regina mills birthday

As a gesture of goodwill, she offers him to contact her should he ever need anything. During the evening, she begins cleaning up the mess at her apple tree when Mr. Gold stops by to inform her that Emma and Henry have since reconciled. Greg accepts her gratitude; stating that he empathizes with kids in trouble. Persuaded by both Henry Mills and Robin Hood that she is capable of light magic, Regina uses it to defeat Zelena once and for all.

Nonetheless, Zelena announces that her true intent is to get what she desires; describing it as "her dreams being realized" while Regina will suffer a "fate worse than death".

As she is suffocating him, Henry and Ruby arrive. Deciding Rumplestiltskin would know best, they break into the Dark One's castle; with Robin Hood stopping Regina from using magic on the sealed door and instead firing an arrow to trigger a trap explosion. Or will we see it on the show?" Regina relishes in the fact that Eric will never know Ariel's feelings for him as this outcome is far worse than being outright rejected.Whilst serving Rumplestiltskin, Belle begins to bond with him and he eventually gives her permission to go into the town for some items. While he does stay for dinner and then helps her do the dishes, she attempts to kiss him, though David rebuffs the advance and would rather just stay friends. He questions if she is ready to be a mother, though Regina attests it's something she needs. Left alone, an angered Regina shatters a mirror. Emma, refusing to lose hope, pursues Elsa.

Instead, Emma sways the other Lost Boys with the promise she will get them off the island, to which they disclose Pan is at his "thinking tree" in Pixie Woods. Regina knows nothing about the photo, but she lies about not knowing Sidney's whereabouts.

The next day, Mother Superior is killed by the Shadow.
She is brought in for interrogation, but Emma doesn't see anything suspicious and believes Regina is changing for the better. That night, she gazes longingly at Daniel's preserved body. With their honeymoon coming up soon, Charming tries to persuade Snow that Regina's threats are nothing but words at this moment in time. For the time being, they decide to leave the time portal untouched, but Emma and Hook accidentally travel through it to the past to recreate a meeting between Prince Charming and Snow White and then return to the present.

While concentrating on the card, the enchantment brings out Belle's cursed false memories as a barfly named Lacey. That evening, Regina secretly has Graham over as they have a physically driven affair. Knowing of her intentions to cast the "curse of the empty-hearted", Henry begs Regina not to force him to love her.

She questions Mr. Gold about it and receives quite the shock about Neal being Henry's biological father. This was shown when she knew that her mother's plan was too extreme and she became a frenemy of the Charmings.From the third season, she became nicer, being compassionate and hoping for true love, which she found in Robin Hood. After Cora takes the dagger, Emma shoves Regina into her; sending both careening into a glass display. Forced to play by the rules, Regina then declares she is backing Sidney for the sheriff election.

Regina becomes alarmed and secretly enters the house to grab the letter. The Queen corners them, however, and decides to use them to sneak into a blind witch's home to steal something she lost. She states that an anonymous caller saw Regina digging at the Toll Bridge and shows her the broken off shovel piece. Regina reveals the price for stopping the curse is all former Enchanted Forest inhabitants will be sent back to their old world while Storybrooke will disappear out of existence. Afterwards, at the diner, she is approached by Tinker Bell, who notices the lion tattoo on Robin Hood's arm. Regina is handed Hook's rum bottle after both David and Mary Margaret take sips in honor of the pirate, but she rejects the drink and retreats away.Instructing Emma on magic, Regina instructs her to channel anger into power.

She manages to hide a glass piece of Snow White's coffin and then proceeds to calm down the alarmed townspeople. Henry Daniel Mills is one of the main characters of Once Upon a Time. 20 Times 'OUAT's Regina Was Your Inner Villain. Emma hands the storybook to him; asking Henry to believe in magic. To this, Emma recognizes that their combined powers might stop the trigger. Belligerently, Regina accuses him of orchestrating this, but he denies having pulled any strings, though she is not convinced. Zelena- born April 15 1945 (Her birthday is mentioned in 5X16. Reverting to their former selves, Regina, Mary Margaret and David, who is still locked in his cell, burst into laughter at the ridiculousness of their prior disputes. Inside, they break open a freezer and uncover a newspaper clipping of when Pinocchio found Emma, as a baby, on the side of the road; proving the Snow Queen has been watching the savior from the start. Tinker Bell steals pixie dust and visits Regina, asking if she wants to fly with her. By rowboat, Regina, Emma, Mr. Gold and Neal ascend onto Skull Rock to stop Pan. Her mother regrets killing Regina's lover and desires to help her find love again since hearing about a fairy who located her soul mate. Frustrated, Regina insults Pinocchio for not trying harder to remember. She receives thanks from Emma for helping them.

... Pisces (February 19 - March 20) — Regina Mills/The Evil Queen. This prompts Regina find Robin Hood and give him a long-awaited kiss.Regina kisses Henry and breaks the Dark Curse.The next morning, Regina and Robin Hood meet at the inn for a quick kiss session before she goes to meet David, Emma and Mary Margaret to strategize on how to break the new curse. After returning to her palace, Regina wonders why the villagers are loyal to Snow and not her. Regina decides to hold off on telling Ariel the whereabouts of Eric until after she accomplishes the mission, and stresses the bracelet will only give her legs for twenty-four hours.