extra questions of the fun they had

It tells us about the revolutionary changes that will come in the field of education in the 22nd century. How wonderful it must have been that the students helped each other with lessons as well! (iv) What did Margie think about the words?

She had hoped that it would be taken away for some time and she would be relieved of the trouble of taking so many tests.Tommy informs Margie that the book is not about their kind of school which has a T.V. It can also calculate the marks in no times. Without teachers, teaching would not be good because no one would be there to explain and to teach as well.

They turn yellow, crinkly pages of the book and are surprised to see still words in the book.They thought the old book to be wastage of resources, as it was to be thrown after one use. They studied together, played together.

The pages had turned yellow and crinkly. Compared to that, her present school is much too mechanical, boring, monotonous and demanding, and she hates it.Tommy found the ‘real book’ a waste as once read you, just throw it away. Her Mechanical teacher flashed on her television screen at a fixed time daily except on Saturday and Sunday. Thank you so much edumantra☺☺.Thanx !! She was awestruck to learn that children studied together and were taught by real persons in these old schools. They learn how to adapt themselves to the new surroundings and cope with strangers. Every school had its own buildings. (v) It was about ‘School’.Margie was scornful.

She was thinking about the old schools they had when her grandfather’s grandfather was a little boy. Schools that use paper books and that encourage mutual interaction between teachers and students will cease to exist.The story “The Fun They Had” by Isaac Asimov is about the year 2157 when every child has his own machine teacher and schools like today do not exist anymore.

The mechanical teachers and.tele-books will dominate the scene.

Those were the students who enjoyed studying in the school as such schools had a fun … These schools existed centuries before the time the plot of the story is set in. (i)A teacher should be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl. Then with the change of time Gurukuls changed into schools. (iv) Here ‘they’ refers to ‘men as teachers’ in the past schools.16. Their learning schedule is also flexible and gives them enough time to have fun. Men teachers taught in them. He was trained to identify and rectify errors in the functioning of the system installed in the mechanical teachers.The County Inspector was certainly a kind-hearted man. The book is really old and the pages are yellow and crinkly. (ii) Why did the man have a box of tools? She feels that learning was more fun in those days because hundreds of children had the opportunity of congregating and studying together with the help of human teachers and printed books.

It taught her how to add the fractions 1/2 and ¼.Margie could not concentrate on the arithmetic lesson because her mind was pre-occupied with the thoughts about the school that Tommy had just described her. (iii) What did the kids learn in the old school? the fun they had pdf the fun they had solutions the fun they had story the fun they had class 9 the fun they had summary the fun they had by isaac asi ... (Extra Questions and Answers) 1) What did Margie write in the diary and why? She was eleven and hadn’t seen as many telebooks as Tommy had. They are neighbours and spend time together like children of their age usually do. It was easier for them to help one another. Kudos to team edu mantra!its good but dont you think its quite long and there are some unnecessary question and a student dont hv time to read such a long thing….so basically u should hv wrote down some impo question and some impo value based question,these question are very helpful.

They sat together and studied the same subject. I think the geography sector was geared a little too quick. And a helpful website also during exams for extra help.Really a big thanks for ur interest in us.can u pls send all this matter (this very page) to me as it is really very very good.Scholar Isaac Asimov was one of the 20th century’s most prolific writers, writing in many genres.

Margie hates it the most because she has to work hard to punch code for answering homework.The Fun They Had’ is a futuristic story. No student would like the environment, it would be like an office. On the page headed 17 May 2157, she wrote, ‘Today Tommy found a real book!’ It was a very old book. More specifically, the narrative deals with the future of education which will become increasingly Computerized and estranged from social interactions.The author’s message is one of warning against the dangers of computerized homeschooling which deprives children of the benefits of the personal interactions between students and teachers, which help them to develop many social skills.The title quite suits the story, “The Fun They Had”.

He published his first novel, Pebble in the Sky, in 1950.

They get an opportunity to share their experiences and help each other. There is a single mechanical teacher having various sectors geared up according to the level of the child. Whenever she noticed a snag in Margie’s tele-teacher, she sent for the County Inspector to get the snag removed so that Margie did not miss Out of her school and learning.The County Inspector worked as a technical expert. It was in the room next to her bedroom. If the mechanical teacher develops any fault, there are engineers to repair it. (iii) Each kid should be taught differently as per his/her level of understanding. Each student has to sit and study alone with the help of the mechanical teacher. Schools were huge buildings where a lot of activities could be carried out by students in groups.