weirdest hollywood actresses

Or she stuck her wet lips to a frozen light pole and pulled away–but she did it more than ONCE!!!
Wood had had a fear of water her whole life, which makes it doubly sad that she eventually died by drowning. And their two front teeth are likely just what they’d have given up to be the meat in that Chloe sandwich those two did. Really? Box Office,‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas!’ tops Essential Holiday Classics Film List. He is so misleading in his intention yet he will pull the punch by saying he actually fancies freaks. No one knows who brutally murdered the 22-year-old and the case is still unsolved. As an aside, I commented above that Christina Ricci is weird-looking, but I also find her hot as hell. not alien at all. She looks like she has duck lips and it also makes her look a bit off somehow. Some of them are (apparently) just downright rude and nasty. Danny Trejo was born Dan Trejo in Echo Park, Los Angeles, to Alice (Rivera) and Dan Trejo, a construction worker. love your work Beano, I’ve been a fan for some time Sir / Madam ..look out for me too, John Wick of course..Rooney mara. The men are FAR WORSE!! Plus, she’s had a sh*tload of plastic surgery to conventionalize her looks, though many deluded fans would beg to differ.

!What is the purpose of this blog?? Natascha McElhone isn’t just pretty, she’s one of the hottest women on the planet. How to adopt there are some items you require …,Reese Witherspoon should be in this list, feels so wierd,I have never thought Reese was ugly, but highly overrated & not pretty.Zooey Deschanel is not unique looking at all, if she didn’t have big blue eyes I doubt people would look twice at her. […],[…] Source: 13 Weird & Mysterious Hollywood Deaths | Thought Catalog […].Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday.You may unsubscribe at any time. 1.
What I am getting at is, when her lips are relaxed, they just look F’n mangled.And I totally agree with the comment on Bai Ling. Saying that about my genetics, my son looked like Andy Pandy when he was born!Seriously? Pretty woman?

half the women you have listed wear natural makup because they look so good they do not need to modify with strong makup as per jenna marbles (see how to trick people into thinking your good looking) i have even pulled out a ruler to chek the ratios of these faces, and buddy you are wack, most of the faces are perfect! She was so bright and pretty there.Maggie Gyllenhaal may not have been the best part of The Dark Knight, but she’s a damn sight better than Katie Holmes. Gabrielle is just nasty to me… to damn skinny and her face looks like she has had so much work done (maybe not, but still too skinny),Angelina Jolie – yuck. THERE NEVER WERE!! In fact, she herself has admitted to this.

For that matter all living things choose mates based on symmetry as symmetry is a powerful marker of genetic resilience/health.Everyone needs to chill out the author never said they did not find these actresses pretty. You are probably even critical of your own face! Undecided as to whether she’s actually hot or not.Sorry I’m late to the party. You act like people are supposed to have certain “bone structures”, features, etc. Most American high schools have at least 20 young women attending who are technically prettier than the celebrities we worship. Even though in that photo she looks like she’s been punched in the face.Tilda is a bit odd looking, but there’s still something intriguing about her that does it for me Mary Lynn, Natasha, Bryce, Helena are all beautiful… not odd looking at to me.