what is udine italy known for

Alternatively, a zig-zag route up the castle hill will bring you, via the back door, to Udine's most dramatic and panoramic spot. This beautiful … With a population of 100,000, it is one of the most important towns in this corner of Italy, although it is not much known to tourists. After climbing the slope, you emerge by Udine's 'castle', the.Next to the castle is the church of Santa Maria del Castello (St. Mary of the Castle), remodelled several times since a devastating earthquake in 1511, but still containing some fourteenth-century frescoes. Sightseeing highlights include Gothic Loggia del Lionello, baroque Udine Cathedral, and the grand Piazza della Libertà.

Corn (maize) and some other cereals are grown in the valley of the Tagliamento, and there is market gardening around Udine. Crowned by the lofty Udine Castle, the provincial city of Udine—located in Friuli, northeastern Italy—is celebrated for its architectural beauty. There are also trains to Trieste and Gorizia. Food and drink is good, plentiful, and affordable, there are cultural and architectural sights, and the town has a pleasant, enjoyable atmosphere.If you are interested in seeing several of the town's attractions, it's worth considering a combined ticket. That’s a pity, because the university town is really worth a visit. Start planning for Udine In the centre of the historic old town is the wonderful Castle of Udine. All the principal museums in Udine are included in the scheme, and you also get a free audioguide At the time of writing there is a useful tourist ticket called the Friuli-Venezia Giulia (FVG) Card which includes admission to scores of museums in the region as well as other perks. You can buy the card at selected Udine hotels, and at the tourist information office.

Udine (pronounced Oodinay) is a provincial capital in the north-eastern Italian region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Not much information is known about Udine prior to its ownership by the episcopal see the Patriarchate of Aquileiain 983. Two small medieval canals flow through the town centre, sometimes hidden underground and other times making attractive additions to the townscape. After visiting the castle, the route down to the heart of Udine descends through an elegant arcade and beneath a large stone gateway, the Arco Bollani, which was designed by Andrea Palladio.Udine was ruled by Venice for many centuries, and the Venetian influence is particularly evident in the theatrical square below the castle,Udine's main shopping and promenading streets are in the area around Piazza Libertà and the town's other principal square, called,Back on the tourist trail, Udine's cathedral, the,One of Udine's proudest boasts is that it is the 'City of Tiepolo.' There are also combined tickets for Udine's museums.Located in Piazza 1 Maggio, under the castle hill, Udine's tourist information office is a good place to begin your tour of the town, picking up maps, information, audioguides or even free bike hire. In 1350, Austria intervened in the region and caused a number of factional problems for residents. His family h… Udine is the historical capital of Friuli. This region is situated in Italy's northeast and borders Slovenia and Austria. On top of the belltower is a large bronze angel weather vane. An extraordinary artistic journey towards modernity.The Natural Park of Migliarino, San Rossore, and Massaciuccoli, a green oasis within Italy, extends between the Province of Pisa and Lucca (in the...Lucca is a refined and noble city.

The area has been inhabited since the Neolithic age, and is believed to have been settled by Illyrians.

It has been Venetian, and Austrian, and as well as Italian you will also find signs written in Slovenian and a local language, Friulano. Udine's city buses are run by SAF, although since the centre is visitable on foot, tourists may not bother with these.I stayed right opposite the station in the convenient and friendly three-star. The cuisine in the Trieste area reflects the German/Slavic traditions of Venezia Giulia. It was annexed by Venice in 1420 and control over Udine was granted to Tristano Savorgnan, the leader of a family in the city. It is located around ten-fifteen minutes' walk from the railway station (see below for directions).From Piazza 1 Maggio, visitors can head through an old town gateway and along Via Manin to the heart of town. This varied area extends from the beach at Lignano Sabbiadoro - a popular destination for tourists - to the snowy mountaintops of the Alpine Foothills, Carnic Alps and Julian Alps. Udine urban bus travel is free to cardholders, as is travel on the Udine-Cividale del Friuli railway line. The Province of Udine is located in mideast Friuli Venezia Giulia, bordering Austria to the north, Slovenia to the east and, to its south, the Adriatic Sea. To reach the centre, cross the road outside the station and walk straight up Via Roma, continuing straight along Via Dante which then becomes Via Savorgnana. Venetian artist Giambattista Tiepolo (1696-1770) came to Udine early in his career to carry out important commissions, and has left an extensive legacy in the town. Udine's railway station and bus station are close together to the south of the town centre, about a ten-fifteen minute walk away.

However, rainfall in the north—the highest in Italy—favours the development of natural meadows for livestock, and the ham and dairy products of Friuli are famous. The more modern streets surrounding the historic nucleus are well-laid-out, and dotted with trees and pretty, well-maintained little parks.This attractive university town makes a good base for exploring Friuli, or for spending a day or two during a tour of north-eastern Italy. Tickets are very cheap although the commuter trains aren't particularly fast or comfortable. Udine has a well-ordered feel that is un-Italian. This can be bought for different time periods - when I visited, a 48-hour card cost €15. You can still see steps and sloping stones by the water which were designed as places for clothes-washing.Although it has been damaged several times by earthquakes and wars, Udine still retains an atmospheric historic centre, a grand piazza for admiring and another, ancient but less grand, for relaxing, and a lot of charm.