should i end my relationship quiz

Do you trust your partner with your money? 1. Dude, Just End It.

This test will help you to determine how to proceed. By Stephanie Suesan Smith, Ph.D. Perhaps you're wondering whether your relationship has a future or concerned things aren't as they should be. Are you heading in the same direction?Do you feel sexually satisfied? What will you do once you end this relationship?7. Do you think your partner will agree to end this relationship?4. People have been wondering whether they should be in their relationship even since relationships became a thing . Take this quiz to see if things are going well, or if you should consider ending the relationship. So, do you think you should end your relationship? It is possible but it's not the main reason,C. Arguments between us can be really bad.Yes, we talk things though and find a solution or compromise.No, arguments between us usually end very badly and cause a great deal of hurt and damage to our relationship.We have a beautiful live to look forward to.No, we don't agree on everything but will support each other as we go along.It's not always good, but I will stay in it to keep the relationship going.Sometimes, but we tend to slack off in that aspect of our relationship.I tend to wish for more or I sometimes wish I could change this or that about my partner.Removing question excerpt is a premium feature.Does your partner make you feel bad about yourself?

We eat and sleep together.No, I am not sure how my partner's head works and find it difficult to understand him/her sometimes.Sometimes my partner still does something that makes me feel that he/she is a stranger to me. Does your partner break you down instead of building you up?Do you take part in each other's lives and are you involved and interested in each other's activities and interests?Do you really know your partner? You should be with someone who values you, cares about you, treats you with the utmost respect and is worthy of your trust. Whatever's going on with you is obviously affecting you and taking up way too much brain space. You may be experiencing the downsides and are wondering if they are a signal that you should call it quits. Has your partner cheated on you and perhaps that’s why you want to end the relationship?B. It’s clear that you have your own separate lives, and while it’s perfectly normal to have parts of your life that don’t revolve around the other person, there comes a point where these separate lives will lead to a true separation. Is your partner financially responsible?Does your partner support your career? Just like anything else, when it comes to relationships there’s a beginning and somehow an end. Should I Leave My Relationship Quiz.

And while it may seem difficult, scary or unsettling to end things with your partner, it’s a necessary step on your road to finding a fulfilling, meaningful and long-lasting relationship. Your long-distance relationship is hitting some bumps, but it’s possible for you to make it work—if that’s what you truly want.

The end of a relationship is not always cordial, and even when you don’t love each other anymore, it’s quite difficult to leave someone we’ve been together with for a long time. You are not really thinking about it, right now.2. Many relationships hit tumultuous times when two big personalities are adjusting to one another. But sometimes you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do and simply stay away from a relationship that has become toxic.

Are your needs anticipated and met? Has your life been a nightmare with this person?D. Do you share a sense of humor? The test below is designed to show you if the end is actually here. How long has it been since you’ve been thinking about ending your relationship?D. Does your partner encourage you to further your career or whatever you are busy with?Does your partner take care of you when you are feeling ill or when you feel a bit low about something?

Relationships are full of ups and downs. Should You End Your Relationship Quiz . So if you’re currently going back and forth over your prospects as a couple, don’t worry: you’re not alone.