Mercy sentence

It'seemed to him that unquestionably there must be mercy for someone so unformed. Examples of mercy in a sentence, how to use it. The terrorists are completely without,28.


3. 5.

The boxer showed no mercy on his opponent as he beat him in the head over and over again. Neither side took prisoners or showed any,16. 2. I pray they will have mercy on you for your assistance. Have mercy on me. try its best to gather and build good sentences.24. …

In case of doubt it is best to lean to the side of mercy. After months of suffering, his death was a,29. Mercy in a sentence 1. Examples of Mercy in a sentence The defendant begged the judge for mercy, but the magistrate showed no leniency and handed down a life sentence. She went down on her knees, pleading for,23. He laced into the thief until he begged for,8. 4. You are showing your daughter mercy , Wynn said carefully. His life was at the mercy of the king. Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people.

Neither side took prisoners or showed any.12. We do pray you to show mercy. 11. - I should prefer to say that we… The boy was screaming and begging for,27. Looking up to the killer for mercy, the would-be victim begged the man not to pull the trigger. A poor widow Your father showed me mercy and you showed me kindness. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the.These examples are from the Cambridge English Corpus and from sources on the web.

He has also showed that when there's surplus to requirements at the club, no mercywill be shown. 4. 100 examples: Well, we must be thankful for small mercies. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets.Browse our dictionary apps today and ensure you are never again lost for words.The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word.Well, we must be thankful for small mercies.I should prefer to say that we are thankful for small mercies.At present the public are left altogether to his mercies.They should be thankful for what at the moment may seem to them to be small mercies.In these days of stricter control we must accept small mercies.Be that as it may we must be grateful for small mercies.All that one can say of the defence review, is that one looks for small mercies in it.One wonders whether that reduction will be sufficient to enable football clubs to improve their grounds, but we are grateful for small mercies.We are thankful for small mercies, and for a reduction in the telephone charges.At any rate, we must be thankful for small mercies, and that we have now been spared all that oratory.The men have been thrown on to the mercies of the receiver on two or three occasions.Although the mercies are small, we are grateful for them.On the basis of small mercies, perhaps the matter is better left there.To that extent we are thankful for small mercies.However, we must again be thankful for small mercies.The second principle is that there should be no handing-over of concentrated firms to the tender mercies of their competitors.We should be grateful for small mercies if this was a slim fee.I am intrinsically inclined to be thankful for small mercies.However, we must be grateful for small mercies.Perhaps one should be content with small mercies and expect, though perhaps not with much hope, that there will be some improvement in another place.We are told to be thankful for small mercies.I am sure that we will all be grateful for small mercies.Indeed, it is one of the mercies of the tangled story of the last six years that events have changed, sometimes imperceptibly, sometimes dramatically.Let us, however, be thankful for small mercies.However, we must be thankful for small mercies.I am at least thankful for small mercies.One should be grateful for small mercies, but they should not necessarily be held to be precedents.We have learned to be thankful for small mercies.They feel, however, particularly grateful for small mercies as they are handed out.I do not think that it is sufficient to say that we can be thankful for small mercies.I do not believe these young children under school-leaving age should be carried overseas and left to the mercies of people there.We must be thankful for small mercies and for the fact that "twixt the syrup and the cup" one-half has become one-quarter.I hope at any rate that we are not to be left to the tender mercies of the coalowners.If they are dismissed, they are cast upon the tender mercies of care in the community.They are at the tender mercies of the farmer or the landlord.In these days we have to be thankful for small mercies.I suppose we must be grateful for small mercies, and as there is a long night ahead of us we must leave it there.We—and the vulnerable constituents whom we serve—must be grateful for very small mercies.If so, we are grateful for small mercies.I suppose that we should be grateful for small mercies.We have to be thankful for small mercies.I suppose we ought to be thankful for small mercies.We are thankful for small mercies following a downturn of the kind seen after first reading.One says that one has to be grateful for small mercies.Although we are very grateful for small mercies, what we need is really dynamic action.I suppose that the appropriate phrase is being grateful for small mercies.I suppose that we have to be thankful for small mercies, but time will tell just how small this one is.My constituents and the rest of the country are now at his tender mercies.Editors would be left entirely at the mercies—probably the untender mercies—of the union, on the one hand, and the proprietors on the other.I should not describe these as small mercies.Let us be grateful for these admittedly small mercies.We are grateful for small mercies, but it is not much.We should be very grateful not only for the small mercies but for the larger ones.Again, we accept and are grateful for the smallest mercies.He rather toned down his remarks when he heard my pronouncements; we should be grateful for small mercies.We have to be content with small mercies.Although invariably it is not enough, we are thankful in many respects for the small mercies that we can get.Nevertheless, one must be grateful for small mercies.We are sorry that they have not had the wisdom to take over all of it, but we are grateful for small mercies.I suppose that we should be thankful for small mercies.I suppose we have to be thankful for small mercies.Perhaps we should be duly grateful for miniscule mercies.I never look a gift horse in the mouth, but am generally thankful for small mercies.The latter is thrown on the tender mercies of the open market.I hope that he will accept my suggestion that the timing is quite remarkable, and we are grateful for small mercies.I cannot remember another occasion; so let us be thankful for small mercies.I suppose that for these small mercies we should be grateful.We have to be grateful for small mercies, but these regulations do not go far enough.Whatever decision is taken, we will be thankful for small mercies.At this time of night, it behoves one to be very thankful for even small mercies.We must be content with small mercies as we get them.We must be relatively grateful for small mercies.We must help people to move, and to do this let us, for mercy's sake, lower the direct rate of tax upon them.Let us, however, be thankful for the mercies we have received.I suppose we must be thankful for small mercies.We know that the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.Therefore, we should be grateful for small mercies.If that is so, will he take it that many people fed up with increasing bureaucracy will at least be thankful for small mercies?I am grateful for small mercies and to have on the record an acceptance of one of my suggestions.We are grateful for what has happened but, having said that, it is for small mercies.One can only be grateful for these small mercies.How readily we accept small mercies and think they are remarkable.I suppose that one must be thankful for small mercies, because one would not have heard even that attitude expressed a few years ago.I utterly repudiate the idea of throwing them over to the tender mercies of other nations.I appreciate that the increase this year might have been larger and perhaps we should be thankful for small mercies.The prospect of being left to the tender mercies of vengeful colleagues was to cause many a loyalist to prefer corporate solidarity to promises of royal protection.Indeed, the thirteenth century had been prosperous, and works of,Women rebel against impersonal principles of morality which, when rigorously applied, ignore individual pleas for sympathetic concessions, for,All are equally weak, defenceless, and at our,The general pardons which invariably accompanied royal successions underscored,If such an act is to be exempt from punishment, it can only be by,Excused acts, by contrast, remain wrongful, and thus the grounds for exoneration must operate by way of,Citizens' wives and daughters were far more likely to be the subjects of petitions and pleas for,The chorus to which this theme acts as a ground bass movingly celebrates the triumph of omnipotence and,We also know that the best programs are at the,Applying for a job or handing in your notice: collocations for work (1).