style makeover before and after

It polished her image and the makeover, in general, brightened her spirit,“The reactions from my friend and family (not to mention those in the supermarket) were wonderful! A coat of yellow paint provides instant lift and a sunny look.Papers, books, and accessories run rampant over a desktop, leaving little room to actually work. You will receive the tools necessary to discover your personal style, get all of those frustrating questions answered and learn how to feel great every time you get dressed.Most people think that anyone who is an image consultant has known how to put herself together since she was born. Make a Small Room Feel More Spacious Since working with Ginger, my wardrobe consists of clothes that I like and that express who I am and when I feel good in my clothes, I am more confident in whatever I do.”.Diane is a brightly spirited, indomitable firecracker!
What you see here are the results of our journey together. I am loving it! She loves storytelling and the opportunity to explore the South via the content on StyleBlueprint.Nancy Charbonneau: Interior Designer Crush. (Note: I am a stickler for being sure each woman is smiling in her ‘before’ picture, that the lighting is consistent and that there are no touch-ups done after the fact (this is not true for all before and after fashion makeovers out there). Check out our gallery of before and after shots to see which suit your personal style best. The counter space is sparse and a never-used table takes up valuable turf.The table is removed and replaced by a base cabinet with drawers and a countertop that is 10 inches deeper than average—creating some much-needed surface area. “It should be comfortable and welcoming, beautiful, and most importantly, peaceful — somewhere she could embrace this new season of empty nesting and do all of the things she now has time to do. As an image and wardrobe stylist I knew that we had to lighten things up by bringing more animation and softness to her style. This experience changed their lives and their relationship with their wardrobe and bodies. The blue-and-white scheme makes the room feel larger and more coherent. The double-purpose room is integrated by keeping to a consistent color scheme that’s pulled together by a bold patterned piece. February 19, 2016 Save Pin FB. Real Simple is part of the Meredith Home Group. But the ‘after’ picture projects a trendy image and a lively personality. Instead, her fashion makeover consisted of moving her into softer fabrics and colors that enhance her natural beauty instead of overpowering it. I immediately went home after the workshop and cleaned out my closet of clothes that were ill fitting or the completely wrong color. From one end of the house (the entryway) to the other (the mudroom), it seems, readers’ rooms could use a little zhooshing up. Thank you for your enthusiastic expertise and your genuine personality. While I was addicted to this show in grad school (I needed something on in the background while I was coding data) I never loved the fact that they highlighted the haggard, poorly dressed woman checking her mail with her college hoodie on. And though the counters are crowded, the walls are going unused.To lighten the room, cabinets are painted white, a matching front is ordered from the manufacturer and attached to the dishwasher (takes only minutes to install), and the fussy valance is removed from the windows to let in more natural light, making the kitchen appear larger without comprising privacy. The difference is magical!“I had a dose of happy today when I put on my teal sweater, belted cream tank, and saw the blue in my eyes just pop!

Just these few elements all coming together are representative of eloquent design, and how I approach design with every project I work on.”.Ashley is StyleBlueprint's Editorial Director. Clothing is stored in the drawers, and out-of-season items go in bins on top.In this small and dated 1960s bathroom, the blue tiles, white vanity, yellow walls, and multicolored shower curtain create visual havoc. Just click the link. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2019 Discovery, Inc. or its subsidiaries and affiliates. But it was much more than that. Household records are kept within easy reach in magazine file boxes. But when her colors stay true and her playful side is allowed to emerge, she glows!“Ginger helped me relax my definition of what it means to dress professionally and opened up a whole new world of options.”.There’s a delicateness about Diane’s beauty that isn’t expressed when she wears a shapeless, colorless suit, especially when the fit is all wrong. The mountain of papers, whittled down, is sorted and stored away in a file cabinet; photos go into tin boxes, and magazines are kept in bulk bins. She has an extraordinary ability to see deeply into her clients and–gently–show each of us how to let our own, unique qualities shine forth.”.Can you see the energy that Donna exudes?