seinfeld finale alternate ending

We tried something and it didn't connect with you. Judge Vandelay asks "What do you mean?" Estelle enters Judge Vandelay's office in order to get him to reduce the punishment for her son if he is found guilty by doing something for him.

It kind of seamlessly fit with adding Brody at the end. This ending can be found as an Easter egg on the "Seinfeld" season 9 DVD set. Jane Wells even stated that the testimonies went into the night until Judge Vandelay has decided that he has heard enough. NBC "Seinfeld" wrapped up nine seasons of episodes with a two-part finale that was largely hated by fans. "One was the version viewers saw, with Ephram and Amy reuniting on the Ferris wheel. If you can find something confirming that, I'll update my answer.By alternative ending I meant whether there was an entire plot of the finale which was different than the court case and the main characters going to prison and everything. Kramer is finally able to get the water out of his ears after days of trying. to redo it he would have kept the plot of the finale less of a secret, which only heightened expectations.To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under,The best answers are voted up and rise to the top,Movies & TV Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled,Start here for a quick overview of the site,Detailed answers to any questions you might have,Discuss the workings and policies of this site,Learn more about Stack Overflow the company,Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us.I'm pretty sure that short 'alternate verdict' scene was only shot so the real one won't be leaked, though, and was never really considered an alternative. When Kramer claims that a woman on the jury is smiling at them, Jerry tells him that she's smiling at them because they might go to prison. George, momentarily feeling the need to,While waiting for the airplane to be repaired, they witness an overweight man named Howie (,Because this is the first case implementing this law, they are advised by the deputy to call a lawyer to represent them. The series ended with will-they-or-won't-they couple Amy (Emily VanCamp) and Ephram (Gregory Smith).and kissing in front of a ferris wheel.

'",Showtime's interest in keeping the character alive would have put a hamper on the ending former showrunner Clyde Phillips would've pitched if he didn't leave the show after four seasons.
An Alternate Ending to “Seinfeld” Where the Entire Cast Dies in a Plane Crash…and Tim Whatley Becomes Walter White WCSX Contributor January 24th, 2018 Share. and Estelle responds "You know.

",In the final scene before the credits, the four main characters sit in their holding cell awaiting their prison transport.

".When Dobrev left the show after its sixth season, Plec said she realized the show stopped being about a love triangle and became a show about the love between two brothers.And so there was no way in hell I was killing both of them and leaving neither of them with the happy ending. so it looks like the entire “Seinfeld” cast DIES. "They're just starting to administer the drugs and he looks out through the window to the observation gallery. ","Everwood" was cancelled before its time and ended after four seasons much to the disappointment of fans and critics alike. He then sentences the four of them to spend a year in prison so that they can contemplate the manner in which you have conducted themselves. As everyone starts to leave, Elaine tells David not to wait for her to which he indifferently says "Alright."

@PaleBlueDot - so not an alternate ending, but an alternate final episode.Did the creators of Seinfeld ever have an alternate finale in their mind for the show?Goodbye, Prettify.
Subscribe to our daily newsletter to get more of it.Wrapping up a TV series after years of storylines is a difficult thing to do, and finales tend to leave viewers divided. Having said that, the actual trial is a funny idea and we get to see cameos of all the great characters from over the years, which is fantastic. Be sure to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE! In the final scene, the two., which was included on as an extra on the DVD, would have set things up for a third season.Hawkins has to sacrifice himself to let Jake get away with the bomb and get it to Texas so it can be tested and prove that they were telling the truth," series executive producer Carol Barbee told.While the HBO series "Game of Thrones" has yet to air its eighth and final season, producers filmed multiple endings in case hackers got their hands on the series finale.I think they're filming a bunch of stuff and they're not telling us. Your Enthusiasm, saying "We already screwed up one finale" with David He also states that the defendants must pay for this crime. The series' finale scene reveals Mr. Big's real name is John and he tells Carrie that he's put his home in Napa on the market and he's moving back to New York to be with her.Series creator Darren Star revealed that he didn't write the final episode and wasn't happy with the way the show ended.But I think the show ultimately betrayed what it was about, which was that women don't ultimately find happiness from marriage.

That's what had made women so attached," he said in an.were also filmed and were later included as extras on the series' DVDs. . We only shot one script, but through edit room magic we had two possible outcomes for the series. The show's finale was a meta way to winkingly acknowledge those Brody Jenner as he wistfully watched her drive away in a limo. I hope we're still friends," Bays wrote on Twitter. The episode garnered strongly divided responses upon airing, and continues to polarize critics and audiences.Kramer's desperation to get the water out of his ears causes him to jump up and down on the plane and, as a result, he stumbles and falls into the cockpit, which causes the pilots to lose control. However, the plot takes a sharp left turn when the gang heads to Paris in the network’s private jet and Kramer accidentally causes the plane to go down. The jury re-enters the courtroom. Directed by Andy Ackerman.

Click it to see the alternate ending to the series