what if questions funny

What if everyone forgot everyone they ever knew, including themselves?18.
He loves coming up with questions, jokes, and topics designed to create natural conversation.

[,If Earth had another species as tech-savvy as us, we would probably be locked in a constant battle for supremacy. What if life were a video game, what would some of the cheat codes be?81. What if you had to choose between me and your job?55. What if everything you believed was taken away because someone lied?61. What if these question marks are replaced by exclamations???????13. Would we be serving reptilian overlords?Humans inspire humans. Some questions are designed just for fun, but others have suggestions for how they might be used to … Hypothetical questions can be a fruitful way to expand a conversation from dull everyday topics to something far more interesting and fun.. You can develop a set of questions to ask that are unique, outside the box, and have really memorable answers. What if you could change just the one thing in your past? 0. What if you choose one thing you could have forever, but you didn’t get anything else?47. What if we could upload our consciousness into a machine?6. [,If that asteroid hadn't struck, the dinosaurs would in all likelihood still rule the Earth.

However, gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn would not be able to exist, and the lack of such planets might spell doom for Earth by allowing more frequent asteroid impacts. The oldest bargain on offer, … You never know what kind of answers you're going to get, and that's what makes it exciting!

What if the world is coming to an end?28. What if mars has Earthquakes, would it be called Marsquakes?70. Avoid anything too dark or so personal that it might trigger someone who still struggles with bad memories. All the plants and animals that currently exist would collapse under their own doubled weight, and new, stockier species would arise. What if you were wrongfully put into an insane asylum, how would you convince them that you’re actually sane and not just pretending to be sane?95.

Sometimes you will play a game like “10 Questions” just for the fun of it because the both of you are extremely bored. What if you have an opportunity to travel around the world, where would be your first destination?49.

Kids especially will love our funny trick questions. What was the dumbest thing you ever did? What would you give up? . What if animals could talk which would be the rudest?78.

Most people choose questions that are either too obviously sexual or way too innocent. What if I murdered someone? You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. What’s more truly valuable, riches or … Tidal forces are so strong at a black hole's threshold (called the "event horizon") that they would stretch your body into a string of atoms as you fell into the abyss. Funny questions to ask are perfect for starting a conversation but we get it….
Which car could you drive for the rest of your life? What if there were fourth, fix, or even sixth-dimensional beings watching and evaluating our every single action?14. What if aliens from another Galaxy are just about ready to reveal themselves us?5. What if a deaf person had to go court, would it still be called a hearing?71. Eternal consciousness is bound to get old eventually, and what if there’s nobody around to flip the switch off?And our brains are still evolving to process these signals properly?At least you wouldn’t be haunted by dead batteries anymore.Or he just decided we’re on our own from there.A reality TV star as President? Pause a bit…What if your partner is playing the same game with you?You can also create more what if questions with anything you want to ask just by rephrasing your sentence. But experts think it's far more likely they would have been assimilated, interbreeding with humans to create a hybrid species. Without it, life may never have arisen, or living things would have very different behavioral patterns to cope with the six-hour day and extreme climate changes that would exist on a moonless Earth. Who was your first celebrity crush?

Surely you jest.We should all be always looking for new things to celebrate — no matter how small.Here is a downloadable and printable list of what if questions.What if questions are a whole lot of fun, but don’t forget to change it up once in a while. Researchers have speculated that intelligent "dinosauroids" might have evolved in humanity's place, based on the relatively large brain size of late-emerging trodontid species, which were bird-like predators. What if I asked you to move in with me?39. We have included a few old favorites to help kids feel smart. The 21 questions game has been around forever. What would you do?57. Be prepared for some surprises! Truth or Dare; Never have I ever; 21 Questions Game; This or That Questions; Dating.

What if I’m blasting my music and cannot hear my thoughts?92. If you could really sell your soul to the devil, what would you sell it for? Would you take a gamble or go with a safe bet?Asking this question itself is a great way to.This is a lighthearted question that still makes you think long and hard about what your decision would be.The beauty of these hilarious what if questions is that.This question really makes you rethink the tranquility of that “Sounds of Nature” album you fall asleep to.And if you spend enough time convincing him, will he eventually let you in?Well, do you personally know anyone who has tried to.Hopefully they don’t band together and start a mutiny.