what caused the temperance movement

Women crusaders, particularly middle-class Protestants, pointed toward the Christian virtues of prudence, temperance and chastity, and encouraged people to practice these virtues by abstaining from alcohol.The Civil War put an immediate, if temporary, end to early temperance efforts. Answer Save. So did the American Temperance Union.They both benefitted from a renewed interest in religion and morality.

Anonymous. Teetotalism, so named for the idea of capital “T” total abstinence, emerged in this period and would become the dominant perspective of temperance advocates for the next century.Women were active in the movement from the beginning. The American Temperance Society began in 1826. They also perpetuated racist stereotypes, including the belief that African Americans could not hold their liquor.As the temperance movement waged on, advocates became more extremist, none more so than Carrie Nation. Companies also commemorated her efforts, and she sold souvenirs alongside her autobiography at lectures and other public appearances as she toured the country with her temperance message.As the 20th century progressed, a final shift occurred in the Temperance Movement when groups such as the Anti-Saloon League began applying more political pressure and urging for state and federal legislation that would prohibit alcohol.

The Progressive movement often took the side of temperance and prohibition. She was arrested 30 times.Nation referred to these attacks as “hatchetations,” and justified her destruction of private property by describing herself as “a bulldog running along at the feet of Jesus, barking at what He doesn’t like.” One of the most radical components of Nation’s hatchetations was that she smashed pharmacies as well. Nation believed something must be done, and in June 1900 she awoke from a dream in which God suggested that she go to Kiowa, Kansas, and break down a saloon. By using temperance as a rallying cry, they sought to improve the lives of women on many different levels.Willard was a strong president, but her “Do Everything” policy became the WCTU’s greatest downfall. It was an appealing cause because it sought to end a phenomenon that directly affected many women’s quality of life. Answer to: What caused the Temperance Movement? By 1901, federal law required “scientific temperance” instruction in all public schools, federal territories’ and military schools. The 18th Amendment In 1918 and 1919, the federal government passed the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution , making manufacture, transportation, and sale of "intoxicating liquors" illegal under its power to regulate interstate commerce. Temperance and abstinence became the objects of education and legislation in many regions. Lessons stressed that a person could become an alcoholic after just one drink and that most drinkers died because of alcohol. Women were active in the movement from the beginning.

Nation’s first husband, a doctor in the Union army, was an alcoholic. As the United States returned to life as usual in the 1870s, the next wave of temperance advocates set to work – this time with an aim at changing laws along with hearts. In 1881, the WCTU began to lobby for legally mandated temperance instruction in schools. What caused the temperance movement? Some of these advocates were in fact former alcoholics themselves. By tackling so many issues, it made little concrete progress on alcohol reform.

Nation did just that, and for the next 10 years she used axes, hammers and rocks to attack bars and pharmacies – smashing bottles and breaking up wooden furniture.

The movement culminated in the 18th Amendment in 1919.The Temperance Movement was caused by a combination of communal concern for alcoholism among the lower classes and a spiritual revivalism.Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions.© copyright 2003-2020 Study.com. The way she shaped the WCTU perfectly summarizes the multifaceted goals of the female-dominated temperance movement.