what was the second great awakening

The Second Great Awakening was a revival with a greater effect on society than any other revival in America and had a tremendous effect on American society by spawning a large number of social reform movements. Smith translated the story of these prophets using the seer stones, but he was required by Moroni to do so out of sight of anyone. He was the first to have an "invitation" calling people to the front to make a public witness of their conversion.Finney believed the gospel did not just get people saved, but it was also a means of cleaning up society. New Haven theology emphasized that a sinner is morally responsible for their own actions and not enslaved by the sins of Adam. Some people came over one hundred miles to attend the meeting; they prepared to camp out in wagons, tents, and makeshift shelters until a revival came. It gave them people agency in their own religious lives that Calvinism had denied them.The Second Great Awakening had several significant consequences. The Second Great Awakening, which spread religion through revivals and emotional preaching, sparked a number of reform movements. American religious leaders were deeply concerned by low church attendance; only about 10% of the white population was going to church.

The awakening rejected deism of the Enlightenment and skeptical rationalism. American religious leaders were deeply concerned by low church attendance; only about 10% of the white population was going to church.These leaders encouraged religious revivals across the country. The Second Great Awakening fundamentally changed the Christian faith in America.Samuel Hopkins (1721-1803) was a prominent New England preacher and theologist who developed a new understanding of God's nature called the New Divinity.

The Second Great Awakening commenced in the late 18 th century, gained momentum in the early 19 th century, and was at its peak in the middle of the 19 th century.

Read its summary including definition, people and events. He and his followers worked to make the United States a Christian nation.

Joseph Smith created the most lasting and influential of these religions - Mormonism.Joseph Smith had survived doing odd jobs in Palymra, New York. New religions began to sprout up in the United States. Lyman Beecher started the American Temperance Society in 1826 and it grew rapidly.

Finney preached a version of Hopkins' beliefs, the New Haven theology. The New Divinity upended long-held Calvinist beliefs and argued that people had the right and ability to choose right from wrong. New churches were started, and Americans, particularly women and African-Americans, returned to the Christian faith in large numbers. A revival known as the Second Great Awakening began in New England in the 1790s. Additional notions about female piety and a women's moral superiority convinced women that they had an important role to play.The biggest immediate beneficiary was the temperance movement. After Joeseph Smith was killed in the town of Nauvoo, Illinois in 1844, the community was forced to find a more remote spot to avoid conflict with other communities and ultimately relocated to Salt Lake City in 1847.While the story of the creation of the Mormon church is unique, it is just one example of a religious fervor that gripped the United States during the Second Great Awakening.The Second Great Awakening changed Americans' understanding of their relationship with God.

Americans, especially women, became active reform movements in anti-slavery, temperance, moral and prison reform, aid to the poor, and the care for the insane. Hopkins was not alone in the endeavor; both Jonathan Edwards and Joseph Bellamy contributed to the development of the New Divinity, but Hopkins has become most associated with these religious beliefs. The Second Great Awakening ultimately not only had an impact on American Christianity but on the culture of the United States.Why Did the Bretton Woods Economic System End?What is the History of US Presidential Scandals?How did the United States Escalate the Vietnam War?How did higher education develop in the United States?What Were the Results of the Second Seminole War?What is the history of socialism in the United States?What is the history of impeachment in the United States?What is the history of government shutdowns in the United States?The Democratization of American Christianity,The Market Revolution: Jacksonian America, 1815-1846,The Great Awakening: A Brief History Documents,https://dailyhistory.org/index.php?title=How_did_the_Second_Great_Awakening_change_the_United_States%3F&oldid=19994. Additionally, a person's holiness and sinfulness belonged to them personally. Moroni described a book of golden plates, two seer stones, and a breastplate.In 1827, Smith claimed that he found these objects on Cumorah Hill, New York. While God created a moral and judged people, he did not determine the outcome. First, it provided the spark for the 19th reform movements that swept across the country.