carvel ice cream cake recipe

I am passionate about creating delicious real food recipes that don't take all day to make. If you continue to use this site it will be assumed you agree to our privacy policy. Living in San Francisco amidst the fog. Thank you so much for this amazing recipe Lindsay! This makes more sense. I think it would be ok to add in oreo cream. I used Tillamook’s banana split ice cream with Oreo cookie crumbles- next time I will buy a 2.5lb bag of knockoff Oreo cookie crumbles online from for $6.20 to save time and money. That is until my cake supply unfortunately ran out last week. Thanks for letting me know. Based on old-school carvel ice cream cake with cookie crumble! I’m currently going through withdrawal. Well, i would eat it by adding it too a few other oreos.

Put 3 cups vanilla ice cream in the container and spread it as evenly as possible. I suggest working quickly so the layers do not melt too much and change shape.Finally, finish by pressing the remaining cookie crumbles onto the sides of the cake. Here's an option that Carvel fans may want to try: Cover the sides of the pan with vanilla ice cream, as above. I cut the recipe in half because we only had 5 people.

Happy birthday – cannot believe it’s his 7th!It was a huge hit with all of the kids! I bet it would taste good on regular cake too.I don’t think mine would turn out this great, but my son would have LOVED this for his birthday! Will do for my son .This looks so fun! Stir and fluff with a fork. I know those are popular, but what I really like are the Carvel ice cream cakes.Have you ever had a Carvel ice cream cake? First up, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry combo for my hubby, and it is not his birthday. NOTE: I do NOT recommend using a food processor to crush the cookies as they wind up becoming too powdery, which makes the ice cream layers separate.Next, set your ice cream on the counter and allow to soften for 10 to 15 minutes. Made with layers of vanilla and chocolate ice cream with chocolate crunchies and fresh whipped icing, this confetti-decorated ice cream cake is a celebration in itself. Everyone loved it! Place in the freezer for one hour. This layer is the "bottom" of the cake and should be placed on the cake plate first with the cookie crumble facing up to the sky.If you are using the optional chocolate sauce, now is the time to give the cookie crumble a generous drizzle.When ready to serve, allow the cake to sit at room temperature for 5 to 10 minutes to make it easier to cut. You’re going to need to follow the steps carefully, but it will all be worth it in the end, I promise.To make this recipe as traditional as possible, I used just vanilla and chocolate ice cream, but feel free to use any ice cream and topping combinations you would like.I do not suggest using ice cream flavors with large chunks. Love this and can’t wait to try this ASAP. Not anymore! So, I read through some of the comments to see if you had already answered this question, but didn't read all of them, so, sorry if it's been asked, but do you think this method would work for making a layer of ice cream between two layers of cake? ). Set aside.If making ice cream, make the vanilla layer first. Allow the icing layer to be think enough that it doesn’t mix with the ice cream. This would halve the cake making time.I've been making ice cream pies (a la Baskin Robbins, essentially the same idea but in a graham-cracker crust) for a month or two now and loving the results.Reply

The ice cream melts fast when applying the whipped cream so a frozen serving plate will slow the melting. Looking for recipes for ice cream cake? What a disaster! Spread those chocolate crunchies in a uniform layer on top of the now-set chocolate ice cream base. While cake is chilling, whip heavy cream with vanilla to form stiff peaks. You don't want to work with entirely-melted ice cream because it will re-freeze differently.Give this bottom layer at least 2 hours to set.To kill some time (and maybe sneak a snack) while that layer's freezing, you can prep those chocolate crunchies.After patiently waiting, it's time to build the next layer.You've got at least another 2 hours to kill. thanks,Thanks for the recipe. It turned out really good but I made a few mistakes and really.I’m not going to lie, this recipe is one that’s going to take a bit of time and patience. So I decided to THM-ify the Carvel ice cream cake. Personalize with YOUR favorite ice cream flavors.Lift the cookie-topped cake layer out of the cake pan. I actually have a copycat Carvel Ice Cream Cake recipe. Take the container you earlier put the vanilla ice cream in and add the Oreo mixture and spread it as evenly as you can.When the chocolate ice cream is soft enough, add 3 cups on top of the Oreo mixture and spread evenly. Put 3 cups vanilla ice cream in the container and spread it as evenly as possible. The filling hardens like a rock and you cannot even cut through it. Pour mixture into your ice cream maker and churn about 20 minutes. Do not overbeat or you will end up with really sweet butter!Remove the cake from the freezer and ice the “cake” as quickly as possible. Or, you could let the kids have fun grinding them up in a storage bag. Since DH and I have the same birthday (yes, no kidding!) The version I made for his birthday party was a big rectangle cake with three layers (as requested). When we moved from NY to SC that tradition died since there were … !What a gorgeous cake! Please see full disclosure policy,We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website and track which posts you visit. This is also a great time to stick a large metal mixing bowl and the beaters from your hand mixer or stand mixer in the freezer. I like to place strips of parchment paper on the plate that I can later slide out and help keep the plate clean as I am decorating the cake. Not anymore! Whole Food.