teahupo'o pronunciation

If you can't say it, avoid the common alternatives "cho-poo" or "chopes" - the Polynesians don't have the "ch" sound.Teahupoo is also known in the surfing world as "The End of the Road."

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Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce Teahupoo in Tahitian with native pronunciation. Finally Adam called, “This one, Liz, GO!

The first point to make is that the correct spelling of the word is, Teahupo`o. I’ve sailed with her. Seems like your pronunciation of Teahupoo is not correct. People pronounce it Chopoo, but this actually refers to the surf break itself. Learn to pronounce with our guides.
And as far as funded by a private sponsor? Search. The ‘Teahu’ sounds like ‘ch-oh’ and the po’o like Po’ as in Edgar Allen ‘Poe’. ,A tiny blog almost twenty years in the making.Teahupoo.

Teahupoo - Te-a-hu-po-o in English, the "Te" of Te-nnesee, "a" of A-merica, "hu" of Hula, "po" of poke, and you can add an extended "o". The correct spelling is "Teahupo'o," and it should be pronounced correctly as "tear-hoo-poh-oh." The professional surfing circuit developed a new formula for wave height measurement.Tyler Wright and Ethan Ewing have taken epic victories at the Tweed Coast Pro, event one of the Australian Grand Slam of Surfing.Longboard surfing is a beautiful sport that allows riders to adopt their favorite style.Basque pro surfer Aritz Aranburu is a big believer in the therapeutic effects of surfing.© 2020 SurferToday.com | All Rights Reserved,"The Surf Riders of Hawaii": the story of the world's first surf book,Lea Hahn: the fearless Tahitian surf photographer,Captain James Cook: the explorer who "discovered" surfing,Todd Chesser: the life and legacy of a timeless surfer,Nick Gabaldón: the first documented African American surfer,Adriano de Souza to retire from pro surfing in 2021,The benefits of wave pools to adaptive surfers,An introduction to longboard surfing (in the Mediterranean Sea),Ethan Ewing and Tyler Wright win 2020 Tweed Coast Pro.How are big waves measured in professional surfing.

Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce Teahupoo in Tahitian with native pronunciation. documented work)? !” I paddled hard and got under it, grabbed my rail, and locked into backside three-wheel drive, bracing myself for disaster”¦ but to my surprise, I made the drop, glided just under the quickly peeling lip, then saw an exit and launched out the back. because the locals themselves call it what you say is a ‚horrible mispronunciation‘! You can try again. It's insane! A ten-foot wave here equals a 30-foot moving mountain beast in a beach break.Going over the falls at Teahupoo is a synonym of getting pounded, beat down, and held down for an indefinite time. The infamous has already taken the lives of a handful surfers since 2000. It’s a work of enormous love, with the intention to inspire others to follow their hearts, protect our planet, and live out their dreams. If you can't say it, avoid the common alternatives "cho-poo" or "chopes" - … Though it’s not always the subject of her posts, a lot is going on behind the scenes.Thanks for your comment, but you should understand that things are different than how you might think they appear.Posted on May 15, 2009 |.Post was not sent - check your email addresses!Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.For the last three years I’ve been anchored in the South Pacific, writing a book about my voyage. And, secondarily, what does that mean?The first point to make is that the correct spelling of the word is.Once we agree on the correct spelling, we figure out easily how to correctly pronounce the word. Just like you want people to pronounce your country's name right, your own name right, make an effort to pronounce the name right! Thank you for helping build the largest language community on the internet. A surf spot for the über-advanced. What Does It Mean?Your email address will not be published. Teahupoʻo is a village on the southwestern coast of the island of Tahiti, French Polynesia, in the southern Pacific Ocean. One of them was Briece Taerea, a local rider who got caught inside and hammered by a 15-foot set while trying to duck dive it.The ride at Teahupoo is short - between 75 and 100 yards - yet extremely fast and intense. pronouncekiwi - How To Pronounce Teahupo'o. Indeed, the first time I saw the swell at Teahupoo was on a poster where about a dozen boardshorted surfers sit next to a wall of water that looks 100 foot high – without batting an eye, indicating that they knew the wave was not going to hit them.The conditions are frequently perfect for shots. The “u” that follows is pronounced like English “oo”, while the “o`o” at the end is pronounced like English “oh-oh!” Yes, that was a surprise.Note that the Polynesian “T” became “K” in Hawaiian. Notice also that most places in Polynesia have names that are fairly descriptive. Still, it’s not the biggest wave by far, not even the biggest surf-friendly wave, nor the biggest wave surfed. I’ve collected data on pollution and plastic pollution from her.

Quite honestly, there’s something kooky about calling oneself an “environmentalist” when in reality just being out traveling and surfing in poor countries (on a cruising boat funded by a “private sponsor” (i.e. I spotted a few familiar faces, too, so I went over and tied to the buoy in the channel, did my routine surf prep, and paddled for the lineup.After greeting Adam, who I hadn’t seen since my one time there a year before, and Fabrice who I surfed with routinely near the boatyard, I sat wide for a while to get comfortable with a place to line-up with on land and just observe the behavior of the wave. That’s a fairly common one, and is typical of people that haven’t had much exposure to Polynesian.

Because it literally breaks directly offshore from the end of a local paved road.There are no limits for what this wave can deliver. When they get to Teahupoo, they are monstruous, but they lost all the misshapenness of their origin.

She understands the marine ecosystem and what threatens it more than most people in the world. Finally, notice that the initial “Te” is the Tahitian definite article (“the” in English), which is always pronounced as mentioned above.You could see a ton of different things in there. How to say Teahupoo in English?