what's opera, doc season

Elmer sings his signature line \"Be vewy qwiet, I'm hunting wabbits\" (in recitative), before arriving at Bugs Bunny's hole. With Mel Blanc, Arthur Q. Bryan. WHAT'S OPERA, DOC? not realizing that the hare has already climbed out and is viewing Elmer spearing fruitlessly in said hole. It's the art direction that does it - it's VERY 1950s (some would say it's pinched from UPA, but this is false: look at the previous work of Maurice Noble, and the direction in which background design was tending at Disney and to a lesser extent Warner Brothers before UPA was even formed, and you'll see that UPA was merely the most extreme expression of a zeitgeist which arose for as yet unexplained reasons) - but it fits the roasted twilight setting of Wagner like a glove. After a "hard-to-get" pursuit" (brought on by Elmer's ...Which Is the Funniest Pair of Looney Tunes Characters?Top 10 Looney Tunes as rated by IMDb users. They sing, they dance, they eat the scenery.7 of 11 people found this review helpful. Elmer goes after the wascally wabbit, but his pursuit is ended when he sets his eyes on the stunningly and awesomely beautiful Valkyrie Brunhilde (Bugs in disguise). Learn more about our shows and how to save on tickets with ticket subscription packages and other special ticket discounts and … The object of their arguments is hunter Elmer Fudd.A bulldog, charmed by a kitten, tries to keep her hidden from his human guardian.A sneaker-wearing, hairy monster chases Bugs through a castle belonging to an evil scientist.The final installment of the "Hunting Trilogy" once again has Elmer out hunting, while Bugs and Daffy try to con him into shooting the other.Bugs Bunny takes a wrong turn at Albuquerque and winds up in a Mexican bullring fighting one heck of a big bullying bull.Daffy haplessly attempts to prove to the jocularly doubtful Friar Tuck Porky that he is actually Robin Hood.This is a classic short cartoon, all right. Elmer Fudd is again hunting rabbits - only this time it's an opera. logo, substituting the usual exit music. Bugs joins in the fun, querying his tagline in operatic verse and leaving Elmer in his dust (but not before "Siegfried" shows us an example of supposed "mighty powers" from his spear and magic helmet). This channel was generated automatically by YouTube's video discovery system. Chuck Jones reasoned since they could not disguise Bugs as a heavyset woman, they made the horse heavyset instead. What's Opera, Doc - Rent Movies and TV Shows on DVD and Blu-ray. We open with a silhouette of a mighty Viking arousing ferocious lightning storms … only to find it’s Elmer — this time as the …

Directed by Chuck Jones. What's Opera, Doc? -- one of the most famous Bugs Bunny cartoons of all time. Wagner's Siegfried with Elmer as the titular hero and Bugs as Brunnhilde. (Image: Warner Bros.)In 1957, Warner Bros. released "What's Opera, Doc?" In animation historian Jerry Beck's 1994 poll of animators, film historians and directors, this cartoon was selected as the #1 cartoon of all time.The first cartoon selected for the National Film Registry.Warner Bros. Cartoons, Inc. only allotted five weeks for the production of each seven-minute short, but director.Generally considered to be the single greatest animated short ever made.When Elmer is summoning the various forces of nature ("North Wind bwow! Please help support BCDB with a donation or a subscription to the website. What s Opera Doc The short is also sometimes informally referred to as Kill the Wabbit after the line sung by Fudd to the tune of the Ride of the Valkyries. No late fees. Check out our gallery of Emmy nominees in the leading and supporting acting categories in real life and in character.Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? The "That's All Folks" text doesn't go through its usual animation.$12,285 Bugs watches Elmer fruitlessly jam his spear into the hole to \"Kiww the wabbit! Generations of children grew up watching that short in theatres and on television. Wagner's Siegfried with Elmer as the titular hero and Bugs as Brunnhilde.