best american cars of all time

When people think of American cars (particularly if they are from outside the U.S.), they think of a truck. Even though it has transitioned from a wagon design to a truck-based design, you can see (even in its earliest renditions) why it has maintained its popularity as a family mover.Chrysler’s minivans (the Dodge Caravan and Plymouth Voyager) were introduced in 1983 as a 1984 model. The Chevrolet Corvette first burst onto the scene in 1953. With every new model, the company seems to take things up a notch further. It was America's first muscle car, launching back in 1949, and was a true hit amongst car lovers.Nowadays, the vehicle lives on by often appearing in movies and television shows set in the past, with the Oldsmobile 88 being a popular choice of vehicle to depict the era.Another classic car that changed the game --and was a major hit within America-- was the Duesenberg Model SJ, which was the antithesis of the cheap Fords and Chevys that many people drove during the Depression.These vehicles were classy, hand-built, and were for those who didn't have to worry about money.With great style and elegance, the upper class would often be spotted driving around in a Model SJ. The “Rocket” V8 engine made it one of the first muscle cars available and it remains a symbol of the Rock ‘N Roll era to this day.The Packard Clipper’s styling is iconic even to this day. Still, the Dodge Caravan was one of the top 30 most popular models in the U.S. last year.The Dodge Viper has the distinction of being one of the “Most American” cars manufactured in the 2010s.

They were an immediate overnight sensation, with over 1 million Mustangs selling within the first 18 months of production.The Mustang created an entirely new automotive genre with the ponycar, designed with a specific demographic in mind: baby boomers. But the reason that it’s really on this list is that it delivered a racing-quality driving experience for under $45,000! Even as we enter a new era of automotive history with electric vehicles, American designs are leading the way thanks to Tesla’s Model S and Model 3 and Chevy’s Volt and Bolt!These days, things are much more spread out (across the country.The Auburn Speedster was the first of its kind in 1935.

It was favored by the rich and famous like Al Capone, Howard Hughes, Clark Gable, William Randolph Hearst, King Alfonso XIII of Spain, and the Wrigley family.It shouldn’t be a surprise to see the Ford F-Series on this list. It wasn’t even the electric car with the longest range when it came out. With its longer wheelbase, however, this effectively turned it into a pickup truck. Assembled in Indianapolis, this was the original luxury car and a status symbol for wealth. There wasn’t a single specific plant that manufactured the model, therefore has been assembled at nearly 32 of Ford’s US plants.It’s the granddaddy of all automobiles. As one of the first production cars to feature a full envelope body, the Clipper was extremely wide. The emblem of Big Three muscle cars, the Chevy Corvette is the most collected vehicle in America. It was designed to be a racing performance roadster with the luxuries of a “closed cabin” car.This rare version of the Buick Regal only had 547 produced. It also has the longest range of any electric car in production. They would have a major impact on the motoring world, helping to alter the way that Americans lived their lives. The two-seater wasn’t built to provide comfort on a long road trip. It’s blacked out aesthetic and large front grille earned it the nickname “Darth Vader’s car” or the “Dark Side,” in contrast to Mustang and Camaro competitors. At one time in America’s history, Detroit was the undisputed center of the auto industry, with company headquarters and assembly centers.During the 1960s, for instance, Ford and General Motors went head-to-head in a race to provide the best muscle car. It really stands out as one of the most historic and important cars to ever be created in America.Whilst this wasn't the first electric vehicle or even the first Tesla model, the Model S was the car that really took electric vehicles to a new level and helped change the landscape for the future of driving.The Model S is the best deal possible in the electric car market and that is why it has become so iconic so quickly, with it being the most luxurious mass-produced electric vehicle on the market.