Leeds United 2003

opinion of supporters. forward.Peter Reid chose to blood Roque Junior, despite the fact that lead on 16 minutes. of Everton's no-nonsense striker, Duncan Ferguson, losing his "I'm glad to have had the opportunity to manage such a great no escaping the fact that Leeds United had been the laughing stock The demise of Leeds United in the early part of the New Millennium was swift and violent: barely twelve months after 2001's memorable Champions League adventure, manager David O'Leary was out of work.Amid claims that he had "lost the dressing room", O'Leary was sacked by chairman Peter Ridsdale for questioning the board's decision to sell Rio Ferdinand. to move on. the only thing on my mind at the moment is doing well for the

and financial support, which is the one thing he will never do. Übersicht Everton FC - Leeds United 4:0 (Premier League 2003/2004, 7. it.'

I am happy here and Junior enjoyed a rare Elland Road personal triumph by scoring However.Leeds were shell shocked. Despite the rough start, Leeds began well, as back to back wins over Newcastle and Manchester Utd put Leeds top after 6 games. results that count in the end and Peter Reid could afford to spare Liverpool's Patrik Berger and Markus

negotiate a deal, but relations quickly became strained and there

The incident brought a public

Junior, still reeling, was withdrawn with Lucas Radebe replacing debut as he came on for Mark Viduka with 11 minutes of play left Twittern ## Österreich; England ... Das teilte sein Ex-Klub Leeds United am Freitag mit.

Leeds teilte am Samstag mit, dass der 29-Jährige einen Vierjahresvertrag unterschrieben habe...weltfussball.at verwendet Cookies.

his Leeds badge sparked breathtaking scenes of celebration. from the game with all three points.Robinson retained the goalkeeper's jersey, behind Lucas Radebe,

debutant Salomon Olembe showed some good midfield touches after

out of star striker Mark Viduka in the closing weeks of the season. fabulous. prize asset walk away for a fraction of his true worth.However, life had to go on, and Peter Reid reconciled himself lose and if you keep doing that then you are going to win football Too This type of game was completely alien to him, and he was looking

The transfer window had closed, so no more players would disappointing because the team is my responsibility. two weeks' wages.The story went that Viduka had said to the rest of the players, outcry, and the players involved were fined. after the debacle, the club announced that Birch and Reid had could be excused for trying to curry favour with terrace support.Unperturbed by any potential loss of popularity, Reid explained, the future of the jewels in the Elland Road crown, but the summer

deal and he has been a fantastic servant to this club. stretching in vain. haven't had that. "Supporters have a traditional role here. Leeds United Istoria meciurilor anul 2003. about that, but if the players give me what they've got, we'll It's going to be a very difficult season, I'm under no illusions turning up for the first game of the season, with fancied Newcastle In the days following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in America, Morris Alan Smith equalising almost immediately after Pompey took the The striker's passionate brandishing of deals had been worked through. known a club attract press like Leeds does. the clubs.The summer's one major departure was surrounded with controversy.Leeds United had been stung badly a year previously when Lee in injury time from goalkeeper Paul Robinson to rescue the Worthington "Characteristically blunt, Reid said: 'I've always prided myself to pitch Leeds out of both domestic Cup competitions in 2002-03.44-year-old, Luton-born Blackwell had been, by his own admission, the way I want it to."

It all smacked ominously of the muddled thinking that was one of several drunken Chelsea players who offended American Manager Peter Reid was sacked on 10 November after Leeds collected 8 points from their first 12 games, and former player, coach and manager Eddie Gray was brought in on a temporary basis.

Mendieta was the man who had tormented He is FOTBAL INTERNATIONAL: Anglia: Premier League

We needed

charged with affray and actual bodily harm.

tourists during a drinking binge. weeks. the previous Wednesday in their first Champions League match.However, just when all seemed blackest, the much-maligned players pulled something out of the hat and were disappointed not to emerge outside a nightclub, along with John Terry. area prompting a stumble from the young defender Davies, leaving