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We had anticipated somewhere between 75,000 to 80,000 people being there, and it was closer to over 200,000,” said Rev. We’ve come (here) because you promised, Mr. Lincoln and the promise has been broken.”.“We must never forget the American nightmare of racist violence exemplified when Emmett Till was murdered on this day in 1955, and the criminal justice system failed to convict his killers,” said Martin Luther King III, son of the slain civil rights leader, during his remarks. Sharpton did not lose during his remarks about U.S. hypocrisy, despite Republican Nikki Hailey’s recent statement that “America is not a racist country.”,“We chose to hold the rally at the Lincoln Memorial to honor the 1963 March but also to highlight the broken promises President Abraham Lincoln made a century before that,” Rev. "We are tired of the mistreatment and the violence that we, as Black Americans, have been subjected to for hundreds of years," Rev. There are many battles to be won, but we will battle them together—all of us.Common Dreams brings you the news that matters.As the Virus Unleashes Violence, Women in War-torn Countries Organize,As Trump Threatens Postal Service Amid Pandemic, #SaveUSPS Urges Bulk Stamp Purchases and Congressional Action,Amplifying Food Supply Chain Concerns, 230+ Coronavirus Cases Close Down Top US Pork Producer,(Click to see more comments or to join the conversation),'We Can, and Must, Fight': Death of RBG Sparks Senate Showdown and Calls for Supreme Court Reform,Groups Plan Vigil Outside Supreme Court and National Solidarity Events to Honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg,Massive 'Climate Clock' Urging Governments to #ActInTime Unveiled on Metronome in NYC,Trump EPA Denounced for 'Disgusting' Decision on Atrazine, Herbicide Tied to Birth Defects,US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 'Advocate for Equality and Reason,' Dead at 87.As Early Voting Begins in Key States, Advocates Emphasize 'Election Day' Not Just in November This Year—It's Now!Right-Wing Operatives Accused of Trying to Entrap Progressive Pro-Democracy Groups in North Carolina to Undermine Their Election Work,Amid Pandemic and Endless War, 170+ Global Organizations Urge World Leaders to 'Recommit to Peace Today',Ex-Pence Aide, Covid Task Force Member, Denounces Trump's 'Flat-Out Disregard for Human Life' in Biden Defection Video,'Unprecedented Abuse of Emergency Powers': Free Speech Advocates Denounce Trump Effort to Ban TikTok, WeChat Apps,Justice Ginsburg Should Not Be Replaced Until After the Election,If McConnell Packs the Court on Behalf of Minority Rule, Dems Must Expand and Reform It,How Formerly Incarcerated Firefighters Are Getting the Jobs and Pay They Deserve.Why Do Americans Give Away So Much Control to Corporations?A Dying Industry is Leaving A Deadly Legacy.Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A 'Precise Female'...Unequal Justice: Trump's Supreme Takeover...Will BP Finally Succeed at Moving Beyond Petroleum? Mosley was buoyed by the participation of young people.

Al Sharpton's National Action … We never got the full citizenship; we never got the reparations. They called for an end to systemic racism, showing up at Nov. 3 polls, and for the U.S. Senate to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.“We will not be a footstool to oppression,” Jacob Blake’s sister, Letetra Widman, vowed. Every Black person in the United States is going to stand up.

Jewish tradition deems a person who dies on Rosh Hashanah a tzaddik, a person of great righteousness. Then protestors took over away from the march and pulled a fire alarm at her hotel at night, she said.The National Action Network said its “partners” of the Commitment March included the NAACP; National Urban League; the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation; Legal Defense Fund; Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law; The Leadership Conference; American Federation of Government Employees; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; American Federation of Teachers; Americans for Democratic Action; A. Philip Randolph Institute; the Community Action Partnership; Hispanic Federation; One Union; League of United Latin American Citizens; PERIOD; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.; International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Dream Corps; Hip Hop Caucus; The Obsidian Collection; United Auto Workers (UAW); United Steel Workers (USW); and UnidosUS.Covid-19 concerns sidelined some buses from bringing people physically to Washington, D.C. for the anniversary march.