where is ruth bader ginsburg today

By clicking “I agree” below, you consent to the use by us and our third-party partners of cookies and data gathered from your use of our platforms. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg confirmed Friday that she has been undergoing chemotherapy treatment for liver cancer; saying she’s able to fully complete her duties on the court.“My most recent scan on July 7 indicated significant reduction of the liver lesions and no new disease,” she said in the statement. "2020 has been rough, but yesterday was Supreme," Solish wrote.Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg told The Associated Press that Ginsburg is a close friend of one of the families and the wedding was held at a private residence. Scans performed before surgery indicated no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body,” added the release.© Sean Hannity and Hannity.com 2020. His parents sent him to school anyway.POLL RESULTS: Cancel trick-or-treating? I remain fully able to do that.”.This is a developing story. Solish is the director of marketing and communications for the National Alliance on Mental Illness and Kazin works for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.In another tweet, Solish added, "And don't worry, we tested negative!" The focused radiation treatment began on August 5 and Ginsburg… The tumor was treated definitively and there is no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body. See our. The court issued an initial statement little more than an hour after the incident, saying only that Roberts had fallen and was taken to a hospital. Surgeries for tumors on her pancreas and lung took place in 2009 and 2018, respectively, and Ginsburg underwent radiation therapy for a new growth on her pancreas last year.By Supreme Court standards, Ginsburg was downright speedy in her most recent public announcement.

Ginsburg may simply be trying, to the extent she can, to protect the court and herself, from becoming a campaign issue in 2020,” said Artemus Ward, a political scientist at Northern Illinois University who has written about the politics of court retirements.Ginsburg started receiving chemotherapy in May, a time of year when the justices typically take the bench at least once a week to announce decisions, and when the public can observe them in the courtroom.Similarly, Chief Justice John Roberts suffered a forehead injury that required stitches on Father’s Day.

More:Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies, setting up nomination fight In an interview with USA TODAY in 2013, Ginsburg insisted she had not lost a … She maintained that she kept up with opinion writing and all other court work throughout her treatment and hospital stays.Emails detail effort to silence CDC and question its science,Massachusetts boots Wyoming off list of states exempt from travel rules,Elizabeth Warren voices support for Question 2 ballot initiative,Mass. A falsehood has been spreading in dark corners of the Internet that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead. 07/29/2020 09:14 PM EDT. The court revealed the procedure 10 months later, when Kennedy returned to the hospital to have the stent replaced.In July 2007, Roberts suffered a seizure while on vacation in Maine. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg today completed a three-week course of stereotactic ablative radiation therapy at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. The abnormality was first detected after a routine blood test in early July, and a biopsy performed on July 31 at Sloan Kettering confirmed a localized malignant tumor. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg officiated an outdoor wedding on Sunday, just weeks after her hospitalization in July. Ginsburg, who is 87, underwent an endoscopic procedure at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, on Tuesday afternoon to clean out a bile duct stent that was inserted last year. Sotomayor had a fall at home and Breyer suffered a bicycle accident. Only after inquiries from The Washington Post did the court confirm that Roberts had taken a fall that kept him in the hospital overnight.Ginsburg issued a statement on July 17 saying that a medical scan in February revealed lesions on her liver, which a subsequent biopsy determined were cancerous.