am i bipolar or just happy

Like cocaine on a chocolate sundae, during sex, surrounded by kittens, while seeing God. I could see colours beyond the spectrum, other dimensions. It’s been eight years since I was first diagnosed with bipolar. I wrote until I needed an x-ray on my wrists to check they weren’t broken, tried to join the army and worked out a plan to become a YouTube sensation. But the feeling can be similar. After all, while neither is true happiness, both are incredible feelings and things I want to hold on to, regardless of their basis in reality. How I Tell Them Apart. But they can lead to trouble. Featured artist Destiny Belgrave. and an orig….Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. I was scared of the anaesthetic wearing off during the procedure and I couldn’t go through that,By the time my speech had become rapid enough to draw questions from my parents who have seen this all before, the delusions had started – a voice called ‘the earworm’ convincing me that I wasn’t sick because, if I really was, wouldn’t the medication work? Am I euphoric? The mind killer. Identifying a Manic Phase. But you know if you believe it if you surrender to the hope and you’re wrong, then you’re never coming back”.Right now I know I’m in for a world of hell as manic episodes usually precede depressive episodes and if a three week manic episode left me with eighteen months of depression I’m scared to think what four months of mania is going to turn into.Bipolar is often described as happy and sad, but to an extreme. It was beyond anything as petty as happy or good or confident or high. I hope one day to be one of those people, but in the meantime I’ll continue to raise awareness to at least hopefully get rid of the awful weather ‘jokes’.Ferris Knight is a Melbourne-based writer who occasionally puts some sentences together but mostly just drinks too much caffeine.Notice: It seems you have Javascript disabled in your Browser. Am I happy, manic or euphoric?

When I came down from my mania a day or two later and was able to recognize it for what it was, it was too late.I endeavor to always take a step back when I have a feeling of intense happiness, at least until I can identify it.

The TV sent me messages that I would write down and stick on my walls in coded colours. It simultaneously doesn’t feel that long ago while also feeling like it’s been a known fact since birth. Unlike mania, it isn't a high; rather, it is the lack of a low. I recently had my relationship destroyed and lost my house because of my anger.

After all, I know I was recently depressed and am no longer feeling so down. But I was going to beat them.The signs make no sense now, but at the time it was clear as day. That’s the trick. For me, there is a corresponding euphoria associated with coming up from that low.

That’s scary to think in some ways. This … This is because the fact that I couldn’t always swallow properly was finally recognised and it wasn’t worth skipping a dose because my throat was having a bad day.After doing twenty rounds of Electroconvulsive Therapy last year I decided to just try medication alone.
Needless to say, this sentiment was rather scary for her, and she went running for the hills. In between these two extremes, a person will have periods of normal mood. [share] Andra Badea. Bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression) is a mental health condition that causes extreme shifts in moods that alternate between “highs” (or mania) and “lows” (or depression). Bipolar disorder is an illness that produces dramatic swings in mood (amongst other symptoms). What has helped you?Jonathan Berg is a former non-profit executive who decided to chuck it all and become a travel blogger.

I've always heard that hypomania (between depression and mania) is sometimes called "good mania." In order to submit a comment to this post, please write this code along with your comment:Ramona is an empowering, global community of feminist creatives in the form of an online mag. A person with bipolar disorder will alternate between periods of mania (elevated mood) and periods of depression (feelings of intense sadness).