How to play 20 questions with your crush

Male figures seem to be people who reflect a man’s own values. All Rights Reserved. Your aim should be to become the most trusted confidante in all of his circles.See what’s on his mind and what his future, idyllic vision of heaven on earth really is.Sometimes we see ourselves in the fictional characters we like on TV or at the movies. On the other hand, a guy that picks unlimited love shows he is extremely caring and truly looking for his soulmate.Finding out whether he’s a rugged snowboarder who fights against the snow-topped mountain peaks or a relaxed surfer gliding along the waves can really give you an idea about his personality type.Another great way to find out more about his personality is to find out what genre of movies he enjoys. These games can make stilted conversation come to life! Instantly put him in a positive mood asking him … If you feel like taking a risk and don’t want to wonder about the potential of you two dating, be upfront and ask him if he’s interested.At one point or another, all of us have experienced...All it takes is a phone call from parents or...Have you ever experienced a strange ringing in your ears?...How can you frame wedding congratulations on your wedding card...Figuring out how to get free makeup from companies isn’t...Medium length hairstyles are the ideal lengths for busy ladies...Blogs are a great way to share your memories. This should always be the first question. You’ll be able to find twenty questions to ask a guy or girl you have a crush on, your boyfriend or girlfriend to get to know them better, a first date, or a good friend. If he says no, he might be a bit immature when it comes to the love game. While these games seem like child’s play, they’re actually VERY interesting when you’re making small talk with your crush. If he does share, he might be a joker who loves to mess around.Finding out what is an automatic deal-breaker for your potential man is just something you need to know to see your compatibility and also refrain from doing whatever it is his deal-breaker is.With this question you can find out exactly what type of boyfriend he is: a romanticizer or a bore-fest.This question might be a bit out there and upfront, but there’s no better way to see if someone is interested in you than to be completely honest. This is the much coveted “emotional connection” he will only get with a few women—the ones smart enough to go for his heart, not just his body.The lesson is keep things brainy and keep things “real”.Have you heard of the secret words that unlock a man’s heart and make him addicted to loving you and only you?They’re called “The Love Frames” and you’ll be BLOWN away by this…,…start treating you like a gentleman should…,…obsessively thinking about you when you’re not around…,…and treating you like the #1 priority in his life…,Then just use them on ANY man in your life…,Maybe your boyfriend, husband or fiancée…,And watch how he lights up when you’re around…,P.S. More importantly, it gives you insight into what kinds of women or scenarios he finds attractive.As you can see, these questions are icebreakers with the main intention of helping him to feel comfortable. If you had the chance, would you rather go back in time or take a trip into the future? The only hint is usually the question the oracle gave (e.g., "I'm thinking of someone we both knew in the past.") But you can change that, of course.Find out whether he’s a total pansy afraid of butterflies or if his fears are much greater and deeper than anything you’d thought possible.Here you will find out if he is the adventurous type, diving into the realms of hot spices or whether he’s an all American man who enjoys a pizza and a beer.Colors can actually tell a lot about a person. On the other hand, if he’s been involved with someone for several years, it could mean that he’s a romantic man looking for love.An important question because it could potentially be a deal-breaker. If they say yes, then they clearly care … If he chooses a subtle color like green or blue, he may be more relaxed while someone who chooses red may have a hot temper.This particular question may be a bit too personal for some, but if he chooses to answer it can tell you a lot about his dating habits.Another straight-forward question that will let you know right there and then if he’s interested. As the other players are asking the questions, the oracle must respond with either a "Yes" or "No," and … If you think that the questions that we provided do not exactly reflect who you are then you can always tweak them a bit and edit them according to your own preferences. Try out these 20 questions that will break the ice and help you get to know them better.This should always be the first question. If he says yes, you’re in the running for next girlfriend!If he says yes, than he will know a thing or two about romance.