphs in a document?

Tip 1: Put one finger at the beginning of the paragraph and the other at the end, tap and hold for a second. Put one finger in the begining of desired selection and the other in the end and hold for a while. (i have an iPhone 6 so it may be just my issue).A slower alternative to the above in case it doesn't work is grabbing either the top or bottom dot mentioned and manually dragging up or down, holding down at the screen edge till it starts to scroll, selecting text as it scrolls.The next best thing to a missing Safari Select.I checked both Google Chrome and Firefox iOS Browsers and they don't have a Select All feature either.Kalkas mentioned iCab Mobile which brought back memories of long past use of the iCab Mac desktop version. iOS 11.1.This used to work until IOS11 came out.
Swipe down or up to extend a selection in that direction, or reverse it to deselect.

select all the text in a iPad Pages document. Active 9 months ago. This doesn't seem to work in Safari where trying select something only brings up "Copy, Define, Share". Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including,By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our.Ask Different is a question and answer site for power users of Apple hardware and software. Yeah, this is a better method.

Tip 2: Tap once with two finger to quickly select … Oftentimes, we need to copy some text and paste it into another app.

Then remove your finger and a pop-up menu should enable you to "Select all".To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under,The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.Apple is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries.

It only takes a minute to sign up.When selecting text in iOS, you get a "Select, Select All, Speak Sentence" popup as soon as you place the cursor.