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This is due to the missile tests and nuclear weapons development by North Korea, and threats of nuclear war as well. Support at home for his policy has always been broad but not deep, a situation that remains even after the June 2000 summit. Throughout the history of the U.S., government has constantly been influenced by Christianity. In a speech yesterday, President Obama proposed additional cuts in national security spending of $400 billion over the next 12 years. South Korea's HDI is rated at High with 0.912 by the Human Development Index and the country joined the OECD in 1996, an organization for developed nations only. China has been willing to cooperate with Washington in trying to ease tensions on the peninsula, although Beijing has yet to seriously consider America’s future role on the peninsula. Alternatively, engagement may fall short of expectations and result in some retrenchment, or Chairman Kim’s centrality to the policy process could prove to be a problem. Natural resources, such as iron, steel, aluminium, coal, oil, and natural gas, exist in great quantities. As the government control decreases, the GDP per capita rises. The per Capita GDP for the country is $3,100. Whatever the result of this review, it is likely that the new administration will make some changes in the terms of engagement but not seek an entirely different approach. Success was seen at home in following years with the development of DMB and WiBro technology and abroad with Korean IT products and services capturing market share in key sectors such as semiconductors. But they may prove unacceptable to North Korea at this point. This remarkable news comes at a time of unprecedented budget deficits and a veritable fever of budget cutting on Capitol Hill. The key difference between North Korea and South Korea is that North Korea has a Communist Dictatorial form of government while South Korea has a Republican form of government.. North Korea and South Korea are the two countries that reside in the Korean Peninsula. Also, the citizen’ roles are to follow laws and to be loyal to their country. In 2010, military spending climbed more than 5 percent last year in both Africa and South America, regions that can, like North Korea, ill afford to divert funds away from human needs. Japan has an emperor (head of state), Akihito, who was appointed based upon his relation to the previous emperor. Kim has had health problems in the past and, according to South Korean intelligence reports, was almost killed by a fall from a horse in the early 1990s. Major imports include crude oil, iron, steel, and machinery. Skeptics point to this year’s North Korean military exercises, which have been the largest in years, and the continued threat posed by Pyongyang’s large conventional forces stationed near the demilitarized zone. Both had their conflicts during the past and still are struggling in the future. So, in the end, who is behaving irrationally? Industrial products, such as automobiles, steel, and energy are also produced often. South Korea is one of the world's most technologically & scientifically advanced countries; it has the fourth highest number and proportion of broadband Internet users among the OECD countries[2] and is a global leader in electronics, digital displays, semiconductor devices, mobile phones and hightech gadgets, headed by the two chaebols, Samsung and LG. Facilitate Policy Formulation and Implementation. Seoul is one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world, a major centre of business and commerce in Asia and home to many of the world's largest transnational corporations such as Samsung, Hyundai, SK and LG. However, whether its engagement policy produces results will also affect whether such a consensus can be maintained. China and Japan both export electronics. The views of the vast majority lie somewhere in between. There was clearly a oversimplified, "us vs. them" or should I say "U.S vs them" mentality at work. The libertarian party is committed to “America’s heritage of freedom” where they are for free-market economy, peace, and individual liberty and personal responsibility. Natural resources, such as coal, limestone, zinc, copper, and gold, exist in great quantities. BACKGROUND: What is the background of the North-Korea vs America conflict? The prognosis for further improvement in U.S.-North Korean relations would seem to be cautious optimism. Agricultural products that are in high production are rice, wheat, potatoes, sorghum, peanuts, tea, cotton, pork and fish. For example, all four countries have different government types. Funds could be provided bilaterally or funneled through South Korean, non-governmental, or international organizations. If he fails to serve his country, in replacement would be Vice President Richard Cheney. Of course, reductions, either negotiated or unilateral, would have to be based on close examination of future requirements to deter a North Korean attack as well as a careful reading of both regional and domestic political audiences. HAVEN’T FOUND ESSAY YOU WANT? Still have questions? North Korea was founded on August 5, 1945. The national literacy rate is 90.9%. In addition to its advanced IT infrastructure, the government is now beginning to invest in the robotics industry. Members of the Congress are elected by direct vote of people of the state that they represent in. Even though their government has two different sides to tell about they too have some similarities. For the North Korean regime, spending money on the military ensures its survival and protects the ruling elite.