questions to ask your friends

What was one of your favorite gifts as a child?12.

Do you have a hole in your underwear? 3. 15 Of The Top Traits,11 Best Personal Philosophies To Guide Your Life,119 Of The Most Positive, Uplifting Affirmations For Women,15 Of The Best Responses When Someone Talks Down To You,11 Best Ways To Deal With A Disrespectful Grown Child,Heartbreaking Stages Of Emotional Affairs,11 Assertiveness Exercises To Build Confidence,77 Existential Questions To Blow Your Mind,15 Romantic Picnic Ideas For The Perfect Date. Do you think of yourself as more selfless or selfish?19.

What is something no one else knows about you?18. Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Have you ever cheated on someone? If I told you one day that I had a superpower that made it unnecessary for me to pay rent (or pay for much of anything), what would you do?2. Questions to Ask a Girl. You walk in and find me holding it and looking as though I’m plotting something. Find out how well your best friend pays attention to you, and how well you two know each other, by asking each other these 40 best friend questions. 6. Have you ever sent someone sexy photos of yourself?23. What's the funniest thing that's ever happened during sex?13. What is your quirkiest habit, and how long have you had it? What is your favorite thing about my home/living space? What was your childhood like? Would you rather be rich or healthy? When we met, what made you think I’d be a good friend?19. What quality in a person do you fall in love with? How often do you clean up your room? If you could visit any period in history, when and where would it be?3. If I was going to repaint my living room, and I showed you a sample of a color — and you hated it — would you tell me?
Where do you hope to be three to five years from now? If you could be driven around everywhere by a chauffeur, what vehicle would you want that chauffeur to drive?21. If I were a musical instrument, which would I be?9. Who is the most important person in your life?20. And if so, what do you see us doing?7. by a waterfront and living in a spacious, light-filled, and beautifully furnished downtown apartment, so you could walk everywhere, which would you choose?4. If I won the lottery and was suddenly a half-billionaire, what do you think I’d do first?4. Who was the last person to make you cry? Do you ever wish you had different parents? Or what would you hope.5. What did you learn to do before your 18th birthday that most people you’ve met don’t know how to do?8. Do you believe in the existence of aliens — specifically intelligent life on other planets?15. Are you still holding a grudge against someone?25. Your S.O. If it helps, print out the list, so you can cross off each question as you answer it.Or keep these best friend questions handy by saving this article to the.If you’ve found value in this article on questions to ask your friend, please share it to help others learn more about their best friends and about each other.Questions to Ask Your Best Friend about Yourself,Personal Questions to Ask Your Best Friend,20 Signs Of Fake Friends And How To Find Real Friends,50 Best Friend Tag Questions And How to Play,21 Best Universal Truths To Guide Your Life,Why Do You Push People Away? If your significant other lost his/her job and decided to just not work anymore, what would you do?4. What do you do?22. Do you ever wish you’d handled a situation differently? What do you do?23.

If you were to go (back) to college, what major would you choose?17. Why not ask amazing questions with your friend? With others, you might both reveal something the other hadn’t so much as guessed.That’s the risk you take when you make it your.You may uncover things that test your relationship. Have you ever given a gift that the recipient hated (or didn’t know what to do with)?12. If I could change one thing about my life, what do you think it would be?8. 2. What was your first or most memorable thought when you first met me?18. What do you say?Pick from any of these 25 questions to ask your friends.1. What would you choose?19.

What actor would you like to play the starring role of your life?7. What behaviors do you despise in another person?24. Personal Questions to Ask Your Best Friend 1. Do you prefer the lights on or off during sex?24. language as fluently as your first, what would that language be and why?12. If you could live in a different time period, what would it be and why?11. Would you donate an organ to someone you love?17. What is your biggest life regret? By far, my favorite is Artemis. Are you happy with your body and showing it during sex?25. If you could trade lives with someone, who would it be?23. What magical power would you like to possess?15. If you could only eat salty snacks or sweet snacks for the rest of your life, which would you choose?6. What quality in a person do you fall in love with? The first 10 well-written comments will get my best advice.David Morin is the founder of SocialPro. Do you bite your tongue or your cheeks more often? .SocialPro works together with psychologists and doctors to provide actionable, well-researched and accurate information that helps readers improve their social lives.This website uses cookies to function properly.Questions to ask to get to know your friends better,Funny questions to ask friends when bored,How well do you know me questions for friends,Click here to read 222 questions to ask to get to know someone,222 questions to ask to get to know someone,Best Conversation Starters and Interesting Small Talk Topics,TIME Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, The Hill, MSN, WebMD.
What’s one thing about you that you’d never mention on a first date?8. What is your biggest challenge right now (and is there anything I can do to help)?20. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?7. There are … Last furry thing you touched? What recreational drugs have you used in the past?5. Have you ever kissed a dog?

What three adjectives would describe you? How do you want to be remembered by your friends and family?20. Who was your first crush? There are 22 good questions, 30 personal questions, and 48 deep questions to ask your friends for great conversation even when you are bored.Here’s the list of funny & good questions to ask your friends, best friends or even new friends. Would you ever consider running for public office?5. What is the weirdest thing that you have done with a girl/guy in a scary place? 1). Is there anything more I could do to make sure you know how much I appreciate having you as a friend?22.