piles medicine name

This may be due to:The tendency to develop piless may also be inherited and increases with age.A doctor can usually diagnose piles after carrying out a physical examination. Piles can be treated using simple, natural home remedies without any side effects.Diagnosis of piles is done with the help by visually inspecting the piles via an instrument called a proctoscope. Hemorrhoids are collections of inflamed tissue in the anal canal.

Do not use two or more medications at the same time unless advised to by a medical professional.While they can be painful and debilitating, piles do not usually pose any ongoing threat to health and can be self-managed up to grades III or IV. A proctoscope is a hollow tube fitted with a light. Included is detail on diagnosis and risk factors.Thrombosed hemorrhoids: What you need to know.Thrombosed hemorrhoids happen when sacs in the anal passage get pushed onto the outside of the anus and fill with blood clots. Click on the drug to find more information including the brand names,dose,side-effects, adverse events, when to take the drug and the price of the drug.Benzocaine is a local anesthetic used to treat painful conditions such as mouth ulcers, sore throat, before inserting instruments into the rectum or vagina for examination.Cinchocaine is a potent amino amide local anesthetic, prescribed to relieve itching and pain caused by minor burns, sunburns, cuts, scratches, insect bites, poison ivy and in ear drop solutions.Docusate is a stool softener, prescribed for constipation.Hydrocortisone is a corticosteroid, prescribed for severe allergies, arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis and skin conditions.Hydrocortisone Valerate is a corticosteroid, prescribed for various skin diseases.Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), prescribed for mild to moderate pain, inflammation and fever.Lidocaine is a local anesthetic, indicated for local or regional anesthesia.Methylhesperidin is a flavanone glycoside which is usually found in citrus fruits.Paracetamol is a non-opiate, analgesic and antipyretic, prescribed for headache, pain (muscle ache, backache) and fever either alone or combined with other medications.Rutin plays a significant role in treating edema, small blood vessel disease, varicose veins (enlarged veins), venous insufficiency, venous hypertension, superficial vein thrombosis, mouth ulcers associated with cancer treatments, and hemorrhoids.Are there any Home Remedies to Treat Hemorrhoids?Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate Inj. They can be painful and uncomfortable, but there is a range of treatment options…,Foods to eat and avoid for a hiatal hernia.Hiatal hernias occur when part of the stomach enters the chest cavity. View list of generic and brand names of drugs used for treatment of Hemorrhoids (Piles ). Piles Medicine (piles-medicine.com) is an informative website about piles. If piles are at the initial stage, it can be resolved with … They will examine the anus of the person with suspected piles.The doctor may ask the following questions:For internal piles, the doctor may perform a digital rectal examination (DRE) or use a proctoscope. Piles-Medicine refers Ayurvedic treatment for piles. They can take a small tissue sample from inside the rectum. Hemorrhoids, also spelled haemorrhoids, are vascular structures in the anal canal.

Best Piles medicine in India. Do not use them for more than 7 days in a row, as they can cause further irritation of the area and thinning of the skin. Early intervention with therapies like homeopathy can prevent surgery for hemorrhoids.Constipation, or difficulty passing stool, is a common digestive complaint and is a symptom of gastrointestinal abnormalities and preventing constipation is done by treating underlying disease.Piles, also known as hemorrhoids are enlarged, painful veins in the rectum.

MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. This can include:External piles form small lumps on the outside edge of the anus. In this condition, for the complete cure, persons require the best medicine for piles in India.