lisa porter dod bio

xmlns:xsl=''">.Your browser or your browser's settings are not supported. Sign up for the Breaking Defense newsletter.WASHINGTON: If you talk with senior defense officials there is one threat they will acknowledge is at the top of their list but they rarely discuss in public — biological weapons. Lisa Porter Benign Biotech There are many more benign applications for biotechnology , said Walker’s boss, Lisa Porter, the deputy under secretary of defense for research & engineering. Michael Douglas Griffin is an American physicist and aerospace engineer who served as the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering from 2018 to 2020. That’s a matter of intense interest to the Air Force, which is increasingly worried,What about human augmentation (boosted humans)? Now,“Our focus is about the protection aspect and the restoration, versus enhancement,” Steven Walker said when I asked him about.That doesn’t mean the US military has forsworn the use of synthetic biology techniques on human beings. That’s how we’ve dealt with naturally occurring diseases. It’s even led by some of the,The irony of gene editing is that the crucial tool wasn’t invented from scratch in the lab: It was found in nature.

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“You can’t stockpile enough of the vaccine or the antivirus capability to protect the population against that in the future.”,Schematic of how CASPR Cas9 gene editing works,DARPA is also looking at neutralizing or even reversing the effects of CRISPR Cas9 itself, the enzyme that made today’s breakthroughs in gene-editing possible in the first place.

To get the best experience possible, please download a compatible browser. Image left: Lisa J. Porter, Associate Administrator for Aeronautics Research. Lisa J. Porter is an American scientist and founding Director of the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity. If you know your browser is up to date, you should check to ensure that She was the 2018 President of the Americ… He previously served as Administrator of NASA, the U.S. space agency, from April 13, 2005, to January 20, 2009. Prior to this position, she was the Associate Administrator for Aeronautics Research at NASA and a senior scientist in the Advanced Technology Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.. Lisa J. Porter is the NASA Associate Administrator for the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. Want the latest defense industry news?