bender city

Formé au TSV Munich … (Regardez 1 et 2) La presse de Moldavie utilise aussi plutôt Bender que Tighina. Tighina est le nom roumain/moldave, tandis que Bender est le nom turc qui apparaît en 1538 lorsque le,Etant donné qu'il existe depuis des années un article.Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.,official law of territorial organization of the Republic of Moldova,,,licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions. Biographie. Справочник статистических показателей",Official website of the Supreme Council of Transnistria,Transnistrian News Portal Pridnestrovets.RF,Official website of the President of Transnistria,"Указ Президента ПМР №14 "О назначении главы государственной администрации города Бендеры,"Указ Президента ПМР № 120 "О временно исполняющем обязанности главы государственной администрации города Бендеры,"Указ Президента ПМР №138 "О прекращении исполнения обязанностей главы государственной администрации города Бендеры,"BENDER WEATHER BY MONTH // WEATHER AVERAGES",1930 Romanian Census data for the Tighina County,"Moldovan towns based on a censuses of 1897—2015","State administration of Bendery report for 2019 19.9 Mb",Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland,,_Moldova&oldid=973814573,Populated places under Transnistrian control,Articles with Romanian-language sources (ro),Articles with Russian-language sources (ru),Short description is different from Wikidata,Articles containing Russian-language text,Articles with unsourced statements from October 2013,Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2015,All articles containing potentially dated statements,Articles with Polish-language sources (pl),Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Son frère jumeau, Sven Bender, le rejoint en juillet 2017 au Bayer Leverkusen. Bender is not really transmitting "balance." Bender (signifiant « port » en turc) ou Bendery (translittération du nom Бендеры) sont les noms turc et russe de la ville moldave de Tighina (nom autochtone en roumain moldave, טיגינה Tiginh en yiddish). They were known as Tighina (Тигина,

The fortress of Tighina was one of the important historic fortresses of the.It is also the home town of former president of Romania, Prof. Dr.The city is part of the historical region of,The town was first mentioned as an important customs post in a commerce grant issued by the,In the 18th century, the fort's area was expanded and modernized by the prince of Moldavia,In 1713, the fortress, the town, and the neighboring village,During the second half of the 18th century, the fortress fell three times to the Russians during the,From 1940–41, and 1944–1991 it was one of the four "republican cities", not subordinated to a district, of the,Moldovan authorities control the commune of,Nikolai Gliga is the head of the state administration of Bender as of 2015,In 1920, the population of Bender was approximately 26,000. Les deux noms ont été officiels à tour de rôle ou simultanément. traduction bender dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Francais de Reverso, voir aussi 'blender',bend',bend over',bended', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques Tout les signes et les documents officielles en Moldavie utilisent Bender, et pas Tighina. First mentioned in 1408 as Tyagyanyakyacha (Тягянякяча) in a document in Old Slavonic (the term has Cuman origins ), the town was known in the Middle Ages as Tighina in Romanian from Moldavian sources and later as Bender in Ottoman sources. Il évolue actuellement au poste de milieu de terrain pour le Bayer Leverkusen en Bundesliga. Ensemble, ils sont vice-champion olympique 2016 avec l'équipe d'allemagne [2. Lars Bender est un footballeur allemand né le 27 avril 1989 à Rosenheim en Allemagne. The fortress and the city were called Bender for most of the time they were a rayah of the Ottomans (1538–1812), and during most of the time they belonged to the Russian Empire (1828–1917).

For the village in Vâlcea County, Romania, see,Location of Bender within Transnistria and within Moldova,Subdivisions and localities of Transnistria (,List of Heads of the state administration of Bender.Charles XII of Sweden first took refuge in a Moldavian house in the town, then moved to a house specially built for him in Varnița. Bien que située sur la rive droite du Dniestr, en Bessarabie, et ne faisant donc pas partie de l'unité territoriale (Unitatea teritorială din stînga Nistrului), elle est contrôlée par la Transnistrie (autodésignée comme répub…

Tighina est le vieux nom, qui n'est plus officillement utilisé en Moldavie depuis 1945. At that time, one third of the population was,"Tighina" redirects here.