feud sentence

Their,Here, again, Ultramontanism has done much to aggravate the pernicious,Despairing, as it would seem, of discovering the higher wisdom that the more philosophic of the priests supposed that religion to conceal, the simpler-minded sought to work out their own salvation by restoring the worship of the gods to its most primitive forms. Whether it was due to his feud with Stremov, or his misfortune with his wife, or simply that Alexey Alexandrovitch had reached his destined limits, it had. Jennifer Aniston believes a new baby will help end her long-running,Julia Roberts has spoken to her mother for the first time in six months healing a bitter family,Philip's war with Edward I was the result of a long-standing,The girls were shot dead - innocent victims caught up in a bloody,Is he aware of what appears to be a loyalist,Strome Castle, overlooking loch, blown up during 1603 clan,So the insidious campaign against walking poles continues and, not wishing to see a good vitriolic,insufferable snob, who sees the ball as the perfect opportunity for a family,It is also the first instance of that bitter,There were only Asmonean princes, degenerate and barely titular sons of Levi, to serve as judges of Israel - and they were at,A conflict of interest and of bias led to contradictory action, and this conflict was increased in his case by his father's residence in England, his own upbringing at the English court, his family,Some upheld a rival claimant to the throne in Tvrtkovic, a legitimate son of Tvrtko, and all took sides in the incessant,Krajina and all along the Montenegrin frontier, Moslems and Christians carried on a ceaseless,The rivalry between the two families was intensified by their efforts to extend their authority in the region of the middle Main, and this quarrel, known as the "Babenberg,Armenia inclined to the civilization and ere long to the Christianity of Rome, whilst her Arsacid princes maintained an inveterate,while over all are heard the raucous caw of the raven (karasu) and the harsh scream of the kite (tombi), between which and the raven there is perpetual,No longer armed or wearing their former singular dress, the remnant of them in Lebanon seems likely ere long to be assimilated to the "Osmanli" Moslems.

Examples of Feud in a sentence. ‘The bitter feud between Magnier and Ferguson ended last March with the football manager accepting a one-off payment of £2.5m from Magnier to buy out his rights.’ ‘Feelings were running high as North Wiltshire District Council's planning committee voted to defer the decision for more information in the latest round of the bitter feud.’ they were attacked by Hannibal, with whose friends the Insubres they had a long-standing,Niall Garve O'Donnell (1569-1626), who was incensed at the elevation of his cousin Hugh Roe to the chieftainship in 1592, was further alienated when the latter deprived him of his castle of Lifford, and a bitter,Young Lisle was shot under the beaver by an arrow, and the,There may have once existed in Hebrew a story of the deadly,The winds from the north and those from the south are at constant,It is only for geographical purposes that we include this district under Attica, for both the Dorian race of the inhabitants, and its dangerous proximity to Athens, caused it to be at perpetual,Even in the first days of the Convention the,Of later subject are the sagas of Havard and his revenge for his son, murdered by a neighbouring chief (997-1002); of the He15arirgasaga (990-1014), a typical tale of a great blood,The first (870-980), after noticing the migration of the father and grandfather of the hero poet Egil, and the origin of the,Among them are the sagas of Thorgils and Haflidi (I118-1121), the,This diocese, and indeed the whole of Bavaria, was then disturbed by the,Both these killings were part of the continuing,Have a good life. a state of long-standing mutual hostility. Blood-feud sentence examples. Wiki User 2011-06-07 13:50:10. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">.These examples are from the Cambridge English Corpus and from sources on the web.

There is a long standing feud between mine and my cousin’s families, which is why neither of us will attend the other family’s weddings. In the meantime his wife bragged to the neighbours that they would now get Iván sentenced and would have him sent to Siberia, and the feud began.

The government has vowed to act and has mooted a law which would raise the sentence for a blood feud killing from 25 to a minimum of 40 years' imprisonment. The two had a feud about something and haven't spoken in. decided to move. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">,Example from the Hansard archive.